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Messages - norman

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General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 04, 2012, 05:08:06 PM »
Despite this, there will be some proof showed to the public aswell as many facts explained,

I will also ask you all to  just wait with this all till after EDL. Many things will be explained from this topic and as I wrote in first post, some proofs released for public.

Nothing is sweeped under the rug and whole situation will be clarified, but as I said before - after the season.

I didnt mind to convince you that hes not a cheater from the begining

im leaving you guys with these quotes for some time, hopefully after few reads you will get it.

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 04, 2012, 04:51:17 PM »
yeah keep going.

and what is the best, after all this. Asking one of the guys here who is he ?( cause I really dont know many of you, yet many heard about ) I receive very kind 'who the fuck are you?'

Great attitude guys, hope nobody else from europe ever come here to feel the way you deal with discussion.

cheerz y0

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 04, 2012, 04:37:40 PM »
please do not accuse me or any of my teammates (ofc not talking about david here) like michaq of using ventrillo cause its simply not true. And no adren i havent told him not to play h/a I just suggested him that (as a friend not as admin), as I would do myself as I see no point on playing on 150 ping. Besides that he wrote the same even before me so I don't now where is the problem.

Haunted: I bet u can provide the logs as any1 can see it. If i said so it was pure sarcasm as muerte keep saying those accustations for any of ath players.

I wont even bother in responding rest of false theories going on here (mostly not connected with david this time). I came here cause muerte created topic here, not anywhere else. Just wanted to give you a clue what kind of player David is and how he improved and gained expierenced in game. I didnt mind to convince you that hes not a cheater from the begining. Then bunch of haters almost ate me and attacked with whatever they had. Thats just sad. Keep your forum for you I wont post anymore here cause its pointless, dealing with fader arguments if he got issues with understanding what he reads.

and yeah I have distate for adren cause he acts like a kid.

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:49:01 AM »
I just wanted to know something about who I am writing/talkin with, just that. However lmao @ you atm. Now I know enough to not continue this discussion with you.

And your post is even more ridiculous than delita's deep thoughts. If your not informed well then please don't provide fake informations.

Who the fuck are you?
I am one of the EDL admin's, responsible for taking of league when Welkin was away. I am also taking care of some buiseness with division 3 playoffs and helping in relations between polish players and admins. Anyway by asking that u just proved you know nothing about the scene, especially euro.

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:24:34 AM »
whatever u changed now norman in that archive wont count

what changed? the files have their date of modify, modifying archive changes nothing. The only thing david did was erasing his unique_id from autoexec.cfg which is pretty normal isnt it? single pak havent been changed from january 2011.

dunno what that could be now but with version u posted before only u could get r ac models violations on forced ac server
i guess someone also downloaded previous posted pak and can check its unplayable on ac servers

this is everything david got in baseq2/ and still he doesnt get kicked anywhere

norman us should know till now if ur cheating dont post demos
demos dont lie i just press 2 buttons during playback

i cant understand this part - david was one of the most reliable players when we consider demo uploading. He did that everytime just after a game or one day later.

or u want to say im also guy who played with that cheat shit and got caught with David ip

about what final u talking about? if any one left in q2 community have right mind this is end for your friend and cheating school
do u think your cheating vote in EDL admin crew will denied all ac server violation logs

if that happen then European quake2 is rly dead

just FYI david got a connection which got a ( dont know the technical vocabulary for this ) ppl base?  and they are all sharing the same IP. eg. Hasiu is a guy living 2 streets from David, why that log would even be considered as any proof? and you are just not consistent. Firstly you are saying that AC is broken and not reliable, now as one of your main arguments are ac logs? There were many topics about cheaters in polish scene and noone get banned cause of these 2 logs - modified-client/unknown-renderer, because after contacting r1ch he said this log doesnt appear only because of wallhack or whatever. Guys who have been banned were only those who had 'wallhack' log in aclist which is surely a proof of using one.

and tbh I don't believe you will ever get rid of suspicious of david even if he would play in front of you on lan. So I am/will be doing this not for you but mainly for rest of the guys in scene who are affected by most of your shittalk (eg. that im a cheater and etc. )


sorry Whirlingdervish , but who are you?

Is Muerte gonna be playing against David? What does he stand to gain here, other than a league that isn't letting someone cheat?

I see your not following scene much. Muerte is not happy about david who is consistently kicking some of his fav players, and considering final it is obvious that He is kinda of purri's fanboy.

the pak isnt a baloney - it was uploaded cause of some of the posts here,  by some of you it was suspicious also.

Why is it that the the only action taken by euro admins seems to be attempts to sweep these under the rug?

I won't be rude cause I don't know you, and still I am/was of the EDL crew. Nothing is sweeped under the rug and whole situation will be clarified, but as I said before - after the season.

and if you got vids then feel free to post. I will watch them with pleasure, and after the league we can discuss about it.

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 04, 2012, 08:54:04 AM » - fixed the link in previous post, this one includes config.cfg also which u all have in your baseq2/ and it writes down all settings after last quake2 launch, changing the modify date/time also - just forgot about that.

autoexec.cfg was modified cause it contained unique_id for his nofake account which for obvious reasons was erased.

Even if the paks were uploaded after the game, the last modify date is 17th Jan 2011.

He didnt mention anything about any accustations / ac violations / demos and etc above cause i recomended him not to. It's a nice try from Muerte to troll the whole scene and turn it against david just before the grandfinal. ( Yeah let us all hate him and call him a cheater this might work out ).  He just want to focus on the game and do his best.

I will also ask you all to  just wait with this all till after EDL. Many things will be explained from this topic and as I wrote in first post, some proofs released for public.

thank you.

General Ownage / Re: Avatar 2 sneak peak by David
« on: June 03, 2012, 04:37:28 PM »
Hi guys, many of you If not all, don't have a clue who is a guy called David, when he started to play, how he improved and what he achieved. I suggested him to wrote some kind of quake 2 bio and after that I translated it so you can all read about him.  I'm not hoping to change muerte's mind, but I believe many of you know what actually 'skill' is and how much work it needs to be good.

Despite this, there will be some proof showed to the public aswell as many facts explained, but we want to wait till after final. This is really uncomfortable for David, and quite stressful too.

Here is the link for his baseq2/ paks and cfg set: . Probably he tried to explain that mess to any1 who asked him for his pak but he is not so good at english to have a comfortable talk. He understand it well tho.

Still this text is probably leaky and incomplete but u might have slight better view at whole case. // sorry for the translation quality, hope it won't bother so much :)


Ok, I wanna tell few words about this case cause it starts to be little boring (though, for Muerte it might be fun, cheers grandpa)

Many people from scene thinks I started to play recently – that’s a mistake. David started playing in the fall of 2006 year, from instagib. Firstly I was playing only this mode, with a slight of jump mode, to improve my movement around maps. After 2 years I heard about Insta league in to which I signed up my clan This is a link to my first clan, which took competition for the best insta team in Poland. For a debut we achieved really cool result, 4th place. Maybe I have some demos, will search for it if necessary.

   Not long after new league was born. This time it was NiDML and my first official games in Europe.
At beginning of September 2008 year (here starts the time when David probably haven’t got a single day without quake 2 and few games – this last for some 2-3 years, I can’t remember exactly now. Now I realize, that cause of it I lost much in life, it isn’t the best time I remind myself) I started playing some TDM. I gave it a try, after some people noticed my quick progression and improvement, even then. This way I jumped into cool 2nd league clan – GOA ( )
While in this clan I played my first important event for me during Polish Quake 2 League: “All Star Rail” -,Wyniki_All_Star_Rail,news.html . After this tourney I received such motivational kick, that I wanted to win everything and had a feeling that it is quite possible.

After new year, January 2009, I begin to play on Europe quake 2 scene. My first Euroq2l . Then I also signed up to Polish Duel League, my first duel league, but I finished far away after really experienced guys.  Next Insta league and even more desire to win it after 4th place in last season. Then All leagues suddenly finished and I was still playing. Meanwhile I watched a lot of demos (during the league or 15min before the game also). Instead of watching TV in the evening I turned on the lap and checked some purri’s / Damiah’s demos,  switching between them. Nevermind if it was duel or TDM. Some of them I know by heart, cause the best one’s I’ve seen x15 times.

After my first Polish Quake 2 League, I have been awarded with the “Greatest discovery of PLQ2 2008/2009” (kind of "rookie of the year") which only increased my motivation.
New edition of Summer Quake 2 Duel league began, without much of thinking I signed up. ( ).
At that time, the maps I played the most was q2rdm2 and ztn2dm3. Most of the summer holidays I spent on playing duels versus much better opponent (Ivers). In first months I was regularly beaten by him, though after some time it began to change and I felt I was improving.

In May, the same year, I changed my clan to [sF] ( SunFlowers ), containing more experienced players. Day after play> won Euroq2l #11 final game, we managed to won pcw vs them, what was another boost for me, even david didn’t play in that friendly game.
And here I think, begin the time most conducive for me as a player. After 2 months of playing in [sf], I received invitation to play in v3 clan, the 2nd strongest team in Poland in those days. The rookie from last season, now I will play with such strong guys, I thought about it for some time, but finally decided that it will be really good for me.  Few people had doubts, that I will be not experienced enough, and they were right. Although I did really good in my debut, I was lacking confidence in some really important games eg. vs tOk or play. However what for demos are and computer which is available all day [;-)].
And so on, leagues were running, many games on the highest level guarantee really quick improvement of skill, especially when you are 15-17 years old. After New year again the same Polish Cup, Euroq2l, PLQ2 INSTA, PDL and.. my first European Duel League, which I decided to try. Even if “haven’t played” single game (I shitted my pants against careem, I suspected huge rape), but I played vs player with nick dh.king: . Screens and demos weren’t uploaded, but I may have it on some of the older cd’s (won 2:0 after home/away q2dm3/q2rdm2).

In the same 2010 year, approximately in march, we won with loco as sMr, 2on2 Insta League, which was organized by Revo & Cheimera, which also gave me huge boost. There was a lot of weird frags/actions, I have some demos from group phase and finals if anyone wants (Muerte). However I started as a insta player and looking along walls, to have faster reaction in case of enemy appearing behind it its something normal, in my opinion you receive those habits, especially if your starting from this mod.
Polish Duel League was also a huge surprise for me. Several games won against imo better and more experienced players (tOk.goat), and placing 5-6th in the tourney was really huge achievement for me, but I felt I am able to get further in the tournament.
Leagues ended, most of them finished in top3, but one of them still remained – PLQ2 2on2. With fasadin, as [sf] we decided to take part in the cup. We played much, consistently improving our teamplay on teamspeak. The beginning was hard, but one of the favorite dropped out and we had more chances for success which we accomplished: Really tough game, but after this 8 mapper of the final game I gained really huge dose of experience and headphones which I use till today.

After the first game vs tOk, I participated in a LAN party in Rzeszow – someone wrote than no one seen me playing – that’s not true.

Leagues ended, and of course I was still playing.

Then was the next edition of PLQ2, v3 gathered really strong team, and we wanted to win most of the leagues and also finish the domination of tOk in PLQ2 (as most of the clans, like 3c the 2nd team from that season), after which most of us claimed stop playing for good.

Signups.  V3 is joining every league, often plays pcw, friendly duels with players like pepek, Cs3 or fiziek, with addition of important 4on4 matches – that’s a big portion of experience and skill improvement in short time.
At this point you noticed me, v3 started to achieve good results, and you thought “Where that David came from?”  specially after my first important EDL win. Winning with Damiah 2:1 – not long time ago Goa player, and now winning with little rusty but still quake 2 legend, person who’s demos I know by heart. After that game I felt I am on the right way to becoming a really good dueller.  I didn’t stop. Duels with the best played really often, with those decent too, less know maps. Constantly important matches in TDM, constantly playing, constantly dm1, constantly railgun.
It’s hard to write here something more. You know me as a guy who placed 2nd in last EDL and who won Euroq2l with v3. However as u have read, David lasts a little longer and what is most, but least for you, he kept spectating better, learnt  from them and tried to compete with them.

After losing with purri in the EDL final, what is strange, I was really happy, everyone congratulated me – but still I was the looser. I was really satisfied with my result but after some days, when I looked at that game, I felt insufficiency that I was really, really close. I think in this game it should be used this way – defeats have to inspire player and every, even least significant win should motivate and give some boost.
You received here, 5 years history of me playing this crap.
About gzero and his suggestion to play the final game without spects, only with admin, shoutcaster and a password on server. For me it’s not a problem. Last year after MY suggestion, admins agreed, so in this one it shouldn’t be a problem aswell.

- David

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