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Messages - q2dude

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Quake / Re: Updated AprQ2 for Mac and Linux users
« on: February 25, 2011, 12:40:22 AM »
Hey Jay,

I have some updates for your fork of AprQ2 that I'd like to see if you'd be interested in.  I've tested (most of) this against SVN revision 931.

See the attached files.

Here's the changelog for my updates:
- Added "pain pics" to be used as either an ehancement or replacement for gl_polyblend 1.  Similar effect to modern shooters when getting shot.  (Uses attached pain_health.tga and pain_armor.tga. Note: These need to be scaled in code based on the resolution; currently these images are for 1920x1200 resolution.)
- Crosshair grows or stretches upon picking up an item, similar to modern shooters. (Not perfect; notice the item pickup text flashes when using CL_AddPainPic2(), e.g. while spectating as it's coded.)
- Created a nice and simple crosshair to be used with or without the crosshair stretch effect (See ch8.tga).
- Added bobbing items; weapons/armor will bounce or bob, similar to Quake3. (cl_bobbing_items)
- Added gl_timebasedfx; the world light and fog level is controlled based on the time of your computer.  (gl_fog must be set to 1 (on) for fog level to be controlled)
- Increased CMD_BACKUP from 64 -> 256 (Makes it less likely that you will freeze in place with only minimal packet loss)
- Added cl_draw_playername, cl_draw_playername_x, cl_draw_playername_y from Q2PRO (view player names by pointing at them in game)
- Added cl_smoothsteps from R1Q2 (only cl_smoothsteps 3 from R1Q2 is active when cl_smoothsteps > 0 is set) (Not a complete port from R1Q2, but seems to work.. albeit a bit glitchy?)
- Allowed use of cl_maxpackets while cl_async is active; IIRC, it helps to save even more bandwidth, which I need.
- Updated functions CL_LoadClientinfo and S_RegisterSexedSound() to better cope with some of the "skin" variable hacks such as "skin female/../male/grunt" or such. (Not perfect, but almost*.)
- Fixed netgraph for widescreen resolutions (atleast up to the 1920x1200 that I use) (Needs to be fixed to scale by resolution; currently a hard-coded value.)
- Increased CON_TEXTSIZE from 65536 -> 1048576 (1 MiB of console text) (I like to read the scrollback after several games ;)
- Modified m_accel code on Linux (for good or bad)

Quake / Re: FFA (Back Again, Word!)
« on: May 29, 2007, 08:20:52 PM »
polly: Hmm... you're not mistaking me for majikslug are ya? Either way, come by and check it out sometime. :biggungrin:

Quake / FFA (Back Again, Word!)
« on: May 28, 2007, 08:13:53 AM »
At the request of a few old players, I have put my FFA replica back online.
Go get the map pack here:
(edit: It also looks like some of the textures are missing, so for now I've zipped up all the textures on the server into, which can also be downloaded above)
And connect to: (port 27910)

I've also got other configs..
dm_tikidomain (tikidomain contest maps)
insta_pepp5 (pepp5's old rotation, instagib mode)
insta_tikidomain (tikidomain, instagib mode)
ndm_kansas (
tdm_pepp5 (pepp5, tdm mode)
tdm_q2pduel ( duel map pack)

I could put all of these configs up on the same port, where you could vote for it. is up by itself at the moment.

Quake / Re: [EAST US] Tastyspleen Game Servers
« on: October 07, 2006, 07:13:18 PM »
Updated first post to include a link to the PayPal button.

Quake / Re: [EAST US] Tastyspleen Game Servers
« on: October 06, 2006, 07:46:17 PM »
Thanks everyone.

I'm updating the first post now to show the current donations.

Also, when you donate, please specify whether or not you would like to be listed and with or without the money amount.  I think it'd be great to show who all has donated.

Quake / [EAST US] Tastyspleen Game Servers
« on: October 05, 2006, 04:45:47 PM »
Hi guys.

I've got some bad news... Goodyear just went on strike.
That means that I will most likely have to use the money I make as a sysadmin for the local Wireless ISP, will have to go towards keeping my family afloat.

I live at home and was able to use my money freely, until this.

So, right now, the eastern tastyspleen server, that I pay for, is an "expendable" item.
I've just paid this month's rent -- it's good until Nov 1st.  So, if you guys want to keep the eastern server going after that time, please consider donating.

Last month, we upgraded the server to a 10Mbps unmetered port -- we are currently spending $99/mo for this server.

Note: any donations sent, wether used right away or not, will be set aside for the sole purpose of funding the server (unless you also want to help me and my family out).

Since I can't paste the HTML code for the PayPal button, go here to donate:

Current Donations: $50

8 / Re: High ping on tourney 4?
« on: May 05, 2006, 04:34:59 PM »
Cool, thanks guys.

The only things on east are tourney4 and the jump mod; these are seperate from the ones in Dallas.  (The east server is in New York, NY btw.)

So, it seems that people going thru experience this ?  Though, oddly, just on the last hop.
Can anyone confirm this?


Skins, Models and Maps / Re: majmdm2 - New Map
« on: May 01, 2006, 09:08:50 AM »
Thanks for the screenshots, naymlis.

Yeah. I realized last night that there wasn't much armor available.
Thinking about it now, I now have an idea for atleast one piece of armor (yellow) - put it on-top of the big box by RL.

As for a RA, I'm starting to agree, finally, with haunted on putting the RA in the water.
My question is, where you would like to see the railgun?  My idea would be to move it to the top of the platform just outside the water.  Heh, that would sure make for some interesting games ("Should I get the RA and risk getting railed coming out, or should I forget it?")  :D

I'm thinking I could rearrange a few of the ammo items, just a bit.
Also, I'm thinking about extending the catwalk out, and have it go down the RL hall, with ladders by the RL too. (Not to do with the big box there - just get on the catwalk.)

Skins, Models and Maps / Re: majmdm2 - New Map
« on: April 30, 2006, 10:00:29 PM »
Hey guys,

Here's an updated version of majmdm2, that even I want to play now.  :righteous:
Check it out and tell me what you think.

Tell your unzip program to preserve the directory structure and then extract it to:


Skins, Models and Maps / Re: majmdm2 - New Map
« on: April 30, 2006, 01:47:01 AM »
At this point, I've almost forgotten about this map (busy at work and what not).  ;)  Not to mention I released it just an hour before the TS500 I played in.

I totally appreciate the comments and the ideas, and I do agree with you.
I did try to space things out so a person with a railgun couldn't get ya on your way to this or that, but they could could still get you while going to the rocket launcher. (Didn't intend on that, but I didn't see making that hallway any longer.)

Btw, if you noticed the elevator there, how its one solid chunk - I first experiemented with the elevator using a stick + platform, but as I had read in the GTKRadiant manual, it says to avoid doing that or something, so I just made it one chunk after that.

Maybe I'm not done with majmdm2 yet.  :)
Thanks for the feedback and helping me get started with GTK!

Quake / Re: TS500 Best of the Best !!!
« on: April 30, 2006, 12:55:36 AM »
Sounds cool to me.
One thing tho, plz somehow forbid spectators from talking.  Cuz you can't simply tell them to be quiet, someone will do something stupid, as we've seen in TS500 II.

« on: April 30, 2006, 12:49:05 AM »
heh, I think it said they'd have spectators watching it.  so good luck with that one..

It does sounds interesting tho.

14 / Re: High ping on tourney 4?
« on: April 28, 2006, 05:43:54 PM »
Thanks guys, but..

- BadBrent: your traceroute looks fine.
- naymlis: Doh! I bet you tracerouted it after I accidentally shut the server down (I *meant* to reboot it instead, in hopes of fixing the ping times).

Well, this morning we got my local wireless connection fixed, so I'm now able to provide a reliable traceroute to my server provider should the pings get high again.
How's it been doing, by the way?

Thanks guys.

15 / Re: High ping on tourney 4?
« on: April 26, 2006, 07:00:27 PM »
Can I get a few people to post text versions of their traceroute?


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