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Messages - take it

Pages: [1]
General Ownage / Re: take it getting raped and bitching out
« on: December 23, 2010, 06:23:55 AM »
Ok, now i have a chance to say something...
First of all, as i have told anyone, i have never botting in quake2 servers.
I use to play in brazil, where the admin use to force us to use nocheat only.
I am just a regular person, without any skills about botting.
The problem started with this 'alpha' guy. I dont know why he got so piss and, before try to know what was going on with my configs, he just started to ofend me, saying like: 'you stiill not using anticheat idiot'.
I didnt ofend this guy, he had no reason to do it.
After all, i got knowing that my antivirus was blocking the anticheat, so i fixed that.

Now, i apologize for what happenned in the irtdm. I was very piss cause this alpha guy, who judged me as i hacker or something and came here to cry.

Once again, i would never do that (botting).

Ok. i promissed to myself that from now on i will play quiet, and let guys like alpha talking to himself.

Thanks. Take it

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