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Messages - Don Keyballs

Pages: [1]
1 / Questions for D3Vious
« on: August 13, 2008, 05:07:39 PM »
I have a couple of questions about the Awaken 2 server...

1.  Why can only 1 or 2 people log in to the Server at a time when it says there is maximum 8 spots?

2.  Would it be possible to add a few maps to that server.  We have a few suggestions if it is possible.

Thanks for your time and effort with the server, muchas appreciatated!!!!!


2 / Re: Another Server Mod
« on: January 13, 2008, 12:31:48 AM »
Believe me, if an awaken server goes up, we may not be able to get Bassy off the damn thing, ROFL!!!   :headbang:

3 / Re: Another Server Mod
« on: January 12, 2008, 12:45:03 PM »
Hiya buds  ;D

Yep.  A few of us really miss that mod.  Pretty sure some of the peeps here would like it as well.   :yessign:

4 / Another Server Mod
« on: January 11, 2008, 07:51:52 PM »
I was chatting with an admin on one of the servers the other day and asked if it would be possible to add an Awaken server to the list (The original version, not Awaken2 with that stupid hook).  They said they couldn't see a reason why they couldn't, and the admin asked me to post my request here on the forum so they wouldn't forget.  So here it is   8)

/dev/random / Re: The last movie you saw....
« on: March 07, 2007, 10:27:31 PM »
Went to see "Wild Hogs" last Sunday.

/dev/random / Show Stopper
« on: March 07, 2007, 09:57:22 PM »
Wait until the guy in the middle starts to chuckle....

Laughter is contagious

Quake / Re: just curious
« on: February 12, 2007, 04:27:10 PM »
We started out CRU for having some fun with camping, and it kinda grew.  It actually makes us laugh when people get on the server and start complaining about our camping.  You know where we are, come and nail us.  Simple. 

The gang in BTF have made a living at fragging us and destroying our tents, and it's a blast.  There are a lot of other great players on the servers that make it a point to hunt us down.  They see it as a challenge and don't whine about it.  I tip my hat to those players.

Also, you don't have to be a camper to be in CRU.  Scrotumus can hold his own running any map, and I've seen Jman fragging with the best of them out in the open.

And for those of you that like to try and get us by wearing our skin, that makes it even more worth while.  We must have done some thing right to piss you off that much, LOL.

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