Trouble Shooting / Q2Pro Mac Server Browser?
« on: March 20, 2015, 04:01:47 PM »I'm really wondering if I can enable that browser somehow so I don't have to add every single server manually, 'cause when I go to the menu option to browse q2servers.com the list is empty regardless of what I do. In the console I can also see this message:
I dunno if I have to meddle with the config or the q2pro.menu file or maybe I compiled it wrong 'cause I'm not exactly someone who knows how compiling works very well (every time I uncommented a variable, from the .config file that the INSTALL file tells you to make just made the terminal complain about some file missing, and I tried several variables).
I hope anyone here can help, I'll throw in the full screenshot of the pic I linked in case anyone wonders (there's also a .cfg error there but I managed to fix it so ignore that one).
I could also use some quick help on how to get anticheats into my compiled q2pro pack, I'm still somewhat new to Quake 2 multiplayer and how it works. :S
I put the wrong source code link in, I just realized. Just took care of that, sorry. >w>
WELL, uhm, I did some detective work and trial and error while looking into the issue and it seems I've resolved it (without really knowing how), so mods or admins can disregard or lock this if they like but if anyone is willing to fill me in on the anticheat thing that'd be helpful, although I get the impression that it's impossible on non-windows platforms.