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Messages - no_life

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
1 / Re: new datacenter ping test
« on: January 03, 2011, 02:33:24 PM »
I noticed some of the lag at first too. My ping is exactly what it was before - but there seemed to be increased choppiness/dry fires. Seems to happen the most on the rails server. It always was a little laggy the more players that were on it - but now it seems like it does it with even less players. Always thought it was something to do with that specific mod since in dm/vanilla there can be 16+ players and it runs perfectly smooth.
Just on rail it seems to lag considerably more as the amount of players increases. Was going to make a thread about it when I first tried the new IPs but figured it would be better to wait and play there some more to see what it was like overall. Hasn't really been that bad overall. Just specific times the lag will make it almost unplayable. An hour later it can be back to running smooth. Shrug.

Quake / Re: happy new years
« on: January 01, 2011, 08:55:38 PM »
Cheers, happy new year guys!  :D

Trouble Shooting / Re: gl_coloredlightmaps 0
« on: December 26, 2010, 07:05:10 PM »
That's why I like my custom coded cfg setup. There's no cfgs in every mod folder, one universal archiving cfg in "quake2/cfg" dir. It uses one single autoexec and config.cfg. Never any conflictions. If special binds are needed for a mod, I can just put a custom cfg in that mod's folder.

Discussion / Re: What State you from?
« on: December 21, 2010, 11:14:26 PM »
I see some other Philly area players on here. Old school philly here

Quake / Re: bow to your king
« on: December 12, 2010, 11:14:04 AM »
1337 timing on the join. To be able to time such a telefrag must have took years of hard training and patience.  :notworthy:

Quake / Re: Q2 is thirteen
« on: December 12, 2010, 11:11:48 AM »
Amazing how much time has gone by. The only game I ever have played regularly online. Still the best out there to this day IMO. Nothing else has ever had the same appeal to me.

The game is 13 years old - I was about 13 years old when it first came out and I started playing. Been through many of times over the years, had many great experiences. The good and bad, lame or awesome. All of which make the game unique and entertaining. Formed many of friends over the years through the game.

I'm really grateful to have had (and still have) the privilege of playing. Nothing else has been like it.

Quake / Re: Looking for a Q2 engine...
« on: December 12, 2010, 09:42:32 AM »
Larger lists could be built into the scoreboard or menu systems.. or wherever. Also got the capability to add any/however many servers manually via variables in the cfg. Could make custom lists of servers to monitor. This kind of stuff could be added to any of the open source engines easily.

Quake / Re: Looking for a Q2 engine...
« on: December 12, 2010, 09:36:34 AM »
Worked a little bit on the in game server browsing. Didn't go into anything real advanced yet, but I created this thing which has been pretty useful. Displays real time info for a few of my fav servers. Map name, number of players. Autoupdates itself every 5 seconds.

On screen in game server stats, FTW.

Monitor servers while playing.

/dev/random / Re: Just how old is this forum?
« on: December 07, 2010, 08:17:44 PM »
Quote from: {TNP}Dukie on December 06, 2010, 03:01:06 PM
Quote from: {TNP}Dukie on December 06, 2010, 03:01:06 PM
AFAIK This was the first thread

Before Tastyspleen it was in one forum that Pretzel hosted I believe...

Ah, yeah. I think I remember that. Definitely remember those first couple of threads and I remember Pretzel. Whatever happened to her?

/dev/random / Just how old is this forum?
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:48:34 PM »
The whole forum all together I mean. Not any specific one.

I sorted the posts in here by earliest date, but the earliest I saw was 2005. I was posting here in 04, before I quit the game.

Anyone even around still who was around when I was posting here? I remeber it would take days to get new posts sometimes. Now this site is huge. There was only a few forums too, now there are tons.

I guess this is my first post here:

I have no memory whatsoever of even writing that. LOL

Quake / Re: Looking for a Q2 engine...
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:41:24 PM »
Anything that has an up to date open source code release, available to the public can be worked on. I always just start on the 3.21 source because I already know where a lot of the important stuff is. Wouldn't be too hard to move the code over to another engine though probably.

I had an issue with one custom engine compiling or something I think. This was ages ago though. I was on this forum near the beginning of it I think. I found a thread that's like 6 yrs old where I was talking about code, lol:

I did take a long break from everything for a while.. starting to refresh my memory with everything.

Quake / Re: Looking for a Q2 engine...
« on: December 06, 2010, 09:14:00 AM »
Interesting thoughts. Using xatrix and CTF, etc together would probably require more than just sharing pak data. Since they are run from separate compiled binary files (example: gamex86.dll in windows) they would probably have to be integrated directly with the source code of both mods. Maybe editing the game to load multiple mods could be possible, but it sounds like it would be a mess. Doubt it would work.

As far as the mp3 music goes, there are various ways it could be setup. I know it's been done before client side. I recall even seeing code tutorials to implement mp3 support directly into the client.
I'm sure it could be done so that the mp3 music is linked directly to the actual map itself rather than just the client. It would be a little more complicated probably. Some server side modification may be required, to run a map with mp3 sound. Modified clients would probably be needed as well, for players to use the feature. A map editor may need to even be modified to compile the map/support the sound being used with it. A more practical way may just be to make it client side, perhaps so the map sounds/music could be customized per user, without server changes being involved.

Always thought about making a better in game server browsing system as well. I made a few of my own small changes a while back, using the same system that server browsing tools use, yet able to use in game. Sending a status packet to a server will return the information about a specific server. I only had it setup with the packet command. The data is pretty raw as well, in the form of a bunch of text spammed in the console. There is definitely possibility there for improvement. I'd like to work more on that some day. As my old code is now, I can retrieve server stats within game with the push of a button, but it's not neat by any means. I only have it setup to do like 3 servers currently too. They could all be added in time. I plan on working on it much more. Here's an example of the raw data - a starting point. This is from an alias command in the client to check the DM, Railz, and Vanilla server status. print
 2 2009\gamename\baseq2\sv_handicap\1\INFO2\NO BOTS, HACKS, CHEATS
PLEASE\INFO1\All Skill Levels Welco
b7864 i386 Oct  1 2008 Linux\hostname\\maxclients\16
4 36 "KanELO"
0 9 "WallFly[BZZZ]"
4 238 "cazzone italian"
6 154 "Roadster"
7 154 "No.2"
4 186 "Presiden Chavez" print
 7 2006\gamename\baseq2\INFO2\NO BOTS, HACKS, CHEATS PLEASE\INFO1\All Skill
Levels Welco
b7864 i386 Oct  1 2008
0 2 "WallFly[BZZZ]"
0 179 "prot"
0 65 "-621-RoadRunner" print
 2 2009\gamename\baseq2\maxspectators\8\sv_handicap\1\INFO2\NO BOTS, HACKS,
CHEATS PLEASE\INFO1\All Skill Levels Welco
b7864 i386 Oct  1 2008 Linux\hostname\\maxclients\32
0 3 "WallFly[BZZZ]"
3 8 "Scrotumus-cru"
1 66 "*-=Skyhawk=-*"
]condump statuspacket
Dumped console text to ./baseq2/statuspacket.txt.

Now this data could be collected, for each server and compiled into some sort of neat format or in game server browsing tool. Like I said, it's messy, but it's something to start from. I'm currently thinking of ways to implement it.

0x1337c0de / Re: Getting started with the Quake 2 source
« on: December 05, 2010, 11:28:07 AM »
I can break it down more as to what goes where, etc. If needed

0x1337c0de / Re: Getting started with the Quake 2 source
« on: December 05, 2010, 11:24:43 AM »
The other day, I felt like toying around with demo recording / playback possibilities.

I created an auto recording feature that allows me to select a demo folder (in the main q2 folder instead of the baseq2 or mod folder) and automatically start recording a demo at the start of the map to whatever folder I have set in my "demodir" cvar.
It uses the same system as screenshots. It will start with "quake00.dm2", "quake01.dm2", and so on. It automatically stops the demo at the end of the map, and starts a new one on a new map.
The feature can be turned on or off by a "autorecord" cvar (variable console command).

The autoplayback feature will start playing "quake##.dm2" from whatever folder I have chosen - where the ## represents the "demonum" console cvar. It will start at quake00.dm2 by default and when the demo ends, will automatically load the next one in line. I can kick back and just let them play on order. Or I can hit the killserver bind (end the demo manually) and it will automatically play the next one. I can also, for example: type "set demonum 56" and it will start from quake56.dm2, then play quake57.dm2 next.

Some of the code involved:

//Auto demo playback
//I want to make this go by the numbers in the autodemo folder.
//The # being 2 digit #s in "quake##.dm2"
void SetDemo(void)
   float oldvalue;
   oldvalue = Cvar_VariableValue("demonum")+1;
Cvar_SetValue("demonum", oldvalue);
void AutoPlay(void)
   char      dm2name[80];
   int  demo;

   demo = Cvar_VariableValue("demonum");

   strcpy(dm2name, va("demomap ../../%s/quake0%i.dm2\n", demodir->string, demo));
   strcpy(dm2name, va("demomap ../../%s/quake%i.dm2\n", demodir->string, demo));




Cmd_AddCommand("autodemo", AutoPlay);



Kick everyone off, possibly in preparation for a new game

void SV_KillServer_f (void)
   if (!svs.initialized)
   SV_Shutdown ("Server was killed.\n", false);
   NET_Config ( false );   // close network sockets

void SV_BeginDemoserver (void)
   char      name[MAX_OSPATH];

   Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "demos/%s",;
   FS_FOpenFile (name, &sv.demofile);
//added to prevent loop at end of demo list. if demos are not all in numerical order,
//or there is a gap, it will end the autoplay loop.
//this code just stops the loop at the end of playing the list of demos which are in order.

if (!sv.demofile && Cvar_VariableValue("autorecord")==1)
      Cvar_SetValue("autoplay", 0);
      Com_Printf("Autodemo: reached end of demos (if there is a gap in numbers, change demonum cvar manually).\n");
//end corey
   if (!sv.demofile)
      Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "Couldn't open %s\n", name);

   // getting a valid frame message ends the connection process
      if (cls.state != ca_active)
         cls.state = ca_active;
         cl.force_refdef = true;
         cl.predicted_origin[0] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[0]*0.125;
         cl.predicted_origin[1] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[1]*0.125;
         cl.predicted_origin[2] = cl.frame.playerstate.pmove.origin[2]*0.125;
         VectorCopy (cl.frame.playerstate.viewangles, cl.predicted_angles);
         if (cls.disable_servercount != cl.servercount
            && cl.refresh_prepped)
            SCR_EndLoadingPlaque ();   // get rid of loading plaque

   if (Cmd_Argc() != 2 && Cvar_VariableValue("autorecord") !=1)//added second statement here
      Com_Printf ("record <demoname>\n");

   if(Cvar_VariableValue("autorecord") !=1)//added to change dir/name when autorecording
   Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "%s/demos/%s.dm2", FS_Gamedir(), Cmd_Argv(1));

//begin autorecord file name/saving
   // create the scrnshots directory if it doesn't exist
   //Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "demos/");

   for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++)
      dm2name[5] = i/10 + '0';
      dm2name[6] = i%10 + '0';
      Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s", demodir->string, dm2name);
      //original line: Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "autodemos/%s", dm2name);
      f = fopen (name, "r");
      if (!f)
         break;   // file doesn't exist
      fclose (f);
   if (i==100)
      Com_Printf ("Demo files exceeded 99, aborting autorecord\n");
      Cvar_SetValue("autorecord", 0);
Com_Printf ("Autorecording to %s.\n", name);

      if(Cvar_VariableValue("autorecord") !=1)
   Com_Printf ("recording to %s.\n", name);
//end corey
   FS_CreatePath (name);
   cls.demofile = fopen (name, "wb");
   if (!cls.demofile)
      Com_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open.\n");


Just sent as a hint to the client that they should
drop to full console
void CL_Changing_f (void)
   //if we are downloading, we don't change!  This so we don't suddenly stop downloading a map
   if (

   SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque ();
   cls.state = ca_connected;   // not active anymore, but not disconnected
   Com_Printf ("\nChanging map...\n");


0x1337c0de / Re: Getting started with the Quake 2 source
« on: December 05, 2010, 11:13:15 AM »
I still use visual studio c++ 6.0 enterprise edition. Works great for compiling q2 src.

Good to see others interested in the source.

Anyone doing any work with the code currently?

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