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Messages - StaticSys{KEA}

Pages: [1]
Bot Drop / Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« on: June 11, 2021, 11:27:35 AM »
Okay. Remember that you said that though. We'll get back to it later.
Don't forget I also played Q2 with DeathInc as well as a little bit of Q3. Also don't forget to remember I'm fake and using some vpn...

Bot Drop / Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« on: June 11, 2021, 10:24:08 AM »
Great. They can explain why I should completely disregard the fact that for the last 14 years I've known that DeathInc was the leader of KEA's Q2 division.

Even if he was leader over the Q3 division, he was never leader of anything KEA had to do with Quake2. And the fact that he'd step in and let some newbie dork like beaver take over shit and start shamelessly whoring out the clan to absolutely anyone who joins his discord is a great example of why they don't deserve to be considered anything more than a fake clan hijacked by kids.

edit: yeah, and as I'm typing, of course he doesn't answer that question. It's cool though. Whore your clan if you wanna. It's still fake.

You didn't recruit slugz, DeathInc did. Period.

Quote from: StaticSys{KEA} on June 11, 2021, 09:48:46 AM
Quote from: StaticSys{KEA} on June 11, 2021, 09:48:46 AM
I do not ever recall our discord adding {KEA} tags automatically to people who joined the server, it's a role that gets manually added.

LOL. YEAH. I know. You're WILLINGLY INTENTIONALLY and MANUALLY making pretty much everyone who joins the thing into a KEA member with a KEA tag.
I wasn't just the leader of the Q3 division when the clan was given to me but hey keep holding onto that thought process... we could have a nice discussion or you could keep turning it into more of a shit show...

You should talk to deathinc because he wasn't alone in recruiting slugz... back in those days to get in it was a 2v1 challenge. You sure act like you know a lot about {KEA} but seem to know so little...

No, not everyone gets a {KEA} tag on our discord. Have people been giving the tag by accident before? yes... There are several people in our discord that don't have a tag, ya know why? Because they are not in the clan...

Bot Drop / Re: Someone spoofing and being a general twat
« on: June 11, 2021, 09:48:46 AM »
A fake StaticSys registering on the forums? Like the fake one that was on the server for the first time fuckin ever today?

Fake KEA. Get all your fake KEA members here. I'd love to call all of them fake to their fake faces.

I'd also like to clear a few things up, I'm not fake... I was given ownership of {KEA} after thefixer left, which wasn't too long after AG left. I was registered as staticsys{kea} all in lowercase on back in 2007/08... I've also played on tastyspleen and railwarz servers between 2007 and 2013, I however was not a big Q2 player. I spent my time playing Q3 and QL as well as many other games but that's all beside the point...

I created the {KEA} discord and handed it to Slugz, who I helped recruit into {KEA} by the way, around that time I let the domain name expire because we weren't actively using it and why use it when gaming has changed so drastically since {KEA} started in '98. I did back up the {KEA} website because it's a part of our gaming history and we can reminisce once in awhile about the old days.

Slugz and I did recruit beav and we let him do his own thing running the Q2 section of the clan. I do not ever recall our discord adding {KEA} tags automatically to people who joined the server, it's a role that gets manually added.

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