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Messages - Psionic

Pages: [1]
Quake / Need some R1GL help
« on: May 15, 2011, 01:35:02 PM »
I used to run KMQ2 but I could never get it to look pretty without my system running like garbage.  So I just installed R1Q2 w/ R1GL.  Here's my R1GL.cfg:

set gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1"
set gl_ext_max_anisotropy "16"
set gl_ext_multisample "1"
set gl_ext_samples "8"
set gl_modulate "2"
set gl_ext_nv_multisample_filter_hint "nicest"
set gl_ext_texture_non_power_of_two "1"
set gl_ext_occlusion_query "0"
set gl_zfar "8192"
set gl_hudscale "1"
set gl_noscrap "0"
set gl_doublelight_entities "1"
set gl_overbrights "1"
set gl_coloredlightmaps "1"
set vid_gamma "0.9"
set gl_texture_formats "png jpg tga"
set gl_pic_formats "png jpg tga"
set gl_dlight_falloff "0"
set gl_defertext "0"
set vid_topmost "0"
set vid_forcedrefresh "0"
set vid_optimalrefresh "1"
set vid_flip_on_switch "0"
set vid_nowgl "0"
set vid_forceheight "900"
set vid_forcewidth "1440"
set intensity "2"

I'm also running the high res packs found here:

Now it's a definite improvement over the stock stuff, but I don't really dig the gritty software look a lot of the textures still have.  I was hoping someone could take a quick look and maybe suggest some changes I could try to the cvar's.  I read the thread in the stickies but I'm still not much closer to what I'd like... for example, a shot from the blaster just looks like a floating square.  I tried running KMQ2 and it was definitely nice looking but sucked performance wise.

If it helps at all I'm running a 1.8 AMD Turion 64 Mobile w 2 gig RAM and dual Nvidia GeForce GO 7900 with SLI enabled. 

2 / Re: Q2XP Engine
« on: July 25, 2010, 08:44:27 PM »
nope.  im not so lucky.  i'll have to look into this KM quake though, thanks for the info. 

3 / Q2XP Engine
« on: July 24, 2010, 08:30:35 AM »
Everytime I try to connect to a TS server I get a message that the server requires Q2 V3.19 or higher while using the Q2XP engine mod.  I have the Jan 2010 update of the mod etc, and I'm fairly sure it's installed correctly.  Just want to make sure its a "legal" thing to use in the TS world before going to war to try and fix it. 

Trouble Shooting / Re: Config Tweaking
« on: May 12, 2009, 01:11:28 PM »
All awesome advice.  I will probably try out the R1Q2 soon.  Just so I know where to look, one of the things I loved about CPMA was setting the opponent player models to a bright white version of Keel (pretty large model)... would anyone happen to know if thats something easily done through the R1 program or should i look for a .pak file for that?

Trouble Shooting / Config Tweaking
« on: May 11, 2009, 01:48:43 PM »
Hey folks, just a question - but first a little background.  I used to play q2 when I was younger (about 10 years ago, I was around 11 or 12) and that got me started on my way into q3.  After playing q3 for a while I sort of stepped out of the scene and now am just getting back into playing q2 again.  With that said - in Q3 I often played OSP/CPMA and loved the feel of the game play with how my config was setup. 

I realize that Q2 is obviously a very different platform but I'm inclined to believe I may still yet be able to get a similar setup.  I see mention of a R1Q2 or whatever that is but I'm hesitant because it's not like i suck with how things are setup from Id.  I've addressed the visual problems by making some changes to the GL settings  but if i post up my config is there anyone who can take a look and maybe advise other changes i could make?  Or even just suggestions in general if anyone is familiar with the OSP/CPMA setup.  Thanks all!

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