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Messages - Roy Tanner

Pages: [1]
Trouble Shooting / Re: Quark help needed..
« on: June 13, 2006, 06:34:01 PM »
Hi,I'm sure this is a simple problem,but I cannot seem to find how to do this..ok what it is,is when I texture a block for example the lines are running in the wrong direction.I have tried entering numbers and all that to rotate the texture but can't seem to get what I want.Is there any simple way to rotate a texture on the surface 90/360 degrees so on?Anyone know? :help:

Which version of Quark are you running?

They do have x,y,z axis rotation. Did you try that?

Do you mean there is an error in the texture placement or are you trying to do something totally different?

Explain more please so I can try and help.

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