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Messages - Sgt.Flaherty (US Army)

Pages: [1]
/dev/random / Pvt.Towl!e
« on: October 29, 2006, 08:32:15 PM »
Mr.Towl!e (Nick Brock) at the age of 21, has joined the US army forces and is bieng sent to iraq. I am only telling you this because he asked me,He has told me this Quake 2 website/Forum. Mr. Towl!e has been sent only for a 2nd degree (3 months) time period at iraq. His last sayings that he wanted me to tell you people is

"If I die at war, I will remember each and every one of the tastyspleen Q2 gamers and friends." --------------- " Q2 is the game that helped me train for the US Army reserve, the skills of DM have helped a lot. I thank all of the Q2 makers for such a great game they made."--------------"Mom and Dad, I will always remember you, I love you guys with all my heart, and same with my family. God bless America."-----------------------------------------

To learn more of the US Army reserve Check out ------

Thank you for your parcipitation, and the listnings of this beloved soilder---Sgt.Flaherty

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