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Messages - [DeD] Rail Trail

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Discussion / Maotoyon(aka. Santher) Abusing admin again.
« on: November 16, 2008, 03:34:44 PM »
Here we go again, another day another rant.

Can we please remove his admin now? He's served his purpose, he no longer fixes maps, he doesn't do anything at all except abuse his admin when ever he pleases, and then says he's not bothered if he loses his admin... So take it away.

Here's a condump I just made; judge for yourself

I have quite a few of him abusing his admin in the past also, just request them and I will post them.

Discussion / Re: Kingsize abusing his admin. D:
« on: July 31, 2008, 09:58:20 AM »

Well I don't want to be a prick, but just removing his admin would be sufficiant enough to stop him abusing it, would it not?

Discussion / Re: Kingsize abusing his admin. D:
« on: July 30, 2008, 08:28:17 PM »
We're allowed to silence him, he annoys alot of the regular players. So if we all vote silence him, realy we should do what we done with wetarded and have it made perminant. Because after all, it's the majority of the jumpers who make the petition, then it's upto quadz to make the decision. I don't think it is upto you to unsilence, no matter how often he is silenced. Did you not think that prehaps he's silenced alot for a reason?!?

You did just come into the server and un-mute, and then mute me. (THE PROOF IS RIGHT THERE IN THE CONDUMP!) The bug may have affected afterwards but only because you started the innicial muting. There was no reason, or warning for it.

Well I wasn't being "annoying" untill you come into the server and abused your admin. Slugs may say I'm annoying but that's because he's childish and can't accept that his constant voting and spam is tedious.
Yes alot of people spam, but the majority of the time that spam is a smiley face as if to say "yes" or a general gesture.
His arn't even that, they're useless binds which he seems to hit accidently a few times at first, so we ask him to stop. So out of spite he will spam even more. Causing someone to cast a silence vote against him! Is that not the reason for having a silence voting system.

I would love to hear you ellaborate these "loads of reasons" and maybe even produce some actual solid evidence or fact?

I'm not making this thread to discuss our friendship. I don't like you, as you said, that's life. I get on with it. I may annoy you in my ways, but that is because you annoy me also. And it's as petty as that. But that's our personal un-admin quarrels, for you to then use your admin to "win" the argument. Is abusing it, and also very childish.

Discussion / Re: Kingsize abusing his admin. D:
« on: July 30, 2008, 07:40:43 PM »
Admin policy FAQ rules Kingsize broke in perticular;

2. Admins should NOT force votes through for extra time, map changes, etc. just because they feel like it.  HOWEVER, it is OK to force a vote if this is in harmony with what the players on the server want.  (Facilitate, don't dictate.)

5. It is OK for admins to silence someone who is clearly disrupting the server.  It is generally NOT OK to silence someone just for insulting an admin.  Admins should warn somone at least once before taking action.

Discussion / Kingsize abusing his admin. D:
« on: July 30, 2008, 07:36:56 PM »
Ok, so I was just in the Tasty Jump mod and the majority of the people in the server seemed to agree that we wanted 187_slugs silenced to stop him voting while we're trying to complete maps, also to stop him saying random shit such as binds "[I am nowhere with 999 health and no gun]" etc... It may be accidental, but when you ask him to stop it he continues to do it almost purposly.
Kingsize who I don't perticulary like, at all. (But this is not personal I am just trying to see if he's abusing his admin, or is he allowed to break the admin FAQ.) Joined the server. He unsilenced 187_slugs and then re-silenced him cause I said something about reporting it. Then he silenced me, and after a minute or two unsilenced me. he claimed there is some 1 minute rule, but is this really to be exploited like this. "to show me how it feels" he claims. Well I know what it's like to be silenced which is why I don't constantly vote or spam random shit! Cause I know people will vote silence me for that.

If we cast a vote, and it passes, shouldn't it stay passed without admin interference? Especially since Kingsize wasn't in the server to see anything that slugs done or said. And should admins be allowed to freely silence for no reason, or without warning(s)?

There is the condump I made. Obviously it isn't edited, I wouldn't lower myself. So you can check it as much as you like!

I'm not asking for a popularity vote here, read the condump, see what happened for yourself, answer the questions I asked and add you opinions. I don't want people taking sides just cause they like one person or the other. This is nothing petty like that, I want peoples fair and honest opinions.

Discussion / Re: The Server NEEDS New Admins!
« on: May 06, 2008, 12:55:14 PM »
I agree there is a need for admins, but I don't think it's a state of emergancy of course. I have heard slight complaints though each time things get out of hand "oh where are the bloody admins" etc.. etc.. I don't know why they always bitch about it, it's those very same people who drive the admins to give up. lol (exusing those who abused admin ofcourse.)

Discussion / Re: [ JAU ] - should he be banned?
« on: May 06, 2008, 11:17:13 AM »
that sort of action would probably include muting him before any more drastic action like banning was considered.

that way he still gets to play, if he is there to play at all, and nobody else has to have their good time ruined by his abrasive shit.

Understandable, and I'm pretty sure a silence period would make the server a whole lot happier and make him think twice about his behaviour in the server.

I've noticed he likes to clone peoples names, I saw him use b0ats name and Dorks now, they've both asked him to stop it... He's just generally trying to annoy people anyway he can possibly find.

Silent treatment sounds perfect, and maybe introducing that no-name-switching thing that was made for b0at too Jau if this name cloning continues?

Discussion / Re: [ JAU ] - should he be banned?
« on: May 06, 2008, 10:57:11 AM »
Download and use R1Q2 Quake2 Client and use the Ignore feature.

Is he cheating? Is he breaking the server? No?

Being an asshole fortunately isn't a banable offense here... unless your some child rapist nazi of course.

I use r1q2, and I'd rather not have to type ignore command lines in each time the idiot connects.
no he's not breaking the server, but he has broken rules. As my condump shows, his attitude and comments disrupt the whole server.
I think a petition should be atleast given the chance, and not just over looked. Because if enough of the regular users agree we should be allowed to get rid of a pest from the mod.
After all, this server is for the public, so the general public who use the server regulary should be able to have some way to eliminate the problems. It's not just me that he bothers, why should everyone have to ignore this idiot?

If enough of us agree, why not just ban him, there is pleanty of other servers for him to go into and annoy people.

And if enough condumps from other users are posted of him breaking rules etc... Then some sort of action should be taken?

Discussion / [ JAU ] - should he be banned?
« on: May 06, 2008, 09:09:55 AM »
Ok, I'm just making this thread to get general opinions about this new fellow Jau, I don't know the guy all that well due to us having a fall out as soon as we met. Because of this he's decided to go out of his way to be a nuicence and pester me with insults and general bullshit.

I'm not much of a bitcher, and I only come to make a thread if something is really dissrupting my game. I've played in tastyspleen for quite a while now (almost 3 years).

I find Jau abusive, annoying and really dissruptive. Is there any way I can get a petition to have him banned? I already have a condump of him reconnecting to get around being silenced, he even has the cheek to vote under his reconnection, which is breaking rules if I'm not mistaken?

So please? If anything can be done to stop this childish idiot from pestering me and whoever else finds him dissruptive, please tell me. I don't know exactly what he has done to annoy other users but I'm pretty sure he gets under alot of regular's skin. He's just one of those characters that thinks it's amusing to completely ruin a good friendly environment.

So if you have anything to say, or any condumps of him spamming/breaking rules please post them, I want this idiot out the jump mod server.

Discussion / Re: Breaking rules; should result in ban? (Jumpmod)
« on: August 15, 2007, 06:52:45 AM »
Well thanks guys for sorting these two out. B0at always has been a stupid, but his comments there where quite funny. I am glad to see that it bothers him so much not to be able to change his name. As for Mesnik^, what a prat. Let him play in wireplay, the only reason he doesn't is because he get's owned.  :rockon:

Discussion / Re: Breaking rules; should result in ban? (Jumpmod)
« on: August 13, 2007, 11:40:59 PM »
To my knowledge boat is a shit talking asshole 24/7 and changes his name to spam the scoreboard as well. Not to mention he's 'detect0r's brother' unlikely. My opinion would be the next thing he does, kick him and straight up tell him that the next similar bullshit that he pulls he will be immediately banned... imo :>

Once I get my net back (the 15th) I will keep a closer watch on whats going on in the jump server (aliasing) so don't worry, eventually this will get taken care of  :biggungrin:

Well I am glad to hear it, I always try to vote kick him when he pulls his stunts, I also vote silence Mesnik^ when he pulls his stunts. But it doesn't always pass because they have their little kiss ass noob fans around to make sure of that, in my opinion they should both have a personal warning from the man himself (quadz) that if any more of their rule breaking occurs they will be banned. For good! But that's just wishful thinking.  :biggungrin:

Discussion / Re: Breaking rules; should result in ban? (Jumpmod)
« on: August 13, 2007, 11:13:32 PM »
how many strikes should these jumpers get?
They have already had more then most people would.  :mrdead:

Discussion / Re: Breaking rules; should result in ban? (Jumpmod)
« on: August 13, 2007, 11:11:21 PM »
Ok, well I am here to ask if rule breakers should be temporerely or permenently banned. I have caught two specific users breaking rules, Mesnik^ and B0at. Mesnik^ on many occasions has reconnected to persistantly vote, B0at has been using multiple names. I am pissed off with them both, one b0at is a good player and can easily get leaderbord times, so he's stealing places from other people on the leaderbord. Two, he's a cheeky little twat who's already been temp-banned for this once already. Mesnik^ on the other hand has been warned on many occasions in front of me by admins about reconnecting to vote, and still he persistantly breaks the rules while admins are not around.

Thanks for posting.  I am going to assume the condumps are not faked, rather than take the time to go searching the server logs to verify them.  (Obviously, if it turns out they are fake, that would be a problem. :)  So if there's anything faked about them, here's your chance to let me know ASAP.)


b0at has definitely had a lot of warnings.  He just came off of being banned for several months. So......

To explore an automated solution to the b0at name-changing problem, I have modified the ban system so that b0at will be kicked if he changes his name.  Let's see how that works out.

As for Mesnik, I need some help to understand exactly what he is doing there.  I take it he would normally have a limited number of votes, but he's reconnecting to reset his vote count?



Haha, as if I would bother editing the condumps. That's not my style, I like to take 'em out with solid truth. =)

Yes, I will enjoy seeing how this name changing kick things works. Anywho, yes you are right about Mesnik^, He's reconnecting to reset his vote count. Once two votes have failed you can no longer vote on that map, but it's possible to reconnect to reset that. So that's what Mesnik^ does, for example he will continuesly nominate a map he wants, reconnecting every two votes that fail. Then once it eventually passes he will vote -100 minutes continuesly, reconnecting every two votes that fail untill that passes. It's quite tedious, and can cause lagg for users trying to play the map. I have seen him warned by both merc and salamander. So he avoids doing it while admins are around.

No problems, thanks for the fast responce.  :bravo:

Discussion / Re: Breaking rules; should result in ban? (Jumpmod)
« on: August 13, 2007, 09:07:52 PM »
Whats this??Boat being a queer??never woulda guessed...BAN HIM

Discussion / Breaking rules; should result in ban? (Jumpmod)
« on: August 13, 2007, 07:50:28 PM »
Ok, well I am here to ask if rule breakers should be temporerely or permenently banned. I have caught two specific users breaking rules, Mesnik^ and B0at. Mesnik^ on many occasions has reconnected to persistantly vote, B0at has been using multiple names. I am pissed off with them both, one b0at is a good player and can easily get leaderbord times, so he's stealing places from other people on the leaderbord. Two, he's a cheeky little twat who's already been temp-banned for this once already. Mesnik^ on the other hand has been warned on many occasions in front of me by admins about reconnecting to vote, and still he persistantly breaks the rules while admins are not around.

I am {G}oo{F} by the way.

There are two condumps of both of them breaking the rules. Please can we do something about them? Warnings arn't obviously working, in my opinion mesnik should have his voting ablities completely removed and b0at should be perma-banned. But maybe I'm a little harsh, what do you think? :evilgrin:

Oh and I also want to add, the fact that people see others reconnecting to vote time etc. because their votes have failed twice and then think that it's ok to do it, it should be made clear to everyone that reconnecting to vote is unacceptable no matter the circumstance. If your votes are used up then you can simply ask another user to vote, if anyone else wanted to vote the same thing then they would vote. [/edit]

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