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Messages - Angeldust-CRU

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 12, 2012, 07:03:33 PM »
Where do these people come from.  :ohlord:

You have been thinking with your dick too much.  :welcome:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:30:53 PM »
You suck, your nades suck.

I couldn't agree more......I suck the sanity out of you  :bananaw00t:  and my nades suck the blood out of you  :tease:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:26:33 PM »
If I pay for the class in full, will you agree to take Shut The Fuck Up 101?

Thank you for your amicable and generous offer  :ilysign: but, really,  i have to turn it down.

You are still not in your correct frame of mind and will be better off with your money paying for aspirin for the bits of shrapnel still stuck in your brain  :smiley_abau:

And i would recommend you Prozac for the adverse effect to your brain cells due to the bombardment of nades.  :blowup:

Once again  :thankyou: for your offer

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:53:27 AM »
So where did you go Foc?  :bigcry:

You suddenly disconnect, offline amd off the beaten track.  :zzz:

Did the nades hurt you  :???: or did the nades make you look like a fool?  :nana:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 09, 2012, 05:09:58 PM » rude!

Is that it? Is that all you can think of?  :LAME:  :nana:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 09, 2012, 12:54:09 AM »
Ouch! My eardrums almost burst. Thought that nades' explosion are the loudest  :bomb:

You are fried up inside there, all of it up to your brain cells  :lolsign:

Well i din start the fire; I guess you have just been OWNED!  :frag:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 08, 2012, 06:26:53 PM »
Er....excuse me...Sarah WHO?....Sarah the Real Who?   :???:

I guess you guys been reading too much about Sarah the Real Who and due to that voyeurism of the Real Sarah Who....that you guys did not really make the cut for Mensa.  :dohdohdoh:  :frustration:

Tests reported that too much voyeurism of the Real Sarah Who combine with the bombardment of nades causes the brains of you guys to go offline and off the beaten track  :ubershock:  :eek:

Add to the fact that bits of shrapnel which could be found in the brains really makes the Who Sarah Real a member of Mensa. You guys must have been disappointed with your test results.  :lolup:  :bravo:  :sorry:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 08, 2012, 06:27:18 AM »
I made this song just for you angeldust. download below  :evilgrin: touched.....  :smiley_abyu: one of these guys have to make a tribute of me  :band2:  :thankyou:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 08, 2012, 02:27:33 AM »
Angeldust will always be Angeldust...... :smiley_abjf: he brings another dimension and level to Quake 2  :bananaw00t:

i guess his reputation exceeds him even before nades splurts out from his launcher  :boff: :smiley_abvv: :whoa: :smiley_abod:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 07, 2012, 06:27:57 PM »
Aw come on guys.....its part of the game....just to get you rile up after splattered splittered by nades  :yessign:

its more fun than silent but not muted killer  :smiley_abkx:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 07, 2012, 06:23:53 PM »
yeah i don't understand how this idiot has not been muted. he  :spam: more than anyone i have ever known to, even more annoying than ashtar. Also   :forceac:

Did I turn you on?  :righteous:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 03, 2012, 08:32:12 PM »
Dear Focalor, speak intelligently even if you have not been speak intelligently to  :oksign:

General Ownage / Re: FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 02, 2012, 07:51:48 PM »
Aw...come on gotta admit.....theres something special about me....look i have been spawning a lot of wannabes..... :zzz:...and im running out of nades   :frustration:

With 200 plus ping....imagine if i have less than 50 ping....more explosions!  :bomb:

General Ownage / FOOLS' GOLD
« on: April 02, 2012, 05:41:22 PM »
With you guys gung ho with your railguns and chaingunners...well..i gotta say...i have a knack of making you peeps look like fools with my nades splurting out from the launcher... :yessign:  :frag:....and when you guys though that its already safe...then came the shrapnel... :bomb:. :nana:

15 / Re: Naders
« on: March 14, 2012, 09:23:02 AM »
Saw a frag video that Thersofie shared today and it makes me want to get some nade kill demos together to do something similar.


(P.S. What do you do when a polish quake 2 player throws a nade at you?)

Embrace it with open arms  :nana:

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