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Messages - jitspoe

Pages: [1]
Decided to do something special for the Quake2 25th anniversary and release a version of the Paintball 2 engine that's compatible with vanilla Quake2.  Don't want to say how many hours it took to get things (mostly) working again, like save games, legacy HUD behavior, etc, BUT it's here and brings a lot of improvements:
- Improved texture filtering and handling to make things look less washed out and blurry
- Gamma adjustment on lightmap instead of gl_modulate to make things brighter without losing detail.
- Reflective water
- High-res textures (have to be put in the hr4 directory and will be 4x higher resolution than base textures, can also be larger to reduce tiling).
- Non-qwerty keyboard support.
- Faster file downloads over UDP (if connecting to a server also using this feature).
- Tweaks and fixes to make movement physics smoother (no random stops mid strafe jump and things like that -- also has to be on the server for this to work in multiplayer).

A couple screenshots are attached for comparison between vanilla Q2 (about as good as I could make it look) and PB2Q2.

You can download it at

Edit: I have a server running at -- we'll be organizing some play time starting at 3PM EST. if you want to hang out on voice while we play.

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