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Messages - pizzedmeoff

Pages: [1]
Lmao Well after many hours of PURE fustration i found the problem with a little help from console, i learned not to use my hand Jive so much and flood the dog piss out of the servers.......Lmao! thanks for all the support! Console!

note to Anyone Else DONT USE THE ABOVE ALIAS! lol

Add Solved to th subject !! yay!

Trouble Shooting / Re: Help! Server Says im Flooding, im banned i think
« on: October 27, 2005, 05:04:15 PM »
// Center Aim Alias
alias +fire "hand 2;+attack"
alias -fire "hand 0;-attack"
bind MOUSE1 +fire

Would this do it?

Trouble Shooting / Re: Help! Server Says im Flooding, im banned i think
« on: October 27, 2005, 01:00:30 PM »
The hook command is on my server and i tried that just for the hell of it

Trouble Shooting / Re: Help! Server Says im Flooding, im banned i think
« on: October 27, 2005, 12:29:57 PM »
Ok tried 100 and 50 fps, No luck =( PizzinMEoff lol   This is all it says

PIZZEDMEOFF tried to Flood the server (2)
PIZZEDMEOFF was kicked
You were kicked from the game

as i said before, Its not just these servers, I set up my own with the default q2admin settings...  and Yes My own lan server Kicks me saying the same thing.
I tried re installing quake2  No luck.  Im about to Re try Software mode Just for the sake of saying i did that to.

<update> same problem even in software, I turned off downloads to Just incase.

Trouble Shooting / Re: Help! Server Says im Flooding, im banned i think
« on: October 27, 2005, 07:13:45 AM »
Ok i was able to connect this morning So tried 2 diffrent servers the Custom DM and SP  but kick me out for the same thing, I even Redid my quake install just to see.  heres a console log I removed the downloading maps etc crap from it.   Also back on my own server, i tried this with out the r1gl   Same thing.

Trouble Shooting / Re: Help! Server Says im Flooding, im banned i think
« on: October 26, 2005, 04:31:53 PM »
The server this is happening on is [sp maps]
it says Connection refused now This is after it kicked me 2 times for Supposedly flooding the server, If ya need my Ip to check ur logs for any clue, let me know ill Pm it to ya, And if ya tell me how to log my console, ill gladly do that and post it it Good luck!

Trouble Shooting / Help! Server Says im Flooding, im banned i think
« on: October 25, 2005, 07:03:24 PM »
I dont know why Its saying im flooding!! as long as i sat there it was fine it was only after i started playing, I seen to have this trouble with any server running q2admin, Even set one up on my linux box and it kicks me out saying the same thing!  any ideas ? i have a custon autoexec.cfg  With My binds and r1gl Settings in it I dunno what it could be I tried a rate of 4000 b4 it banned me!  oh yeah heres my settings...  im on a 9mbit connection.... hell i dunno wut to do =(

// R1GL
set vid_ref "r1gl"
set vid_forcewidth "1440"
set vid_forceheight "900"
set gl_colorbits ""   
set gl_depthbits ""   
set gl_alphabits ""   
set gl_stencilbits ""
set gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1"
set gl_ext_generate_mipmap "1"   
set gl_modulate "1"
set gl_shadows "1"
set gl_ext_max_anisotropy "16.0"  // 2,4,6,8, 16 is for newer Gcards
set gl_finish "1"
set vid_flip_on_switch "1"

bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"
bind MOUSE2 "+hook"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"

// Visible Rail trail

set cl_railtrail 223
set freelook "1"
set cl_footsteps "0"  // Dont hear own foot steps
set in_joystick "0"
set cl_particles "0"  // No partical Trails
set lookspring "1"
set cl_run "1"       
set sensitivity "6"   
set rate "8000"

Pages: [1]