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Messages - quaziemomo

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no, its not ok, it's just most do not take people who accuse anyone that rapes them, hackers, very seriously.

You're talking out of your ass bro - you don't even know me.

I've played you as many aliases, and 90% of the time, you'll tell us in mm2 that the opponents hack, or openly exclaim it.

You have no proof, just a little whine and accusation. noone else has seen hacks in this demo, and the people that have watched it are far more wise, intelligent and experienced than someone called quaziemozo who nobody knows.

will your newbie ass stop saying people hack. the only hack is me and krez and dahang thats it !!!

Acid, you'll need some practice before anyone accuses you of hacking.

I remember when Krez used to say he was the only legit player left.. lol - aced idiot

It's ok Acid, I'm sure DaHang will let you pretend you're the same caliber of player, but we all know Bigglesworth get's angry far too often   :sorry:

no, its not ok, it's just most do not take people who accuse anyone that rapes them, hackers, very seriously.

You're talking out of your ass bro - you don't even know me.

Lot of people can beat me that I don't say hack - I play Mobb all the time, we're pretty well matched then suddenly the next day everything changed and his rails are 300% better and he's hitting constant corner shots.

This is the only person I've posted a demo about saying something doesn't seem right. Anyone else I've mentioned came from someone else posting about them or them being caught in the past, like Bl00d or Detect0r or Adren being on a parsed user name list. That's about it.

I know a lot more people cheat, it's always been that way but I only make an accusation when something can't be explained and doesn't feel right, what's wrong with that?

Sudden 63.5% rail + stop using Anticheat + someone I play all the time that never has that kind of accuracy or prediction, I think my post was totally justified. So, he's either been faking for the last month + pretending he sucks or he used something for a game or two for bragging rights. I decided to choose the more likely answer....

I didn't post this for a flame war, I posted because I had some evidence of something. Keep your flames to yourself, I wasn't the kid who stole your lunch money in school.

I watched most of the demos here where multipule people are saying, def a hack. Most of them looked less blatent than this, am I missing something?

Is it ok to hack now? Seems like more people just don't care if someone is using a hack or not. Maybe I'm one of the few that didn't get in the 1337 club or something - I guess I need to start looking around to see whats available.

So, Mobb for some reason really wanted to 1v1 me. He get's to trash talking and starting crap with me out of no where. We duel all the time and the matches are close, sometimes he wins sometimes I win. Then suddenly his rails are just godly and don't miss. Corner shotting me and having predcition like he's never had in previous games. I do an aclist and notice for some reason he's stopped using AC as well. I was convinced someone was playing for him until I saw this demo, now I kinda think he was just using something, what do you guys think?

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: for quaz
« on: January 24, 2007, 04:54:27 PM »
First of all - I'm not the one that started this post, it was fluster panties the cheater there - and I never claimed i had anything to post here (that would be creditable) as "public" proof (yet) anyway.  I said I saw a log posted in a (private) forum from the guy who re-coded the proxy. If I had something that I could send to Quadz that would was solid and undeniable, I would have sent it already, not just  because Adren cheats, but because he's a cock sucker about it too.

So -you'll just have to either wait, or open your eyes a little bit and stop just blinding trusting poeple just because they've been around a while.  :oksign:

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: for quaz
« on: January 24, 2007, 01:47:39 AM »

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: for quaz
« on: January 23, 2007, 08:17:28 PM »
why would anyone think that he cheats lol

I pretty much just explained everything in detail..........................

If you're suggesting his aim and prediction are not that great, it has nothing to do with that. Read the post again... I'm not sure what part you don't understand about the explination.

1v1 and TDM Demos / Re: for quaz
« on: January 23, 2007, 08:07:59 PM »
I said Adrenal1ne cheated before we even played. As we played he did a ton of really wallish stuff. The reason I said he cheats is because his alias |D|Adrenal1ne, showed up in a log parse that was posted in a private forum for people using a version of a rehacked Badouls proxy which was private and released in a public forum for a bit (aimbot and wallhack for those who don't know). Actually, in this particular demo, my teamate was the first one to say he thought Adren was cheating, I alaready knew he was a cheater. I know there's a few cheaters that still linger around in Q2. Most of them are fairly good at it and have been doing it for so long that everyone thinks they're legit now (except for the fact that this particular hack sends your alias and IP address to an IRC channel). I really don't care that he cheats, I just wanted him to know I knew.

If he really felt like he didn't cheat, i doubt he would have gotten so upset about it. Hell if I didn't cheat and someone said I did, I'd be like "yeah mofo, I own" but, if I did cheat I'd probalby do what Adren did and cry about it here hoping to get people to back him up and call me names and say what a "noob" i am.

Quake / Re: Tyr - Genious Q2'r or...? Demo inside
« on: January 06, 2007, 12:23:14 AM »
Yea I just started playing q2, just a few weeks ago and I kinda got the hang of it really fast, I'm not a genious, but my IQ is about 150 so yea I'm not the Average Joe. And I'm getting addicted to it!!!

Quake / Re: Tyr - Genious Q2'r or...? Demo inside
« on: January 05, 2007, 09:35:42 PM »

I didnt know I would cause such a commotion.

Quake / Re: Tyr - Genious Q2'r or...? Demo inside
« on: January 04, 2007, 04:55:38 PM »
Quote from: [EoM] <((ViBeS))> on January 04, 2007, 04:13:02 PM
Quote from: [EoM] <((ViBeS))> on January 04, 2007, 04:13:02 PM
Quote from: [EoM] &lt;((ViBeS))&gt; on January 04, 2007, 03:44:36 PM
Quote from: [EoM] <((ViBeS))> on January 04, 2007, 03:44:36 PM

plain and simple

But, not easely accomplished. sKILL and experence does that.


Wow - so explain how exactly someone is able to predict, (over and over) when you make a jesture from at Bottom RL to Ele and they're by mega ledge with rail. We're talking about a jesture, no footstep sounds, no showing yourself, just moving a slight bit as if you might start to go, but you don't and they shoot. Do please explain the simplicity of that.

I will be pleased to explain the simpicity.

as in my previous post," plain and simple"

Requires sKILL and experience.

Is there ANY part of " sKILL and experience" you do not understand ?

no sound? no shards PU ? no footsteps? I think not.

However, if it's a hack, they will get busted.


Yes, the part of "sKILL and experience" I do not understand is the part I mentioned.... I don't think I'm the one with the comprehension issues.

You actually contradict yourself by saying "if it's a hack, they will get busted" since you already stated that it's "sKILL and experience", leading us to believe you're actually confused and have no real opinion.

Then again, my wager says you didn't even watch the demo's and you're padding your post count with useless drivel that does not contribute to the topic in any real way.   :rockon:

Quake / Re: Tyr - Genious Q2'r or...? Demo inside
« on: January 04, 2007, 03:52:52 PM »
Quote from: [EoM] &lt;((ViBeS))&gt; on January 04, 2007, 03:44:36 PM
Quote from: [EoM] <((ViBeS))> on January 04, 2007, 03:44:36 PM

plain and simple

But, not easely accomplished. sKILL and experence does that.


Wow - so explain how exactly someone is able to predict, (over and over) when you make a jesture from at Bottom RL to Ele and they're by mega ledge with rail. We're talking about a jesture, no footstep sounds, no showing yourself, just moving a slight bit as if you might start to go, but you don't and they shoot. Do please explain the simplicity of that.

Quake / Re: Tyr - Genious Q2'r or...? Demo inside
« on: January 04, 2007, 03:48:13 PM »
and this is exactly why anticheat.dll is absolutely the best anticheat that will most likely ever be available for q2.

i wont get into why, but ac will catch even wallers with custom written wh's.

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