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Messages - ken0069

Pages: [1]
Quake / "Modified Client" kick bullshit?
« on: April 13, 2006, 10:07:14 AM »
OK guys I play on your servers a good bit and I see this bullshit all the time.  I AM NOT RUNNING A MODIFIED CLIENT!!  Unfortunately I'm still on a dialup connection that laggs like shit on occasion and the next thing I know, I'm out of the game for cheating?  This is BULLSHIT!!!  It may not be a biggie to you but it is to me!  I don't appreciate being kicked off a server for a slow connection then come back on and have guys rag my ass for cheating.  I understand the need for cheat protection but this ain't gett'in it.  Some of you software geeks need to remember that there are STILL some of us out there on a laggy dialup that don't appreciate being labeled a cheater for no reason other than your software doesn't know the difference between a speed bot and lagg!


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