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Messages - stross

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: Adding WallFly to a Q2 Server
« on: August 11, 2021, 07:58:08 AM »
 I'm seeing that Claire is now the administrator. I have sent him a pm recently so that's all set. Though, I have since yet to hear back from him. Thank you rikwad.

Quake / Re: Adding WallFly to a Q2 Server
« on: August 08, 2021, 05:54:19 AM »
Hello, So far I have everything setup my server and q2admin-tsmod. I am trying to get my coop server on the WallFly list. So far I have seen Wallfly passed around especially on the TS500 server I could be wrong but that is what I observed. I believe that I have to request my server to be added on the list. Does anyone have access to the q2admin-tsmod network? I understand that ever since at the time of Quadz passing, no has access but I believe someone else took over but I'm not sure on this. I now have a Static IP set for my coop server. Please let me know if this is possible. Thanks.

3 / Re: How to register my server with
« on: January 15, 2020, 05:37:20 AM »
Hello aairez,

I see what your saying. So what you have to do is a couple of things. You have to run Quake 2 Pro as a dedicated server. If you are running a mod, copy q2pro and paste it anywhere ex: your quake 2 root folder/desktop. Right-click the q2pro shortcut, select properties from the list then add " +set dedicated 1" without the quotes in the "Target" box listed underneath "Target Properties", Click "Apply" then "OK". Run the q2pro shortcut then a command prompt will appear. When this happens, copy and paste: "setmaster" and type "game (modname)" w/o quotes to the command line and enter.Then hopefully that should work. Lastly, if you have already done this, and it is listed on the server browser, then you are all set!

I'm currently using Quake 2 Pro as the client and Quake 2 DOS as the dedicated server that running on the Maraakate's coop server mod with newly added maps. i don't believe that could be the problem due to changing the maps because of three occurrences the happen as to when this error appears. The first occurrence is when a player exits the map. The second occurrence is when the player votes for a different map. And the third occurrence is when changing the map to a different map though the Q2DOS console. Now, when you mentioned running the gamemap command, I will be sure to use that for running such commands in the Q2DOS console. I wanted to also mention that when I run the Maraakate's coop server on the alternative game servers listed: r1q2 dedicated, quake2 dedicated, yamagi dedicated, q2pro dedicated they also produce the wrong Game library is version 4 expected 3 and vice versa. I mention this because I presume there might be a possibility that I wouldn't get that FreeLibrary error message for those alternative game servers if they were to work without crashing and without producing the improper Game library version error.

While using Q2DOS Dedicated server, the first map always loads up fine. But when voting for a map or using the server console to change the map,
The server crashes and prompts an error. The result is as follows: "recursive error after: FreeLibrary failed for game library".
Does anyone know what is causing this to happen? Also, is there a fix to this error and what has to be done to fix it?


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