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Messages - Mrs Quadz

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: Quadz, the Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
« on: May 12, 2023, 11:50:45 PM »
Hi all,

So it’s been a minute, and I am not sure if it’s even proper etiquette to revive such an old thread (probably not), but I was too shy to start a new one.

I just wanted to state once again your contributions to keep Tastyspleen alive and kicking are so appreciated. I may not get around to thanking you personally but please know your generosity is acknowledged and I am thankful for every dime. It warms my heart to see this community still going strong just shy of 2 years since Bill’s untimely passing. He would definitely be thrilled to know his pet project is still thriving!

Big love to all you ‘Spleeners!

Mrs Quadz

Quake / Re: Quadz, the Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
« on: February 26, 2022, 08:45:22 AM »
Hello everyone,

I just want to take the time to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the donations that help keep everything running. Long live Tastyspleen ❤️

Much love,

Mrs Quadz (Liz)

Pages: [1]