tastyspleen.net / Questions for D3Vious
« on: August 13, 2008, 05:07:39 PM »
I have a couple of questions about the Awaken 2 server...
1. Why can only 1 or 2 people log in to the Server at a time when it says there is maximum 8 spots?
2. Would it be possible to add a few maps to that server. We have a few suggestions if it is possible.
Thanks for your time and effort with the server, muchas appreciatated!!!!!
1. Why can only 1 or 2 people log in to the Server at a time when it says there is maximum 8 spots?
2. Would it be possible to add a few maps to that server. We have a few suggestions if it is possible.
Thanks for your time and effort with the server, muchas appreciatated!!!!!