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Messages - Skyhawk

Pages: [1]
Outdoor Activities / Re: Gardening Thread
« on: April 12, 2014, 11:28:46 AM »
Its sad to think that going to a garden supply store that carries hydroponic equipment can get you on a law enforcement 'watch' list or worse raided on such flimsy 'evidence'. I've avoided going to a local store because of that kinda crap. I heard the store was going to carry a lot of open pollinated and heirloom seed but then saw all the hydroponic equipment they sell....well so much for that idea. I'll stick to places where you don't feel like you're under surveillance every time you need to buy tomato seeds.

Wow all those man hours, thousands of tax dollars and raiding a woman's house for a 9.3g stash... :bravo:

Outdoor Activities / Re: Firearms - Hunting/Target thread
« on: January 30, 2014, 01:46:58 PM »

If you reload, which everyone should learn/equip themselves to do, the new powders and bullets will increase your velocity and terminal performance. You get the right recipe for your gun by some trial and error and have a more modern deer rifle. Hornady teamed up with Hodgden to make their improved 30-30 round for lever guns. At first it was only sold as loaded ammo...LeverEvolution (or something like that). The bullets are pointed, but safe for a tube magazine, unlike the old flat points. Now you can get the duplex powder they used and the bullets separately. I have had some cycling issues with my first reloads in a lever action (case length, I think). I can only assume it would be easier with better results in a bolt action. Good hunting....

Well I handload my flintlock every time I shoot it does that count?  ;D
I've thought about getting into reloading but for one gun doesn't warrant the expence. I'm seriously thinking about an other gun but that would only make it two guns. I'd like to use a spitzer or spire shape bullet but there isn't any load data available for that in .30-30. I'd have to start from scratch. The longer spitzer bullet would require a higher seating depth or a longer cartridge. I don't think a longer cartridge wouldn't be a problem in my Stevens 325. It has a capture style bolt and a long throw so it should handle anything that can fit in the clip. The use of a bullet like a Speer #2022 150 grain SPBT would make a major difference in down range performance versus factory flat nose ammo. It's something I've looked into but haven't resigned myself to doing........yet.

The other gun I'm thinking about is a Stevens 322 in .22 hornet and there's lots of reload data for that cartridge. It's more novelty with that gun, all though the .22 hornet is a good varmint round, I'd just like to have the 'sister' to my 325. The down side is they only made it from 1948 to 1950 so they are few and far between.

Never owned a lever action rifle. Don't know that much about them, but from what I've seen, they tend have a little shorter barrels than bolt rifles. So I assume they probably have more intense rifling and more recoil. And it probably would make me a little nervous having pointed tip rounds in the tube of a gun that kicks that hard. :D Probably wouldn't be enough of a jar to bang them together and set them off, but you never know.

That's the 'design flaw' I was refering to regarding the .30-30. The rule of thumb with tubular magazines 1. No pointed bullets only flat or round nose 2. roll crimp the case in a cannelure. Number one is because the recoil could cause a chain reaction dischange in the magazine destroying the gun and injuring the shooter. Number two is neck tension may not be enough to keep the recoil from pushing the bullet deeper in the case. If the bullet is pushed deep enough it could cause a high discharge pressure and rupture the case or worse.

I'm not a fan of lever action guns myself because most have tubular magazines. I'd say there is only one I like is the Savage model 1899 and the later model 99. It was designed to take care of most of the short comings with lever action guns. The use of a rotary magazine in the receiver meant it wasn't limited to flat or round nose bullets. It could be chambered in cartridges the tubular magazines couldn't like .250 & .300 savage, .308 & .243 winchester and .22-250 Remington to name a few. It has a numbered round indicator on the receiver so it's easy to know how many rounds are in it. It's hammerless so you don't have to cock the hammer.
I've also heard of some lever actions discharging if you short stroke the lever. The hammer doesn't engage the sear and falls when you close the action. I think that happened to my grandfather once that's why he always said "I'll never own another of those damned things, I don't trust them.".

A friend of mine has a Savage 99 chambered in .300 savage, passed down from his grandfather. It's a nice gun and the .300 savage puts a deer down hard and fast. He stopped using it and was going to hand it down to his son but he's not sure of that now. When at the shooting range he told the kid to hold it tight because of the recoil. The boy didn't listen and the scope did a meet and greet with his forehead, now he's afraid to even touch the gun.

Outdoor Activities / Re: Firearms - Hunting/Target thread
« on: January 20, 2014, 11:34:01 PM »
Well as far as slugs I was just making a suggestion to M^ster and anyone else with the same restictions. What he would do with it was up to him. I haven't used slugs in a shotgun in years. The closest I come to that is a 50 caliber flintlock in the muzzle loader deer seasons.
In the regular rifle season use a good old .30-30 bolt action rifle. My only gripe with that is using bullets made to compensate for a 119 year old design flaw. I took my first deer with that rifle and I'll probably take my last one with it.   ;D

Outdoor Activities / Re: Firearms - Hunting/Target thread
« on: November 23, 2013, 01:25:54 PM »
Wish we could use rifles to hunt the deer here, it's shotguns only. My dad does have a 12 gauge with a rifled barrel but I'll have to practice with that sucker as I have only ever used mine to hunt small game and birds. There are so many deer here it is ridiculous..I see a buck almost every day, and doe even more here. Turkey is still on here I believe, which I wanted to do and have a tag for, but I am too busy to get to it...  ;)

I don't know if you've looked into what shotgun slugs are available for a rifled barrel but some of the saboted slugs look interesting. You're not limited to the old foster or brenneke style slug any more. I was looking at one from winchester with a saboted spire ballistic tip bullet the performance is really good for a slug.
The SXP12 a 2 3/4" shell fires a 300 grain bullet at 1900 feet per second. The trajectory chart shows with a 100 yard zero it has a rather flat trajectory up to 125 yards and a 4.4" drop at 150 yards.
There is the SXP123 in 3" thats a little faster with a 300 grain bullet at 2000 feet per second.
Either way the sabot slugs make the old slugs look pathetic and weak.

Outdoor Activities / Re: Firearms - Hunting/Target thread
« on: November 22, 2013, 02:07:00 AM »
I'll take the first buck that i can in part because of the number of deer in the areas I hunt and what it takes to be legal now.
I guess its also that my grandfather taught me to hunt, sadly he was bed ridden soon after I started hunting and couldn't go with me anymore. So when I got my first buck, a nice 8 point, I was happy and my grandfather was proud. That's the only trophy that means anything to me.

The PA game commision says the main reason for the antler restriction is to allow more bucks to reach breeding age and increase genetic diversity. They had a study done to see if that would work. They found out what most already know the dominant buck breeds most of the doe and having more mature bucks in the area doesn't change that.

The other problem with that idea is antler size is more about genetics and diet not age. The last buck I got was a 6 point when I looked at his teeth, to try and figure out it's age, he still had his milk teeth. I'd say he was about 17 or 18 months old. It looked like he already had met up with a bigger buck and had the scars to show for it.

The idea of antler restricitions could also cut back on the number of trophy rack bucks. If more bucks with the genetics for smaller antlers are left to breed it may come to the point where it becomes the dominant trait. I remember a friend of mine told me of the old gray muzzled buck he got one year. He was sitting at the edge of a field where the deer like to graze. A good size herd came into the field, all doe. (well at least he thought at first)
A nice buck came to the edge of the field stood there for a while then turned around and left. This happened a couple times and my friend was wondering what was going on that all the buck where leaving. He got the answer when one of the 'doe' mounted another one. He scoped the deer to get a better look and saw the thick little spikes on the buck. It was an old buck that may have never had any thing other then spikes his whole life but the other bucks wouldn't mess with him.
I don't know maybe its just me but if you're looking for trophy racks thats not what you want in the gene pool.

Outdoor Activities / Re: Firearms - Hunting/Target thread
« on: November 21, 2013, 11:48:30 PM »
No dout! If you want to drink stay at home or camp, if you want to hunt go sober.

I remember going passed a beer distributor and seeing a big banner plastered on the wall saying "Welcome Hunters" did a double take on that one. :WTF:
I'm glad I don't live or hunt in an area that promotes the idea of going out with a .300 magnum stupity rifle and a case of beer.

I kinda wonder if the "if its brown shoot mentality" isn't part of the reason we now have antler restrictions in this state. If its a buck you have to make sure its legal, for most of the state that means three points or more on one side of it's rack.

Outdoor Activities / Re: Firearms - Hunting/Target thread
« on: November 16, 2013, 02:13:12 AM »
Apparently you can choose from percussion cap or flintlock variety, which is pretty cool if you wanna go all early 1800's for your hunt. Don't see too many people making them other than ThompsonCenter and Traditions.

Sadly the thing people were afraid of when Smith&Wesson bought Thompson Center has happened.
They discontinued their sidelock rifles and the only muzzle loaders they still make are in-lines.
The only way to get a Thompson Center sidelock is retailer old stock or used.
I can't complain though I just picked up a used T/C Pennsylvania Hunter a while ago from a guy who didn't want to use his grandfather's flintlock. It's a little rough from hanging on the wall for too long but for $150 it was still a steal. Hell she may not be the bell of the ball but she'll take a deer or two.

There aren't too many companies left making or selling sidelock muzzle loaders any more.
Traditions Firearms, Pedersoli, Lyman (branded Invest Arms made guns) and Cabelas (branded Invest arms and Pedersoli guns) are a few off the top of my head. I guess given that Pennsylvania is the only state that still has a flintlock only deer season (and they better not mess with our flintlock season) there isn't a big market for them.

Turkey is still on here I believe, which I wanted to do and have a tag for, but I am too busy to get to it...  ;)

Turkey season is usually in the spring. It is in Georgia anyway. Hunting seasons are always gonna run during mating seasons. They don't want people killing pregnant game.

In Pennsylvania we have two turkey seasons one in the fall and one in the spring.
The fall season regulations vary in the different Wildlife Management Units.
The WMU I've been hunting in fall season is Nov. 2-22 [closed Nov. 23-27 for Black Bear season] then Nov. 28-30. 1 bird either sex. You can use shotgun, bow or rifle in this season.
The spring season is May 3-31. 1 bird male only. Shoguns or bow.

I go in the fall season one because you can use a rifle (I'm looking to give a turkey a .22 caliber lead induced lobotomy)  and two there are too many 'accidental shootings' in the spring season.
I don't want to be the one on the other side of a moving bush when some idiot desides to take a shot to see if its a turkey. When they report this kinda thing on the news it should be called what it is PREVENTABLE STUPIDITY not accidental.
If something like that would happen, if able to, I'd return fire and know I was shooting at a turkey just not the feathered kind.

8 / Re: US based Action Quake 2 TEAMPLAY server please!
« on: August 15, 2012, 11:30:24 PM »
Well not to drag up an old post but as the servers are in the same state..... :raincloud:
If memory serves me right the issues with AQ2FFA and AQ2TDM happened about the time of the IP transition.
AQ2TDM went MIA... pre IP transition it had some Wallfly issues with goto but other then that it was Good.

AQ2FFA is out of the map rotation, almost like someone rconed a map not in the maplist and didn't put the server back in the rotation.

A round ending on a timelimit with
"Timelimit hit.
Game ending at: Wenesday 15 August 22:57:42
Next map in rotation isĀ  ."
Then the same map is played over and over.
The 'maplist' shows 31 different maps but only a 'votemap' will change the next map to something else.

Bot Drop / Zbot use in Vanilla
« on: February 15, 2011, 11:37:38 AM »
bot use in Vanilla again.....
someone using the name Link was using a zbot demo attached

Bot Drop / Bot use
« on: October 14, 2010, 10:50:45 PM »
Looks like someone by the name of 'McAraon' was using a aimbot on Vanilla 10/14/10 at 14:01 EDT.

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