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Messages - germs468

Pages: [1]
Quake / Q2 Freeze tag hook speed?
« on: April 19, 2014, 08:00:18 PM »

I was just wondering if anyone knew how to set the hook_speed in the freeze mod to go over 2500 without it glitching?

I'm assuming it has something to do with the source code of the freeze mod itself, it looks like everything was just injected right from Perecli's grapple mod but it's still pretty hard to understand exactly what's going on.

I really wanna bring back rail freeze tag with fast hook, and I've almost got it going but the hook doesn't feel right at all, even at the "max" speed. If I try to go over 2500 it starts shooting off to the side instead of dead on where the reticle is.

I've tried emailing Doolittle (freeze mod creator) and Perecli but I kind of doubt they're going to get back to me.

It doesn't cast fast enough for my liking. Server is up if you wanna try, , thanks for supplying all the mod files btw! Would be at a complete loss if you hadn't.

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