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Messages - ripper6192008

Pages: [1]
Quake FAQs, HOWTOs, and Articles / Re: ERASER BOT
« on: January 18, 2010, 10:26:46 AM »

Are you fucking kidding?
Unless your working on getting that shit so it can be blocked? seems unlikely tho..

Bet you dont have a girlfriend or ever get laid. I dont spend my whole life in front of this joint, and I wasnt born a genius at this stuff like you apperantly. Thank you to the next guy for trying to help and be nice. Be nice It gets you farther

Quake FAQs, HOWTOs, and Articles / Re: ERASER BOT
« on: January 18, 2010, 10:23:53 AM »
Im a novice. I have 0 experience with this stuff

Quake FAQs, HOWTOs, and Articles / ERASER BOT
« on: January 18, 2010, 09:01:47 AM »
I got the eraser bot that looks like the most up to date and best one there is.(Iguess IDK)
So this is what it wants me to do.


To run the game, type the following from the DOS Shell
command line, whilst inside your Quake2 folder:

quake2 +set game eraser +map <mapname>
(please read below to find out which maps are supported)

I dont understand what this means. DO they mean go to my comp. open up the quake 2 file and then in another window open DOS and type this? Or do they mean run the game and hit ~ and then type this? Everything else I understand. This I dont understand what they want me to do. Could someone please explain?

Quake FAQs, HOWTOs, and Articles / Re: Skins!!!
« on: January 17, 2010, 09:05:37 PM »
Well scratch that I just tried that It doesnt work. How do I use these in MP DM?

Quake FAQs, HOWTOs, and Articles / Skins!!!
« on: January 17, 2010, 09:03:01 PM »
Does anyone know of any places on the net to get some skins? I have looked everywhere and all I find are dead links and pages with old files that dont work.?? I like serious ones, no goofball stuff. I like solider/military based skins and comic book/super hero ones. Also I downloaded the "All Players" skins file on here, How do I use that? Do I unzip each character individually into it's onw file under players? Like for example would I have to do this for each one I want to use?

EX.:   c:\quake2\baseq2\characters\deadpool   ???

Pages: [1]