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Messages - jinxlock

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: How many Q2 servers can you put on one physical server?
« on: October 10, 2006, 03:55:15 PM »
What are the advantages of custom compiled kernals for q2 servers and are there directions somewhere on how to custom compile kernals for q2?

Quake / Re: How many Q2 servers can you put on one physical server?
« on: October 10, 2006, 03:52:14 PM »
Wow thanks for the information I had no idea there were security issues.

Quake / Re: How many Q2 servers can you put on one physical server?
« on: October 04, 2006, 07:20:50 AM »
Thanks for getting back to me that is great news! Right now the school only has a 4 meg connection and 150 students :( But we may be getting a 20 to 100 meg connection in the next year. If we do I will put up a public LMCTF server for sure!

Quake / How many Q2 servers can you put on one physical server?
« on: October 03, 2006, 01:11:53 PM »
Hey I am setting up some Q2 servers (Rocket Arena, LMCTF) and this is the first time I have done so.

My server has

Dual Pentium 3 -  2 processors - 756 mhz each
512 Megs of Ram

Does anyone know if this could handle Rocket Arena 16 player AND LMCTF 16 Player at the same time? Or do I need to put them on seperate servers? These servers will be private and on a LAN.


Quake / Re: Need Help setting up a Q2 Rocket Arena server
« on: October 03, 2006, 01:05:34 PM »
Thanks for getting back to me so quick! I put the RA  pak0.pak, pak1.pak and pak2.pak files into the /quake2/baseq2 and It works now! Sweet thanks!

Quake / Need Help setting up a Q2 Rocket Arena server
« on: October 03, 2006, 12:11:30 PM »
I am trying to set up a private Q2 Rocket Arena server for some kids in a boarding school. I have a SUSE linux server and I have installed Q2 and I can get the regular Deathmatch server up and running fine with no problems. However I installed Rocket Arena and I cant get the RA maps to work. When I run the server with the +exec server.cfg command I get an error:

Can't find maps/ra2map1.bsp

If I leave the +exec server.cfg command out when I run the server the RA2 mod works but I get the regular Q2 maps it starts out with base1.

Am I supposed to create a /maps directory? I could not find any mention of it in the help files I am using.

Here is my server.cfg:

//normal config file
set hostname "Rocket Arena 2"
set timelimit 40
set fraglimit 40

//change this to something harder to guess, up to 8 digits
set admincode 1234

//comment these two lines out if you do not want a public server
//set public 1

//comment these two lines out if you
//are running on a LAN, or if quake2 crashes after the first frag
//set logfile 2
//set netlog

map ra2map1

If anyone could please help me figure out what is wrong I would really appreciate it.


Quake FAQs, HOWTOs, and Articles / Re: Sticky: tastyspleen servers list
« on: September 25, 2006, 11:59:57 AM »
Hey I am setting up some Q2 servers (Rocket Arens, LMCTF) and this is the first time I have done so. I was wondering how many physical servers you folks use for your many server. Are there any issues with putting multiple servers up on one physical server?  I have a Dual Pentium 3 -  756 mhz processors with 512 Megs of Ram just wondering how many servers I could stack up on it, 20 players per server, without any degredation. Since you folks have so many servers I was wondering if you have any tips or if there is a thread concerning server administration. Thanks for the great servers!

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