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Messages - beaner

Pages: [1]
/dev/random / Re: MySpace
« on: January 25, 2006, 12:25:40 PM »
After all this time I still don't what's fun in using myspace. Is it fun to have ppl read a little about you? Is it to get to know some ppl? Is it that you can read about others? What is it exactly that make ppl sign up?

i agree bigwig.

its so you can be emo and let the world know about your emo stories
really i dont see how people have that much time to bother with thoes things....ehh id rather fry up some beans and make some tacos

adam i dont see why your getting so touchy, it wasnt directed towards you...unless you feel kobras feelings are hurt and your holding his hand :)

/dev/random / Re: Mya: Currently taking requests
« on: January 25, 2006, 10:18:00 AM »
Can you sing me some songs from los lobos?

la bamba
or something

Pages: [1]