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Messages - funk_munkey

Pages: [1]
Bot Drop / Re: clone
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:43:53 AM »
Perhaps a bit suspicious but doesn't look conclusive to me.  He doesn't seem like a particularly good player...

2 / Re: US based Action Quake 2 TEAMPLAY server please!
« on: September 08, 2011, 06:14:44 PM »
(in most pathetic voice acting job): TEAMMATE DOWN.

Half my time in college was spent on AQ2 teamplay.  Would be awesome to see a game start back up.

Quake / Re: Ashtard at it again...
« on: February 19, 2011, 06:19:05 PM »
Quote from: Zeppelin
Me and Grunt tried to frag Ashtar before he kills himself but i only got him twice!
Amateurs!  My blind-rail-into-lava efficiency has improved tenfold in the past few weeks thanks to Ashtar!

Btw, his favorite trick lately is getting "squished" on DM5 so that the rotating platform gets stuck and nobody can get the railgun.  Was pissing a few beginners off last night ("Why isn't it turning anymore?  I can't get the railgun!  etc.)

I say let him be!  He's good target practice.  If he wants to waste hours of his life committing virtual suicide... who cares? 

General Ownage / Re: vae - re-muted?
« on: January 13, 2011, 01:00:11 AM »
and i bet the majority of people that voted yes dont play with me or maybe dont even touch the tdm servers at all :)
Funny you should say this, because YOU come to servers that YOU don't play on and still start shit there.  You've gotten quite adept at trolling the ffa servers even though you have no intention of playing.  Your sole purpose seems to be to make yourself feel important by threatening to rape people at 1v1 who could care less and are just looking to ffa for a bit.  I know you think ffa is garbage, but we don't need to hear it every day.  It is a different game, with a different required skillset, and some of us enjoy it.  If you want to come to a server to talk shit nonstop, it's my opinion that at the very least you should be playing the game.

I am still trying to figure out if you actually have issues or if you're just a master instigator who is sitting at home and laughing at how easy it is to push people's buttons on the internet by pretending to be huge jerk.  For all I know, there might actually be a reasonably intelligent and rational person behind this puppet show that you're running with your e-persona!

Quake / Re: Config questoin
« on: January 09, 2011, 07:41:14 PM »
That is cool, I forgot the "$" when I tried it.

Does r1q2 have advanced scripting capabilities beyond regular q2?

Quake / Re: Config questoin
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:11:24 PM »
Yes, you can use custom variables to store numeric values, like the FOV and sensitivity examples.  But, I seriously doubt you can use variables to reference bindable keystrokes; you're getting into asking the Quake scripting language to become a full fledged programming language that understands all kinds of different data types. 

I'm guessing the best you could do would be to use something like

bind CUSTOMROCKETKEY "use rocket launcher"

or whatever.  Then tell people to use their text editor's "Find and replace" function to specify all the necessary keys.  If your scripts really are that complicated, I guess that could help you distribute them to people.

Quake / Re: to funk_Monkey
« on: November 23, 2010, 09:49:40 PM »
Cool, thanks!  I've been keeping my eyes open for your post.  I'll check 'em out later tonight!

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