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Messages - [FP]Careless

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Thanks for posting your tracert Knnn.
I appreciate your help. Your pings look very good especially for that West Coast US Server! I just tried it and I am pinging around 53ms. How come you are pinging like 13ms? lol. I wonder where the server is located? L.A maybe? but you ping awesome really. I am happy for you :)

Today is the first day with Telus and here is my new tracert below. I still have Shaw though, I have not close my account yet but I will. Meanwhile, why I am having those request time outs?

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  3     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  4     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  5     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  6     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  7     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  8     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  9     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 10     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 12     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 14     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 15    82 ms    82 ms    81 ms []

Trace complete.

Jag Insane is also having some ping problems with Shaw. I just told him to take a look at this topic to see if any info can help him. He is North Van as well just like you :)

Anyway, thanks for your help again!


What are you pinging at DM and Mutant servers these days?

My ping is even worse nowadays. It is around 140ms!. I really start to hate Shaw.... Ordered Telus and waiting for it to be available...
I am just curios, what you are pinging nowadays so please let me know


Thanks for your suggestion but it has been weeks that my ping is higher.
When I checked with my ISP they keep telling me that nothing is wrong with my line, routing, hops etc.
Obviously, they changed their agreement with a third or second party ISP for the routings of some locations in North America. It is a local company here not a huge company like some of the American companies so I do not think that my ping will be like it used to be.
I wont sign a contract but I will try their service for a month to see what is it like.
Appreciate everybody's patient and help

I do not think he would commute to that :)
Anyway, thank you for your all help
I will change my ISP to Telus. At least, I will try for a month without cancelling my current ISP so that I can what the difference is.
Cross your fingers for me :)
Appreciate your all help Quadz
Really, thanks a million

Dear Quadz,

Could you please also check the below trace?
This is from someone in Edmonton not in Vancouver but he is telling me that all of BC and AB connections routed through Vancouver so this should give some idea how good is it when we compare it to TELUS trace. If I can find someone from Vancouver, I will also post it but until then, could you please comment on below? Appreciate your all help!

"Anyways, since all of Teksavvy's BC and AB customers are thrown on the same Vancouver router, a trace from Edmonton won't differ much from a trace from Vancouver, other than the pings being about 10-15ms lower across the board.

So here it is (from Edmonton, second hop is located in Vancouver and is common to all BC and AB Teksavvy subscribers): "

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 27 ms 28 ms 27 ms []
3 29 ms 27 ms 27 ms
4 27 ms 28 ms 28 ms []
5 31 ms 30 ms 31 ms []
6 30 ms 31 ms 31 ms []
7 50 ms 49 ms 50 ms []
8 57 ms 59 ms 59 ms []
9 111 ms 111 ms 133 ms []
10 * * 110 ms []
11 111 ms 111 ms 110 ms []
12 110 ms 111 ms 111 ms []
13 110 ms 111 ms 112 ms []
14 110 ms 112 ms 111 ms []
15 127 ms 110 ms 111 ms []
16 110 ms 109 ms 110 ms []

Trace complete.

Hi Quadz,

I just talked to Shaw. Here is the log:

Cameron #1050: Which security software do you run?
Careless: Norton.
Cameron #1050: Okay, from all the test results i have done and the information you sent - your first hop times out due to your security software and settings.... This will cause spikes and degraded signal (only to a point), the speeds on all the shaw servers in your tracert logs and well as mine show the shaw network under 30 and fine - however since this is being re-routed due to a malfunction on another network's server this is where the largest portion of the slowdown is occuring...
Cameron #1050: So, correcting norton will help improve "slightly", however for the largest performance increase - you would need to see if they offer an alternate server site, or wait until the path has been restored (malfunction repaired)... As a possible temporary fix you could try routing yourself through the Shaw Proxy, this could also boost your performance.
Cameron #1050: Shaw Proxy information is
Careless: so since last 3 -4 weeks you did not change any routing at all? I mean since that heavy snow in Vancouver and Seattle etc. Because that is since my ping increased...
Cameron #1050: While i understand that, your results show clearly the Shaw network itself is not slow, it is after the Shaw network...

As you can see Quadz, this is a typical response from Shaw Technical Department. I am not sure how changing proxy will lower my ping? I did not even try it honestly because I do not believe in that. As for Norton, Quake 2 is in the safe programs section so there is no affect on that. I think I am changing my ISP :(

It will be either TELUS or a company called TEKSAVVY but I do not know their routing and I do not know anyone using that company as their ISP. I wish I could know someone so that we could run a trace route.

Thank you

Hi Quadz,

Sorry for late reply. Here is my trace route to


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     1 ms    <1 ms     1 ms
  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  3    10 ms    17 ms     9 ms []

  4     7 ms    15 ms    10 ms [
  5    50 ms    62 ms    51 ms []
  6    98 ms   100 ms    99 ms []
  7   102 ms    98 ms   100 ms []

  8    99 ms   100 ms   110 ms []

  9    99 ms   100 ms   102 ms []

 10   107 ms   107 ms   104 ms []
 11    99 ms   103 ms   100 ms []

Trace complete.

Is it different than the one that you ran on my ip? or the same?

Thank you

Hi Sigma,

Thanks for posting but personally I do not understand anything from this info. I wish Quads could comment on your trace info.

What do you ping at DM and Mutant servers? Could you please let me know?

Thanks again

Dude, I live @ Joyce Station, where you at?

I think Trav lives in Richmond.

Hi Sigma.
I am in Vancouver.
By the way, who is your ISP?

Hi Quadz,

Again, thank you for your reply!

Yes, I ran trace route on my p but could you please tell me how do I reach to log file so that I can paste the results here?

On the other hand, obviously, Telus's routing is better than Shaw for tastyplanet servers. If Shaw can not offer me a better routing, I guess I need to  change my ISP :(
and since you already confirmed Telus's service is much more direct than Shaw I think that means it is recommended by you that you prefer Telus over Shaw.

Thanks Quadz.

Hi Console.,

Thank you for your quick reply.

One thing that still blurs my mind.

How come I used to have 80 - 85ms ping in DM and Mutant servers as oppose to 100 ping at the moment? I mean if their routing sucks, how come I used to be in better ping?

Another thing, is there most common which is a shorter route from Dallas to Vancouver? I do know that there is another player living in Vancouver and he has DSL not cable and the company is different. He pings around 86ms in Mutant server. I do not know if that ISP's routing is better than Shaw. The name of the ISP that I am talking about is TELUS. Are you able to run a trace for that ISP so that I can make sure it is worth changing my ISP? Meanwhile, I will call Shaw and tell them their routing is not efficient for my gaming. Again, is there a best routing from Dallas to Vancouver or there is no such a thing? I am asking this so that when I talked to Shaw, I can explain myself clearly.

Thank you kindly

Hi Everyone,

I have a problem with my ping as I am playing quake 2 and hopefully someone here canhelp me out.

Until 2 -3 weeks ago, everything was normal but since then I am having higher pings than what i used to ping in the servers.
For example, I had always pinged around low 80's in Death Match and Mutant servers but I am pinging around 100ms at the same servers these days.

First I thought it was my computer or my wireless connection so I wanted to try a different computer, eliminating my wireless router and connecting directly from my cable modem but still the higher ping. Then, I thought it was my ISP. I called them, they sent a technican to my apartment but everything was perfect. I also called my ISP a few times in different days to make sure the connection is ok as usual but they  are telling me that everything is fine, the connection is solid and very good.

I have a 5mb download and 512kb upload  cable modem connection. Today, I even updated my internet speed to 10mb download and 1024k upload but still my ping is higher than it used to be. There is a difference of at least 17 - 18ms and that really makes a difference. At least, I feel it that way.

What could be the problem? Any suggestion?

One of the players suggested me to do a trace route or something but I do not even know what it is...

Can some of you put some shed on this problem?

Thanks for reading

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