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Messages - spl1nter

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Quake / Re: How bout a mercy un-mute?
« on: October 06, 2022, 12:16:52 PM »
Thanks RailWolf! 

Quake / How bout a mercy un-mute?
« on: October 04, 2022, 12:01:50 PM »
Lesson learned, apologies, how about an unmute? Been like this for a couple weeks I think?



3 / Re: Tastyspleen - Donate Button!
« on: August 01, 2021, 08:41:00 PM »
$10.61 Monthly autodonate applied.

Thanks and condolences again. Let's all keep Quadz memory alive by keeping this community alive!


Quake / Re: Quadz, the Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
« on: July 13, 2021, 05:02:32 PM »
Hey all, Spl1nt3r here, (yeah yeah).

I did not know Quadz, but based on the comments here from people I have played Q2 with for many years, it's clear that he was a superb person and I feel the pain of his, and your loss. Sincere condolences to his family and friends.

I would like to offer support, financial, time or otherwise, to keep the servers up & running. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to contribute.

This community has been around a looong time, and although all relationships here are virtual for me (never met anyone IRL), I've been playing Q2 with many of you for what is approaching 2 decades. I would hate to see this small group dissipate and I hope I can help prevent that from happening.

I'll check in regularly to see what's happening. Again, condolences to the family and community.



Quake / Re: The Who is ? UNALIASING THREAD!!!
« on: December 05, 2015, 10:19:16 PM »
Might as well hop in here to join the convo.

Yeah, I realize I talk a lot of shit on the server....gotta get the stress out somehow. I actually like a LOT of the players that I've been playing against regularly for years. Even some of the elevator campers are entertaining.

If it upsets people, I'll stop talking shit. Agreed, there are some players who can beat me regularly, but my record is pretty good; I'm satisfied with it.

As far as Gay Me, I have no idea who it is. There's another player always at ~47 ping, who uses 4-5 aliases per day (but always plays the same). Don't know who he is either.

So there ya go, I've surfaced for a human conversation. Go ahead and rip if you like.


PS: I do find it flattering that I have an admirer, even if he's gay me...

Problem SOLVED!

Special shout-out to Ely, Pan and Friar as it turns out the AC .dll was the culprit. Deleted it, and all is back to normal.

I guess I'm still playing this game, with the same 25 guys, after 16 years because it's a solid and selfless group. Don't know what I can do to repay the favor but I'll certainly be keeping an eye on the forums from now on.

Thanks to everyone for their input in this thread, and see you on the servers.


OK guys, THANKS for all the suggestions. One bright point: I specifically included the anticheat.dll when I dragged everything to the new machine b/c I got tired of a few players giving me the "wah, bot/cheat, Spl1nt3r doesn't use anticheat" comments (Alpha & Elysium, I'm sure you know the 3 or 4 guys I'm talking about). I thought trying to run AC would help.

I'll try all the suggestions in order, but will also try to avoid a clean install if possible.

Thanks again for the killer feedback and willingness to help. It's all you guys that keep a (truly fun) archaic game going, years after its time.



I give up...or rather, I'm open to any more suggestions. It runs 1 out of 50 tries. Otherwise it crashes within 5 seconds of connecting to the server.


Btw, are you using r1q2 or the stock q2 executable?

I'm using r1q2.  Unfortunately it is far from a 'clean' install...I've been dragging the directory from machine to machine over the lifespan of 4 or 5 desktops. Do you think I should do a clean install from scratch, maybe just save my CFG file(s)? If so, are the files available? Would I have better luck with q2Pro?

I checked BIOS, it's up to date (this new 8.1 comp is only 4 days old).

r1q2 runs fine on its own, I can choose a map and run around no problem. It's something that makes it crash when connecting to the (any) server. Also, I'm launching it through Gamespy 3D, which is also way out of date and no longer supported....although it crashes even if I just launch the game from a command line, and then connect to a server.

Still crashing, although it ran for 45 minutes just fine around dinnertime tonight. Go figure.

Thanks again,


Tried getting it to run with the compatibility testing help provided in win 8.1, it ran for a day or so, but after a reboot it won't, and apparently won't repair. I'll keep trying.

Could be a graphics issue I guess, nVidia GT 640 card came with my comp, but it DID run for a while.

I'll check the BIOS and see what I can find.

Thanks again for all the to come after BIOS inspection!



Oh, and I can get it to run....for 7 seconds, then it crashes. Stumped.

Hello Crew,

Although I'm sure many are glad (wtf!), I can't seem to get Q2 to run on my new Win8 / Core i7 machine. Any tips would be appreciated as far as re-downloading the client and/or PAK files, etc. I don't even know where to start.

Thanks in advance,


Hey D,

no more WTF :D. The r1q2 mod has apparently cured all my ills. w0ot!


14 da man! I'll give it a try!


Hello hive mind,

I've been playing Q2 since it came out, and I just moved to a quad core processor with a new nVidia 8800 GTX graphics processor, and my performance has become craptastic. I'm sucking at FFA, and my jump performance seems to be suffering too. I changed the multithreading option to "off", which helped, but I have some basic tweak questions...since I know jack about graphics cards:

1) What settings can I tweak? I don't know anything about antialiasing, vertical sync, etc....any help would be appreciated.

2) what about OpenGL drivers? Is there something other than the Q2-included "default OpenGL driver" that I might be able to try?

3) Is my optical mouse the problem? Do I have to revert to a rollerball mouse?

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I know this game is a dinosaur, but I love it...and would like to get my performance back.



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