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Messages - blrakach

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: Sunday Splatterfest!
« on: June 04, 2009, 06:54:20 AM »
Friar,  I fixed the map voting on my linux server by removing the line feeds in the vote.lst.   I posted the files to the other bots thread.

Quake / Re: Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 29, 2009, 12:05:06 PM »
--- FIXED ---

I Honestly can't believe I didn't try it earlier.   The issue all along was with the CRLF from the DOS vote.lst

Running dos2tounix fixed everything.   Just install tofrodos in ubuntu. 

dos2unix vote.lst

Attached are two *working* vote lists.   

Quake / Re: Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 26, 2009, 04:27:37 PM »
Running the win32 dll w/ the same server.cfg settings under wine on ubuntu works perfectly.   Something is up with r1q2ded and/or the compiled linux binary. 

Quake / Re: Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 26, 2009, 09:44:14 AM »
I just loaded up r1q2ded w/out q2admin.   The issue definately seems to be related to the map voting.   The maps are found if you specify them in the server.cfg, but when you vote in the console, this error appears in the r1q2ded window.

Map lbdbots2 won with 1 vote(s)
Can't find map 'lbdbots2'

After a bit more research,  I found some items on the r1q2ded forums related to maps and voting.   It could be that the r1q2ded vote system is intercepting.  The windows server version probably would'nt have this issue.

This got me down the right path, but I still cant get the system totally working since I dont run q2admin and cant tweak via the q2admin.txt file.

Quake / Re: Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 25, 2009, 08:43:07 AM »
Happy Friar,  thanks for all of your effort it is much apprectiated.

As for the menu system,   It has always been a bit touchy, so that is probably  not an issue for your system specifically.   To select a class, I have always reverted to typing the class name and execing the cfg by hand.   I believe there is a similar command to select your team, but I typically just played and let autobalance figure it out.

A normal bots game consisted of the following format.

Play for x amount of minutes,  team with the most points wins.   Points were based on team oriented actions, not kills.
Everyone spawns invulnerable at thier sites.   Flag catpures generated promotion points that the captain could dole out to rank up his team members as needed.   Opposing team tried to steal the key to demote platers.
Teams that were getting spanked would get a quad rally to try and get them back in the game,  and if it was a public server, the top two players of the dominating team would get autotraded for the bottom two players on the oppisition.

Play would continue and points would be awarded for captures, protections, defensive manuevers and offensive strikes.   

End of match would show the score and auto load the next map.

Quake / Re: Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 25, 2009, 07:01:12 AM »
Did a little testing, and I don't think it is getting stuck at the end of match, but it doesn't know what to do.

If you type vote,  the map names do not appear correctly.    When it was hung at that end of map screen,  I typed start at the console,  that got me back into the observer mode.  Then I could spawn, and if I killed my self, I would need to physically click the "fire" button to respawn.   

It seems like it is more like and issue with the menu system, and or a auto respawn setting.

Quake / Re: Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 21, 2009, 08:49:48 AM »
I updated the first post as well so this link wouldn't get burried.  The bots q2 docs are now online (thanks sybersting).  The class docs would be the best introduction to the mod as a player.

Classes -

Quake / Re: Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 20, 2009, 10:09:12 AM »
Yeah,  there are bunch of old docs and .cfgs flooding to the surface.   The most complete documentation is in the attached .zip file.   The servervars.html page should have most of what you need.

Also, this thread on ning, has the log of what it took for Syber to get his Windows server working.

Quake / Re: Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 20, 2009, 08:52:30 AM »
Thanks Jay,  that was way quicker than it would have taken me.   (Never compiled anything beyond a slackware package)      I am going to try anyway for learnings sake and see if my output matches yours.

Sysbersting is working on getting all of the docs up,  in the meantime, the quickref guide is up for all of your binding needs.

Quake / Re: Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 19, 2009, 06:31:52 PM »
I will try to get a binary compiled tomorrow.   

Quake / Re: Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 19, 2009, 05:33:22 AM »
Sounds Great,   it really was an addicting mod.   A few guys just started talking about getting a crew together a few weeks back.   There is a small test server  and a we hit for all of the original documentation.    I can't wait to see a full server.  :)

Thanks again.

Quake / Battle of the Sexes Mod
« on: May 18, 2009, 07:04:07 PM »
**UPDATE -  FULL Battle Of The Sexes Documents are on the ning site.**

I would suggest to start here to see if you are interested. 
Classes -

Hey all,

I have been playing on tastyspleen severs on and off but never posted to the forums.   Thanks for keeping the Q2 scene alive. 

This is a call out to any old time players of the  Battle of the Sexes teamplay mod.   It was a fast paced strategy oriented class based mod with in game promotions handed out by the captain. 

If anyone out there remembers the mod and is interested in the reunion, check out the gathering site and sign up.

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