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Messages - haro

Pages: [1]
Quake / Weapons Factory? Expert CTF?
« on: March 30, 2012, 12:46:24 AM »

Sup y'all! Long time player here...

I was happy to see that there are still servers left. It seems like tastyspleen (at least with my server game browser, HLSW) is all that is left.

I was sad to see that there are no more expert ctf servers, and definitely no wf servers =(

Any players from either of these mods? I'd be down to host a server sometime if anybody wants to play, or maybe even purchase a spot to set one up on if that doesn't work. I have no idea how to run a server, really. I'd love to learn.

For now, i'll just go play railz or something.

Right on,

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