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Messages - enrymather

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: Quake 2... anyone?
« on: April 27, 2016, 02:27:43 AM »
PS I also cannot buy anything from any websites outside Germany, cause my stupid credit card is only valid for Germany and cannot be used in many cases. I'm in the wrong country!  :bigcry:

Quake / Re: Quake 2... anyone?
« on: April 27, 2016, 02:20:11 AM »
Thank you all! I'm actually searching for the complete Quake II installation files, indeed. I'm not sure I could download that file from Mediafire without having trouble... they are extremely serious about downloading here in Germany! That is why I asked if someone here can kindly provide their own files. I'd be really grateful! (But if there is any reason why my request is unreasonable or rude, please do let me know... I'm not familiar with the whole videogamers' universe, including its "honour code", as Quake II was the only videogame I ever played!)

Quake / Quake 2... anyone?
« on: April 26, 2016, 01:01:34 AM »
Dear Quakers!

I hope I don't bother too much with this help request.
I used to be a great fan of Quake 2, some 15 years ago... It was my first videogame! How many long hours I spent playing Quake 2, I have no idea! :D
Now I would like it so much to start playing Quake 2 again, but unfortunately I lost all my old data, including installation CDs. Is there any good-hearted person here who'd be willing to give me his/her installation files, perhaps via Dropbox or other file sharing tools? I cannot use Torrent cause I live in Germany and they are extremely hard on downloaders here!
I hope you can understand my request :) thank you very much!

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