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Messages - Kl33r

Pages: [1]
xatrix / Re: Kicked from xrazy - Why?
« on: May 07, 2010, 11:45:36 AM »

- disable "goto desktop" command (q2 client have the quit command);

No good.  Also works with any other GOTO destination.

addcommandban "say goto desktop"


addcommandban "goto desktop" fine!

xatrix / Re: Kicked from xrazy - Why?
« on: May 05, 2010, 05:46:53 AM »
Is not a bug, is a limitation of wallfly...

He kicks a player using the same name of the player + command "goto desktop" + change name...

Example: kick a player called XYZ:

name XYZ
say goto desktop
name xxx

...and the player is kicked!


- disable "goto desktop" command (q2 client have the quit command);

- add a delay time for change name (5 sec is enough);

- avoid 2 or more players with same name.

Pages: [1]