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Messages - hensoup

Pages: [1]
I think I got it all I need to do now is read offsets from player's mouse  :headbang:

thank you! :)

I think I got this figure out.  now the next step is the point to click. which should be last easier.

Interesting I think I'll have to create a second UI to do this. as me and ace are using EGL.  I've done game scripting and game programming but never coded with modifying with a  engine.

okay I finally got this to compile and working around with the code but I cannot seem to find any tutorial or figure out the code how to get the mouse cursor to work in quake 2 like a  MMO or even Diablo would.

Two questions about this:

could a simple mod to the game dll would work or do I need to compile the EXE and or C game project folder.  I assume I would have to write my own mouse command. but I'm worried rewriting it might screw things up.

if I have to mess with the client code should I have to make a copy of the UI_Cursor or UI to make it work like how I wanted too.  Rarely coded in quake 2 but I can see how this works.

and question 2 how would a Program a "ray" function that tells where my mouse is pointing.

0x1337c0de / Re: Neeeding advice on a MMO style game using Q2 Source
« on: January 03, 2011, 07:45:25 AM »
told you earlier this morning on my desktop I'm using 2010 but then again I forgot if I did.  but it's proof it works.

0x1337c0de / Re: Neeeding advice on a MMO style game using Q2 Source
« on: January 02, 2011, 11:50:18 PM »
that oldschool arcade game, galatica?, you could do something like have monsters form in orders and a group of players take them on.  flying small monsters like skee shots or whatever, so you could work on targeting

we are doing things that over the top with enemy counts. I am working on getting quake 2 with a diablo style interface where you click the location the character moves. and such. we are in alpha now and I got the exe working thru Visual C++ 2010.

0x1337c0de / Re: Neeeding advice on a MMO style game using Q2 Source
« on: January 02, 2011, 08:14:54 PM »
Hello I am the lead coder of BAND anyhow we have got the EXE to compile and right now I am figuring out how to get mouse click to work on quake 2. I'll be posting a question later about that.  Right now it's not as easy as using something like Unity. But the network code is all there so I'd rather mess with rigging quake 2 than rewriting net-code.

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