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Messages - that MEZZ guy

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weapons / Continuing issue
« on: May 18, 2013, 12:52:11 PM »
Hi NIN-Kitsune

I had been getting some..."R1gl has quit due to an unhandled exception" error when trying to log into the whale server, which is the r1gl driver,  but lately its been happening almost every time... If I just keep trying it eventually the server comes back with too many connection attempts, which is normal... then after the map changes I can get onto the server...Its not a devastating issue but sometimes it takes a few minutes to get on and many just probably give up and try again later.

see you,

weapons / Re: Are games like Weapons of Destruction too violent?
« on: May 02, 2012, 09:46:45 PM »
yeah its not too gory, I am always wanting a huge splatter of blood and chunks flying when something goes boom, I was very happy when I installed the Q2 max thing when it came out, but dont use it now as its not compatible, at least I couldnt get it to work right.

weapons / Re: Welcome to Weapons of Destruction!
« on: April 30, 2012, 08:40:03 PM »
Hello, nice to get to know some of the other players, after all this is sort of social. I see the same handfull of people I like to play with and we always have a few good hours of fun. Thats what it is, fun, its not a competition to me anymore and have never understood the need to cheat with any aimbot. A few of the noob weiners have called me a cheater, but they usually stand in one spot most of the time and cant figure out why they get ran over every 2 seconds.

Synod was a clan back in the  early 2000's as far as I know there were only 3 of us, we were bastards back then when clans were the big thing. our whole main goal was to piss people off by binding off color remarks and needling players everytime they got killed, It was fun to start a flame war and watch everyone melt down I guess. The other guy I remember Vegeta was an airline pilot that lived in chigago. Sometime in mid 2006 he got a got a job flying freight for AMR and gave up playing. I havent heard from him since and thats when I quit playing, I got the bug to install this again in November and enjoy the new weapons and carnage. The only reason I still use this <synod>MEZZ name is in case the other 2 members happen to load WOD again, maybe they can find me and we can catch up on whats been going on for the last 6 yrs.

In anycase NIN has the best server, its not watered down for the pansies which was our thing back in the day. While many servers of the time were banning the powerful weapons we would encourage the destruction and promoted the carnage, sadly there is only 1 page left of the old website, its here if interested.

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