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Messages - Bad Mouse

Pages: [1]
So i guess we'll be seeing a lot more mice on tastyspleen now huh?  :alien:


Tech Junkie Lounge / Re: WARNING! DO NOT visit piratebay!
« on: July 21, 2010, 07:22:10 PM »
You lost to me  :evilgrin:

3 / Re: Naders
« on: July 18, 2010, 06:16:09 AM »
I like how random people talk shit to Vae. So entertaining!

I never talked to Vae before this

I played Vae and beat him, did I get a gg, no I got "that is the first game I have lost all day", "you only won because I'm worn out", "don't kid yourself, your not that good"

4 / Re: Naders
« on: July 17, 2010, 05:47:29 PM »
i could beat ely if my game was on, but when im worn out its not, and i wasnt gonna put up with him when im tired and my aim is off
Man get some sleep or have something to eat, the world don't revolve around a computer game.  It sounds like this is the only important thing in your life.  If gaming wears you out you must not get any physical exercise, except wacking off (you probably do that to screenshots of your stats).

if you want to talk railz stats, as of yesterday i hvae the third most rail kills, fourth most kills overall, the seventh highest kill streak at 29, and a 2.12 kdr which is quite amazing if i might say so myself :) im one of the best railz players thats active atm... people like letha vigi ely and gaud are the top tier when it comes to instagib in NA, only one i have played is gaud, i beat gaud, gaud has beat letha, letha has beat vigi, and ive seen ely's rail, i could out rail him if i was on no problem :)

Sound like you just crowned yourself as the best railer in NA.  So I have a win against the best railer in NA.  I will always treasure that screenshot, it will be something I can share with my kids and grandkids.  :yessign:

railz is just somethin i play to warm up or when im in the mood for something easier

From your rail stats, either you need a lot of warm up or your getting your ass kicked in tdm and need to come play railz because it is a easier mod  :???:

5 / Re: Naders
« on: July 17, 2010, 02:31:01 PM »
earlier the same day you lost over and over and over, along with everyone else, by at least 20 frags :) GGs?

I was not there earlier in the day when you had all these wins, but If you did win gg's to you.  :beer:

It is not that hard to say gg to someone.  

One thing I did notice was that when Ely showed up, you left.   :lolsign:   After seeing you bolt when someone good shows up, I checked your rail stats and Ely or Vigi don't show up.  You must leave when they arrive  :LAME:

My guess, all the wins earlier in the day Ely or Vigi were not there.  :ohlord:

I had some good games with Ely yesterday, I think he won all of them but one.  The games he won I was always in the 30's.
Of course, if I'm tossing nades I don't score near that well.  ;D

6 / Re: Naders
« on: July 17, 2010, 12:41:30 PM »
Keep nades on the rail server, it is fun to see someone with the mighty rail run from me when they hear my nade pumping up  :lolsign:

I'm new here but I have to agree with what I have read - Vae is a douche.

I got some of it yesterday.  I like to throw nades but I am a descent railer also. 
I played Vae and beat him, did I get a gg, no I got "that is the first game I have lost all day", "you only won because I'm worn out", "don't kid yourself, your not that good"

I agree, I'm nothing special.  The sad part is you lost to someone like me, what does that say about your level.

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