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Messages - QKmOrPh

Pages: [1]
Bot Drop / Re: cheater
« on: March 15, 2006, 03:29:58 PM »
Yeah, well, lucky the admin isn't as much of a terd burgler as you are, since I'm not banned... Lucky for me I don't cheat and the admin takes his time to actually check before blindly banning someone.

Just do a search on haunted, the most avid "h4x0r cop" there is - you'll also notice, every time someone owns him at quake they make it on his list and he somehow instantly has an incriminating demo.

I mean, there's no possible way he could of made something like this himself or with the aid of one other... I mean, that's impossible right?

Haunted, take your meds

Bot Drop / Re: cheater
« on: March 15, 2006, 03:00:33 PM »
Yeah well, first of all, Haunted accuses more people of cheating than anyone else I've seen. Second of all, haunted just accused me of cheating - called the admin, admin ran several checks on me, and found I was using nothing - end of story.

I'm not sure who's in the demo's but I would guess it's an alias trying to make me look like a wall hack.  If anyone wants someone to look like a cheater, I bet I can do a better job of framing them. Perhaps I should start smearing haunteds name around, only problem is, he sucks so bad I don't think I could make convincing demos of him.

Also Dael - nice try to fit in and join the conversation son, Felling lonely? I never cheated back at the zone , but I do remember you constantly being accused.. and I think several people would back me up on that one...   I just never gave two shits  -  We done boxing now? :rocketleft:

L4m3r Demos / Re: Combi VS Purri
« on: March 15, 2006, 02:49:51 PM »
haunted is a freaken noobie, he calls so many people hackers it's almost like a sickness he has.    :rocketright: e|haunted

Pages: [1]