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Messages - rageknitter

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: Connection refused
« on: January 26, 2009, 10:58:35 PM »
Yeah I've tried a bunch of tastyspleen servers, including the two you mentioned, and they don't work.  connection refused.

Hope that's not it and my dm days are over...

Quake / Re: Connection refused
« on: January 26, 2009, 09:33:00 PM »
No, no "player" variations.

I just went down a server list and tried a bunch.  Some work-- gloom, qdev, and some random Chilean one.  But none of the tastyspleen or OGN servers work.  That's a bummer, I hoping maybe it would just be some sort of IP block with tastyspleen.

Does it have anything to do with anti-cheat?  I think I downloaded the r1 client with that, but I am also pretty sure I played plenty on tastyspleen with that same client.

Quake / Connection refused
« on: January 26, 2009, 09:19:27 PM »
Hey everyone,

I used to log on to one of the tastyspleen servers and get my ass kicked every once and a while, but at least since December or November I have been getting the error message "Connection refused".  Can anyone give me some advice on how to clear this up?  I checked that my R1 client is up to date, but beyond that I'm at a loss.   I didn't sweat it for a while because I should be working anyways, but I have to get back to the action.  Thanks, and sorry if this is a totally obvious question.

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