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Messages - Tear777

Pages: [1]
Bot Drop / Re: Masta botting Needs to be banned (again)
« on: July 31, 2006, 08:17:46 PM »
By the way, I only read the first page of this topic before I posted, I did not notice the other 2 pages. So, dun know if I missed anything influencial. Later...  -Daniel/Tear777

Bot Drop / Re: Masta botting Needs to be banned (again)
« on: July 31, 2006, 08:11:38 PM »
Hiya, I know many people concider me to be a newb, and in a world with an unnatural number of leet players, maybe I am. But, that doesnt mean I'm not oldschool, cause I am, I played Doom 1 online, anyway. The reason I am posting is because: It is my personal oppinion that this person is not the "real" Masta. As in the same Masta who was with the cI (Criminal Insanity) clan in 2003. I played with "that" Masta a ton on Hal 9000's GX pub. This "masta" or any "masta" I have seen within the past year for that matter, simply does not play like the Masta I know. cI|MaStA, has a very unique playing style, and these "masta's" I have seen lately, play nothing like cI|MaStA. I will give just a couple examples out of many, 1: the real MaStA flat out does not use the lift, almost never at least. 2: The real masta rarely will go for a rail gun, he would use it if he happened apon one, and is good with it, but the real Masta does not put himself into weak positions. And certainly would not rely on a rail to save him.3: masta has a personality, as most people in this community do, and any one ive seen recently, does not have his personality. In the demo Granny posted at the top, the person that was named masta, talked/typed in a manner that the real Masta would not have done. He said things the real Masta would not have said. I have demos from today, where I quized one of these "masta's", and this person failed miserably. He couldnt even name the people he played with on hals for like a year or more! He missed key questions. The only one he really got right, was that he lived in california, but, thats common knowledge, and besides, there are alot of badazz q2 players in Cally. There are a great number of reasons like these, that I hold the oppinion: This, or these people from recent times wearing MaStA, are not the same as the one who used to go by cI|MaStA. I think, it is someone, who knew the real MaStA, and are some random unkown, or mostly unknown player(s). I feel that I might be able to recognize the real MaStA even on an alias. And these people just dont quite fit the real Mastas "profile". The person I played today, even missed a question about his own brother. Anyway, um, I could go on further, but I dont wanna spam the forum. I will end this by saying, I do not think "cI Masta" has been online, at least not in the Q2 community, for quite sometime. I feel that some punk is scarring the real Masta's reputation. And theres my 2 cents.

P.S. In the"masabotting"demo,it was easy to tell that "masta" was coming from the grenade launcher area, you heard the armor pick up even.

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