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Messages - slump

Pages: [1]
Trouble Shooting / Re: Dropped due to invalid user info?
« on: July 05, 2006, 07:05:06 PM »
I removed my config.cfg and I don't have an autoexec.  I thought everything was fine, but tonight it dropped me again from railz.  I was using the name "slick".

I'm running Windows XP.  with the Quake II 3.20 update. 

I can re-install from scratch.  Please let me know if anyone has run into something similar or has any idea on what could be causing the grabling.


Trouble Shooting / Dropped due to invalid user info?
« on: July 01, 2006, 10:29:03 PM »
Dropped from DM, Vanilla and now Railz with the same message "Invaild User Info".   I haven't been changing my user info, but it seems when I start up Quake2 and attempt my first connect to one of these servers... right after I join, I get dropped with a message about invalid user info.   I'm not sure what is causing it.  Can you re-add me back to these servers and if you have any tips on what could be causing the server to think my userinfo is invaild..... that would be helpful.


Trouble Shooting / Re: Can't connect to
« on: June 14, 2006, 07:37:36 PM »
Is there a maximum rate value?  This is the only thing I could think of that would trigger something.  The over vars are; fov, gender, skin, name and hand.

Trouble Shooting / Re: Can't connect to
« on: June 14, 2006, 07:13:51 PM »
Thanks, I can access it now.  I downloaded a config file from the net since I don't have my old one anymore.  I'll look for strings that have a "U" in the front.  I don't remember some of these settings.   Are there any config file templates on this message board that may be a better start for me?

Thanks again.

Trouble Shooting / Can't connect to
« on: June 14, 2006, 06:45:21 PM »
For some reason I can't connect to this server, but I can connect to your others.  I recall seeing a message from the server sunday that my alias had been removed for some reason.

I haven't played quake2 for a few years so I don't know if I was overtly removed because I suck... or if my quake2 version (3.20 Oct. 16th 1998) is not the correct update... or if for some other reason.

I enjoy your rail severs, but dm is my favorite and I know I'll get better with practice... really ;).

If there is anyone that can look into it I would greatly appreciate it.   btw, great site, great servers. 


Pages: [1]