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Messages - NPHarris

Pages: [1]
Trouble Shooting / Re: Trouble with Q2 server showing up on masterserver
« on: September 14, 2010, 03:19:26 PM »
Yes, ive done that, with both of my xfire Acounts (1 for each pc) and still no luck it only shows up in my favorites tab, i think ill check out the xfire forum, but i was wondering what are some other programs like gamespy that people use for quake 2? ill just get that and see if my server is showing up

Trouble Shooting / Re: Trouble with Q2 server showing up on masterserver
« on: September 10, 2010, 04:07:47 PM »
sweet thanks, ill try that right now, also i use xfire to list my servers maybe thats why, but i doubt it,. i let you know how it goes.

Ok its up now but i still cant seem to see it in xfire quake2 server list, the ip is  im assuming everyone can connect(A friend already did from US im from Canada) but it doesn't show up in xfire's quake2 server list or here <---------------->

I dunno how every1 else searches maybe game spy or steam or sumthin but, i dont have those to check

BTW this is the server.cfg now

// ********************** START OF Q2 SERVER FILE **********************
// FILENAME : /home/quake2/quake2/baseq2/Quake2internetDM.cfg

set public "1"
set port 27910
set hostname "The Quaker State"
set ServerAdmin "I-am-the-WASLRUS"
set email "CHANGEME"
set webpage "http://CHANGEME"
set deathmatch "1"
set rcon_password "?"
set timelimit "0"
set fraglimit "10"
set maxclients "10"
set allow_download "1"
set allow_download_players "1"
set allow_download_models "1"
set allow_download_sounds "1"
set allow_download_maps "1"
set dmflags 16388
set mapqueue "maps.lst"
map q2dm1

// ********************** END OF Q2 SERVER FILE **********************

BUT now on the dedicated server box it says

master server at
sending a ping
master server at
sending a ping...ect for the rest

Then it says

sending heartbeat to the IP addresses

Then after that it says

ping acknowledgment from the IP addresses

and still not in my xfire quake 2 server list(unless it is added manually to favriotes, if i do so it says its a Canadian server) and there are no other Canadian servers i see active on xfire and its not showing up under the American servers? what could be the problem? Maybe Xfire has its own master server list that i have to add? or theres one im missing that i havnt added that xfire usses.

BTW i can see all of the tastey spleen servers and many others on xfire

Trouble Shooting / Trouble with Q2 server showing up on masterserver
« on: September 10, 2010, 02:41:03 PM »
Hey im hosting a dedicated server from time to time for DM/COOP i can host to some1 online but it wont show up on the master server here is my .CFG what am i doing wrong

// ********************** START OF Q2 SERVER FILE **********************
// FILENAME : /home/quake2/quake2/baseq2/Quake2internetDM.cfg
set public "1"
set setmaster ""
set port 27910
set hostname "The Quaker State"
set ServerAdmin "I-am-the-WASLRUS"
set email "CHANGEME"
set webpage "http://CHANGEME"
set deathmatch "1"
set rcon_password "nph"
set timelimit "0"
set fraglimit "10"
set maxclients "10"
set allow_download "1"
set allow_download_players "1"
set allow_download_models "1"
set allow_download_sounds "1"
set allow_download_maps "1"

set mapqueue "maps.lst"
map q2dm1

// ********************** END OF Q2 SERVER FILE **********************

any help would be much appreciated, also i was wondering how Tastey spleen servers have no weapon re-spawns (the gun wont disappear and you cant keep getting ammo from it.) is it a Cvar?

Trouble Shooting / Re: Co-op Server help
« on: February 20, 2010, 05:05:27 PM »
From what I understand, using the gamemap command won't allow the skill flag to set.

Then you have to either start from the menu, or use the regular map command. If you have to set sv_allow_map 1.

Also be sure check your config files like Qwazzy Wabbit suggested.

what is the regular gamemap command i was using a dedicated server everything fine now back to 1?? if i knew how to restart the game i could just save thenĀ  it would probly work

Just the word Map, here is a more detailed description

Type: Function

Syntax: map (filename)

Description: Load maps, demos, or images.

Note: This is an all purpose loading command. This command can load maps to play, play demos, and also show images on the screen. This seems to be a compilation of the gamemap and demomap commands. By default, this command will try to load a map when a filename is specified without an extension.

map base3
map demo1.dm2
map colormap.pcx

If you are running an r1q2 server then you need to "set sv_allow_map 1" before you can use the map command. There is a more detailed description at but I couldn't find it at the moment.

That worked but now we have no guns, lol maybe i can get guns with a cheat or sumthin,  this happens way to much with quake 2 + both mission packs is there a way to set the default skill to be 3 in console or a CFG file ive done it to all server.cfg files and cant seem to find it in config.cfg or maxconfig.cfg (i use Q2Max)

maybe im doing something wrong this is wat i do to start my server.

 I right click quake 2 dedicated server and then i click properties and this is what i have typed in target C:\Quake2\quake2.exe +set cddir G:\install\data +set basedir C:\Quake2 +set coop 1 +set dedicated 1  +skill 3 (shud it be C:\Quake2\quake2Max.exe +set cddir G:\install\data +set basedir C:\Quake2 +set coop 1 +set dedicated 1  +skill 3) 

Also when some1 dies we revert to the previous save to make it seem like single player campaign and so its not easy as pie respawning could that change skill somehow?

also i would like to know the commnads for making 1 of my pc's the admin so when i have to load a game there is no minimizing quake 2, to  type save save4 in the dedicated servers console. id like t be able to just open up quake 2 console and type save save4 or load save4.
but id liek to resolve the constant skill 1 issue first.

thanks for all the responses and help, IM to happy quake2 is still as alive as it is, more people play this game online than some new games lol and i can see y, id have to say Q2 is at the top of the list for my favs, aswell as q1 and 3 not so much 4 tho... there no decent co-op for it

Trouble Shooting / Re: Co-op Server help
« on: February 18, 2010, 09:02:08 PM »
From what I understand, using the gamemap command won't allow the skill flag to set.

Then you have to either start from the menu, or use the regular map command. If you have to set sv_allow_map 1.

Also be sure check your config files like Qwazzy Wabbit suggested.

what is the regular gamemap command i was using a dedicated server everything fine now back to 1?? if i knew how to restart the game i could just save then  it would probly work

Trouble Shooting / Co-op Server help
« on: February 13, 2010, 07:27:01 PM »
hi, ive been playing quake 2 co-op LAN but am having 1 issue it will never remain on the hard difficulty(this is for quake2 original not mission packs) i type in console skill 3 then restart the round with gamemap base1 and after a few levels it always reverts back to default skill is there a way to just set the default to 3 so i never have to type that in, (assuming its from 0 to 3). or is it easier to run dedicated server, right now im just launching Q2 then going to multiplayer then going to create server then using console to change options like difficulty.

Thanks hope sum1 can help

Ok, well i found a quick fix, I just used Hamachi and created a network for both computers to join, and since no problems, so if any1 is having simmilar difficulties Try using that jsut google it.

yea i added that whole pack think q2 folder is around 6gigs, ill jsut have to delete the ones i do not wish to have, but for connecting i have no idea whats wrong.

Well i can officially say i am clueless same problem still, it seems when i join a coop room that my other pc made and we crash(by killing eachother after loading a save for some reason???) we can join a tastey map other wise it will not show up in games list or kick the other player.

Also on a side note whenever i try to change player model in player options, it crashes? i added the player pack and texture pack and stuff now it duz that n e 1 know a fix? or what i did wrong i just extracted into my Q2 folder.

lol i changed the one named admin and it worked... LOL never ahd that prob b4 dont think id of figured it out either thanks!!!!!!! played till 5am

Well theses are the ports i have open for quake 2
27910 is that all i need?

also i have fixed this problem in the past but did not work this time
(and all i did was change the starting point for the ip addresses the router assigns for example instead of it now starts at that fixed it last time but not this time, the computer names are Admin  and Administrator could that be the problem?

Well first off i have 2 pc's connected to a router, each one can connect to a tastey spleen server, but when i try and connect both at same time (when playing with a friend) the first person that joined gets kicked when the other joins, or the server wont show up in the list for the person that didn't join yet, im sure  its a duplicate ip issue but am not sure what to do can any1 help?

Also if it matters, after bout an hour of lan co- op last nite, for some reason we were able to both play on the same tastey spleen server when we joined at exact same time, but now it wont work.

Trouble Shooting / Re: help with multiple connection's
« on: May 30, 2009, 06:43:41 PM »
Done messed with some router setting and works n/m prob solved

Trouble Shooting / Re: help with multiple connection's
« on: May 29, 2009, 08:42:22 AM »
It is a tastyspleen server

Trouble Shooting / help with multiple connection's
« on: May 29, 2009, 03:55:52 AM »
well i have my labtop and a pc with quake installed but whenever i join any DM server with my labtop and some1 joins with the pc i drop from the server automatically. I know it must be an ip problem but im not to sure how to fix it can any1 point me in the right direction? my router is - linksys wireless G broadband router

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