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Messages - ekzm

Pages: [1] 2
Quake / Re: TDM binds
« on: November 28, 2011, 10:51:19 AM »
Some info on what them does?

Which part is confusing?

Just waht each bind exactly does, also: does anyone have some custom loc files, preferably thoose used here:
The message: "i'm at q2dm1" isn't very specific   :nana:

Quake / Re: TDM binds
« on: November 27, 2011, 02:06:01 PM »
I don't know if the characters will produce the fancy q2text characters when posted here, but I'll try these.

bind , "say_team [ˆˆMEGA +20ˆˆ]  [  $loc_here$  ]; play armor"
bind - "say_team [ ˆˆ NEGATIVE ˆˆ ]  $loc_here$;play neg"
bind . "say_team [ ˆˆ QUAD +30 ˆˆ ]"
bind / "say_team [ ˆˆ QUAD +10 ˆˆ ]"
bind 0 "use bfg10k"
bind 1 "use blaster"
bind 2 "wp1"
bind 3 "wp2"
bind 4 "wp3"
bind 5 "wp4"
bind 6 "wp5"
bind 7 "wp6"
bind 9 "wp7"
bind = "say_team [ ˆˆ AFFIRMATIVE ˆˆ ]  [$loc_here$];play aff"
bind \ "say_team [ˆˆ] NEED WPN/ARMOR [ˆˆ] [    $loc_here$    ]"
bind a "say_team  [ˆˆA +20ˆˆ]  [  $loc_here$  ]; play armor"
bind e "say_team [ˆˆ]  WEAK ENEMY  [ˆˆ]  $loc_here$"
bind f "say_team [ˆˆ] $loc_here$ [ˆˆ] CLR [ˆˆ]"
bind g gr1
bind h "drop chaingun;drop bullets;drop bullets;say_team DROPPING [ˆˆCG|BULLETSˆˆ]  [ $loc_here$ ]"
bind i "messagemode2"
bind j "drop grenades;drop grenade launcher;say_team DROPPING [ˆˆGL|NADESˆˆ]  [ $loc_here$ ]"
bind k "drop rocket launcher;drop rockets;say_team DROPPING [ˆˆRL|ROXˆˆ]  [ $loc_here$ ]"
bind l "drop hyperblaster;drop BFG10k;drop cells;say_team DROPPING [ˆˆHB&BFG10k|CELLSˆˆ]  [ $loc_here$ ]"
bind m "say_team [ˆˆ] ENEMIES [ˆˆ] [    $loc_there$    ]"
bind n "drop railgun;drop slugs;say_team DROPPING [ˆˆRG|SLUGSˆˆ]  [ $loc_here$ ]"
bind o "drop super shotgun;drop shells;say_team DROPPING [ˆˆSSG|SHELLSˆˆ]  [ $loc_here$ ]"
bind p "drop machinegun;drop bullets;say_team DROPPING [ˆˆMG|BULLETSˆˆ]  [ $loc_here$ ]"
bind q "say_team [ˆˆ] %h [ˆˆ] %a [ˆˆ] %w [ˆˆ] $loc_here$ [ˆˆ]"
bind s "say_team [ˆˆQUAD|ADREN|PS +60ˆˆ]  $loc_here$;play quad"
bind r "ready"
bind w "say_team [ˆˆ  ENEMY  ˆˆ]  $loc_here$"
bind x "say_team [ˆˆ] MEGAHEALTH/ARMOR AVAILABLE [ˆˆ]  $loc_there$""
bind z "say_team [ˆˆWPN +30ˆˆ]  $loc_here$;play weapon"
alias gr1 "use grenades; use grenade launcher"
alias wp1 "use shotgun; use super shotgun"
alias wp2 "use shotgun; use super shotgun"
alias wp3 "use chaingun; use machinegun"
alias wp4 "use machinegun; use chaingun"
alias wp5 "use grenades; use grenade launcher"
alias wp6 "use railgun; use rocket launcher"
alias wp7 "use rocket launcher; use railgun"

You can change the binds however you want, but that's basically everything I use.

Some info on what them does?

Quake / TDM binds
« on: November 20, 2011, 04:50:43 AM »
Can anyone throw me some TDM binds, i'm too lazy to make them myself  :bigshades:

Trouble Shooting / Re: quake 2 + gtx 580 problem :(
« on: November 19, 2011, 07:48:24 AM »
I did a clean install and now it works :)

Trouble Shooting / Re: quake 2 + gtx 580 problem :(
« on: November 18, 2011, 09:25:40 AM »
It helps a lil bit, but its weird someplaces.
Heres my autoexec:


set name "ekzm"

// ---Player Settings---

set fov "108"
set hand "2"
set crosshair "4"

// --- Resolution---
set vid_fullscreen "1"
set vid_forcewidth "1920"
set vid_forceheight "1080"

// ---Sensitivity--

set sensitivity "2.5"

// ---Movement---

bind w "+forward"
bind s "+back"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind c "+movedown"
bind ctrl "+speed"
bind space "+moveup"
bind mouse2 "+moveup"
bind shift "+movedown"
cl_run "1"

// ---Fire---

bind mouse1 "+attack"

// ---inventory---

bind alt "inven"
bind enter "invuse"
bind [ "invprev"
bind ] "invnext"
bind backspace "invdrop"

// ---scoreboard---

bind tab "score"

// ---menu toggles---

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"

// ---menu binds---

bind F1 "cmd help"
alias rup "ready; bind f3 urup"
alias urup "unready; bind f3 rup"
bind F3 rup
bind F4 "menu_keys"
bind j "screenshot"
bind PAUSE "pause"

// ---Demo Recording---

alias startdemo "record ${$date}-${$time}-${$mapname};bind F5 stopdemo"
alias stopdemo "stop;bind F5 startdemo"
bind F5 "startdemo"

// ---use specific item binds---

bind 1 "use blaster"
bind 2 "use machinegun"
bind 4 "use hyperblaster"
bind 3 "use shotgun;use super shotgun"
bind q "use chaingun"
bind f "use grenade launcher"
bind e "use rocket launcher"
bind r "use railgun"
bind 5 "use bfg10k"

// ---weapon scrolling binds---

bind mwheeldown "weapnext"
bind mwheelup "weapprev"

// ---Chat binds---

bind , "say :)"
bind m "say :P"
bind . "say I'm gonna love & tolerate the shit outta you! :p"

// ---team chat and public chat, respectively---

bind y "messagemode2"
bind t "messagemode"

// ---ZoomTool---

set zoomfov "30"
set zoomsens "1.5"
alias +zoom "set storesen $sensitivity;set storefov $fov;set sensitivity $zoomsens;set fov $zoomfov"
alias -zoom "set sensitivity $storesen;set fov $storefov"
bind mouse3 "+zoom"

// ---Smoothness---

set bob_pitch "0"
set bob_roll "0"
set bob_up "0"
set run_pitch "0"
set run_roll "0"

// ---Network---
set cl_protocol "35"
netgraph 0

// ---r1gl config settings---

set vid_ref "r1gl"
set gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1"
set gl_ext_texture_non_power_of_two "1"
set gl_hudscale "2.5"
set gl_coloredlightmaps ".05"
set gl_polyblend "0"
set gl_modulate "4"

// --tdm general--

// ---r1q2 config settings---
opengl 32
gl_ext_multitexture 0
gl_dynamic 0
set cl_async "1"
set cl_maxfps "120"
set r_maxfps "1000"
set m_directinput "1"
set m_fixaccel "1"
set in_dinputkeyboard "1"
set cl_drawfps "1"
set cl_cmdcomplete "2"
set cl_smoothsteps "3"
set cl_defermodels "0"
set cl_autorecord "0"
set cl_railtrail "0"
set cl_beginmapcmd ""
set cl_endmapcmd ""
set net_maxmsglen "0"
set s_ambient "0"
set s_initsound "1"
set s_openal_device "DirectSound3D"
set fs_cache "7"

// --- Downloads ---

set allow_download_maps "1"
set allow_download_models "0"
set allow_download_others "0"
set allow_download_pics "0"
set allow_download_players "0"
set allow_download_sounds "0"
set allow_download_textures "0"

// == Restart Video ==


//The End

Trouble Shooting / quake 2 + gtx 580 problem :(
« on: November 17, 2011, 09:59:24 AM »
Hey, i jsut got a hardware upgrade, and with the gtx 580 gfx card my screen blinks if i shoot in a dark room :(
Edit: i use q2 starter.

Quake / What .pak is this?
« on: November 17, 2011, 09:57:17 AM »
Hey, just wondering if anyone has the pak used in this vid?
Or parts of it, i'm especially looking for the textures and the chaingun sound:)

/dev/random / Re: Whatcha Look Like?
« on: October 21, 2011, 03:53:15 PM »
To see my pic and lots of other tdm/ra2 players' pic, check out this site:

Nice pyjamas gator ;D Finally someone who gives my red sweater some sort of challenge.

Anyone got this pic? THe link is dead, ill need it so that if i see him on the streets of oslo(im norwegian!) I can tell him to Get the fuck back to quake 2! :P

Requesting stock crosshairs put at the right place so i am able to shoot things -.-

10 / Can't reply to PM's
« on: October 08, 2011, 07:10:09 PM »
Hey, when i write a dude a message it gets read etc, but if ipress reply and then send it dosent get sent, why?

/dev/random / Re: What games are you playing ?
« on: October 07, 2011, 04:42:59 PM »
The only problem is that soldat isn't free? I remember when it use to be...

Personally though, I found Subspace to be more enjoyable:

Wasted many hours on that game. ; D

Only thing that costs money is to register an account which you dont need to!
imma test out subspace anyways :P

Discussion / Good youtube channels for watching matches etc?
« on: October 07, 2011, 06:12:57 AM »
Could you guys list some similar youtube channels like for ex. popsq2 etc?
I really enjoy watching random demos on youtube :P

Quake / Re: beef?
« on: October 07, 2011, 06:02:37 AM »
I've only used it as a 1337 alias while playing tf2!  :dohdohdoh:

I've seen alot of theese thread during my time as a member and a forum stalker, so why not have one topic for this instead of 3000? :)

So i'll start then: Where can i find the water used in dimmo's pak as seen here: at 01:18?

Pages: [1] 2