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Messages - mindfray

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Q2 Training Camp / cvars for online multiplayer, oh and clients
« on: May 02, 2017, 12:55:00 AM »
I am an old quake 3 player, Going back from the dreamcast glory days straight to PC for quake III Arena.
If you have played quake 3 you would know they have cvars or command variables to use with the game, anything from snaps and rate, to mouse sensitivity and rail color, and a cvar that makes your rail graphic instantly dissapear making it mentaly easier to land a rail wtihout the lingering trail for seconds on end.

I was wondering if quake 2 had cvars to optimize online play so it runs better.

I am also curious about all the clients to be used to play on the tasty spleen community servers.
what are each of the clients, and what are the pros and cons when it comes to looks, quality, smooth running game with less lag, better response time and so on.
I have a client i use just for singleplayer and its great for that.

but i also want to explore all the options for mp clients and ask what clients you use for mp and why.
I also would like a massive amount of data any knowledge hungry player could ever need starting out with quake 2 and playing on tasty spleen community with every possible q2 mp client.

btw i own the game legally on steam. so getting the game files is not an issue to copy and paste.

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