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Messages - Shloo

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Quake / Re: Share Q2 Discord Invites Here Thread
« on: April 01, 2024, 02:28:08 PM »
Said person is banned on tastyspleen servers, and has engaged in prolonged harassment of a large portion of the active community.  I have no interest in endorsing or advertising his discord servers for him to further spread his lies. 

for the sake of the larger Quake 2 community
we can keep this thread clear of links to a server owner who is now making a habit of linking players real life to their q2 alias mid rant. 

Quake / Re: Spoofer is back
« on: February 16, 2024, 07:28:32 AM »
Thanks for the report looking in to it, he does seem to be spoofing a lot of names. Will be dealt with

Quake / Re: REAL money CHALLENGE 1v1 / DUEL
« on: December 12, 2023, 01:36:20 PM »
I'd watch adz stream it for sure. Plenty of audience appeal

Community Events / JAILBREAK - Mod of the Month
« on: October 13, 2023, 05:50:48 AM »
We're running the first edition of Mod of the Month tonight (Fri Oct 13th) 9pm est, featuring JAILBREAK.  All are welcome!

goto jail

We'll have discord voice going in Q2MODS discord, link here

Quake / Re: Quadz, the Loquaciously Multiloquent Member
« on: July 04, 2023, 04:54:13 AM »

« on: June 16, 2023, 09:09:53 PM »
The title of the thread  'IRON-FISTED DRACONIAN FORUM POSTING RULES' is probably a good indicator of whether we want strictly outlined and enforced rules front and center. For what its worth, this post has been pinned on the forum since its creation 

« on: June 16, 2023, 06:17:04 PM »
(Those rules are the start of the post you're responding to)

« on: June 16, 2023, 05:53:48 AM »
Well then, make it so. Create and publish those TS rules.
It's the right thing to do.

There's a reason that's never been done. It's incredibly difficult to make a detailed set of rules that encompasses everything without becoming highly restrictive. I don't think there is anyone in this community who wants that.  The Draconian Forum Posting Rules address that fact and put guidelines / rules much more eloquently than I could.

Hard and fast rules with set consequences make it harder for us to make judgement calls considering context and more than just a single moment in time.  I don't think anyone here wants *more* rules and *more* restrictions.  I don't see any way to make the rules clearer without doing that. 

We're trying to strike a balance here. Quadz identifies the main problem within Rule #3.

Unfortunately this is very hard to define in writing what's OK and what's not. 

A list of rules would take a lot of the nuance out of what's acceptable.  We're all grownups here and we clearly all love this community if we're still playing after 25 years.  I think we can trust each other to try and follow the spirit of those rules Quadz created. If there's a problem an admin will reach out and address it. 

« on: June 15, 2023, 08:20:16 PM »
2. Flaming, Trolling, and Smack Talk.  There are currently two boards that are set aside for those who enjoy haranguing one another with caustic verbiage.  Flaming, trolling, and smack talk are generally allowed in the Entropy Pool and General Smack Talk boards, with the following caveat.  If a member who has no appreciable history of participating in smack talk or flaming is being trash talked and complains to the moderators, the moderators may remove the offending post or thread if the complaint is not judged to be frivolous.  Outside of the two designated smack talk boards, moderators are encouraged to proactively move or delete rude, trollish, or obnoxious posts to keep the noise level to a minimum on the rest of the boards.

3. How free is free speech here?  Within the limits described above, we generally encourage and foster freedom of speech on the forums.  However we do have a history of disallowing racist speech or hate speech.  Unfortunately this is very hard to define in writing what's OK and what's not.  If someone is showing genuine humor, or is being light and ironic, it might be fine.  If someone is acting like an a$$hole, probably not.

I keep discovering that there are "new rules" which no one has been informed of in any kind of official capacity. No nazi symbols for any reason, no using the hip-hop culture "N-word-ending-in-an-A", no insults referring to same-sex lifestyles, no using the insult "kill yourself"

The closest thing to 'official rules'.  Most of the things you're complaining about fall under rule 3.  People have gone to jail for telling others to kill themselves, so its also against laws.  It's most certainly against discords rules.

« on: June 15, 2023, 08:06:59 PM »
The majority of both of their posts violated discords terms of service, if you're looking for rules you'll find all sorts that they broke today.  There have never been official firm thorough TS rules that people are informed of in an official capacity.  It's always been the judgment of whatever admin was currently on, or Quadz judgment.  It allows us to be much more forgiving and give second chances, or consider the whole situation / past experiences / previous warnings when making decisions. 

Quake / Re: M. the big liar
« on: May 07, 2023, 12:06:14 PM »
Multiple admins looked at the actual pak in question and deemed there to be nothing of concern.  I don't know what pak your looking at, and after you doctored the last batch of 'evidence' I don't intend to spend any time at all revisiting or cross referencing.  The pak M submitted was cleared by the admins. Do with that information what you will, I have no intentions on spending any more time on this.

Quake / Re: M. the big liar
« on: April 28, 2023, 04:38:23 PM »
M. has sent me his pak, I've loaded his pak, there is no problem with his pak.  Case closed.

Quake / Re: M. the big liar
« on: April 27, 2023, 09:03:08 PM »
I haven't had a chance to look at it yet, but wanted to put in here that M. has given me the pak in question.  So far this guy has been upfront and done what he's said he would.  I'll update tomorrow night after I look through it, but, files have been received by admins

Quake / Re: M. the big liar
« on: April 27, 2023, 01:25:17 PM »
Possibly incorrect.

95% sure this is true: In the case of the footsteps and railgun hum specifically, if AC is flagging it, they match hash checks for known sounds that are considered questionable

I did slightly misspeak.  Anticheat isn't comparing files to *base files*, its comparing the files to a list of hashes from files that are known to be ok.  Basically the exact opposite of what Orbisson is suggesting. It's not running M.'s files through a list of known cheats and setting off a flag. It's checking to see if his files match our hash list of files known to be OK. If they aren't on the list it flags as modified.

All this means is that he has custom sounds that aren't white listed in AC.  We used to build up this list and include custom files that we knew were ok. Foc's paks were probably added to that list, which is why they wouldn't have returned a modified flag when using AC.

Quake / Re: M. the big liar
« on: April 27, 2023, 09:25:01 AM »
Someone is a Big Liar here, but its not M.

I don't like being manipulated. Here's the whole condump from this conversation, with the peanut gallery removed to save space.

You've done some creative editing in the 'condump' you've posted.  M never claimed to have sent me his pak files. You edited that. He never claimed I had seen his pak files, he was referring to this forum post, which I HAVE seen and responded to.  I think it's pretty obvious who the dishonest one is here.

M.: i sent my pakfile to shloo

was actually

(dm) M.: if you want
(dm) M.: i send my pakfile to shloo

You edited the context out of that, and changed the tense.   


M.: shloo allready saw
(Me) No she didnt
M.: she did lol

Was referring to this forum post. Not to his pak files.

I took you at your word when I responded to your post originally, now I've learned your quotes can't be trusted. 

To M. :  Really sorry about your mom, and sorry you had to deal with this on top of it.

So Shloo lets clear this up

I hope the condump below clears this up for everyone :/

(dm) DeadlyAce: look at all m failed files
(dm) DeadlyAce: using illegal footsteps and rail beep
(dm) M.: i gladly show you my pakfile
(dm) DeadlyAce: type acinfo M. in console dipshit
(dm) DeadlyAce: it show all your failed files
(dm) DeadlyAce: illegal ones
(dm) M.: they not
(dm) DeadlyAce: thats why they are failed files
(dm) M.: if you want
(dm) DeadlyAce: they have been marked as cheats
(dm) M.: i send my pakfile to shloo
(dm) DeadlyAce: post it on the forums then for all to see
(dm) DeadlyAce: u wont though
(dm) M.: sure
(dm) M.: itss kinda funny
(dm) DeadlyAce: failed 4 footstep files and rail beep
(dm) M.: i saw the forum post about me
(dm) DeadlyAce: so you are using the loud illegal metal footsteps
(dm) M.: noo
(dm) M.: theyre not
(dm) DeadlyAce: post it then
(dm) DeadlyAce: without removing the files
(dm) DeadlyAce: they have been flagged by anticheat because they are known cheats
(dm) M.: this pak file is very old
(dm) M.: and i 100% doubt anything illegal in it
(dm) DeadlyAce: type acinfo M. in your console. the server doesnt lie
(dm) M.: i see the forum post
(dm) DeadlyAce: 5 failed files
(dm) M.: its still bogus
(dm) DeadlyAce: it means they are known cheats in your folder
(dm) M.: the person accusing me
(dm) M.: showed a clip
(dm) M.: he himself uses other sound for mega and armor pickips
(dm) DeadlyAce: post it now then
(dm) M.: i can tell you, those are worse than my rg sound
(dm) DeadlyAce: you wont though
(dm) DeadlyAce: because you know
(dm) M.: i dont have account
(dm) DeadlyAce: lol
(dm) M.: but when i have time
(dm) M.: i will

(dm) DeadlyAce: told ya
(dm) DeadlyAce: fraud
(dm) M.: i got this aloot lately
(dm) DeadlyAce: zoom look at the fucking server log idiot
(dm) DeadlyAce: server log doesnt lie
(dm) DeadlyAce: 5 failed files
(dm) DeadlyAce: which means they have been flagged as KNOWN cheats
(dm) DeadlyAce: i will condump this and send it to shloo ymself. and gret z00m muted for being a retard
(dm) M.: shloo allready saw
(dm) DeadlyAce: no she didnt
(dm) M.: she did lol
(dm) M.: she posted in the topic
(dm) M.: go see

(dm) DeadlyAce: ishe said NOTHING about your pak
(dm) M.: cus they also said m. and mon are same person
(dm) DeadlyAce: post your pak file
(dm) M.: and we are not
(dm) DeadlyAce: she said nothing about your pak and failed files
(dm) M.: but she saw it
(dm) M.: thats how the topic started

(dm) DeadlyAce: no she fucking didnt
(dm) DeadlyAce: im posting your lies right now
(dm) M.: many people obsessed here
(dm) M.: i dont know man
(dm) M.: in the past i played EU servers
(dm) M.: never seen this talk
(dm) M.: i just dont have the mindset to argue now
(dm) M.: i lost my mom yesterday
(dm) M.: i just try to get some distractyion

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