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Messages - odium

Pages: [1]
Quake Expo 2008 / Re: Q2E Warz
« on: August 21, 2008, 04:11:25 AM »
I've already provided more than enough, but to be honest, looking at all the childish comments you guys seem to be spewing (I mean really, an insult every line? Creating a RIP page just for me?), you guys are not worth my time.

Quake Expo 2008 / Re: Q2E Warz
« on: August 20, 2008, 05:02:32 PM »
lol, you guys are so not worth my time.

Quake Expo 2008 / Re: Q2E Warz
« on: August 19, 2008, 10:09:19 AM »
Woa, what the hells going on here? Was I just called a racist? lol!

BTW, honestly, the pics you are showing, they are using MY glow skins, for a start.

And are you telling me the light editor you have is NOT from Q2E?

Come off it. Honestly, why bring so many people into it? Your acting a little childish dont you think? Q2E is long dead anyway. So do what you want. Just dont rip off our media and call it your own, thanks.

Oh and BTW, you say it doesn't use Q2E and you dont have a clue what it is... And yet you use .pk2 files, something which we made up years ago (after Quake 3 .pk3 files, lol).

Heres a few things, which I've asked you more than once to remove or give credit to the original people for...
These shots uses QuakeOut's textures from our forums, made for Q2E. You dont credit him anyway at all, and you edit his textures. Remove them.
This is our underwater effect with a badly edited texture for it, remove it, or credit us. Its also using my Q2E crosshair pack.

I mean seriously man, I'm not gonna get into it. I have bigger fish to fry these days. But just play fair, yeah? If your gonna use the stuff, credit the original people who made it.

As for the code, your very own light editor shots show oddly the EXACT same interface and light editor that ours is... Strange that... But the code being the same is something I know from a third party, not myself.

So yeah, I'm not gonna waste time on here. Call me a liar all you want. The original Q2E and the PPL test version of Q2E are available still on the forums. Download those people, check the dates/readme files etc, and tell me I'm wrong.

Thanks, and good luck.

Quake Expo 2008 / Re: Quake Expo 2008
« on: August 18, 2008, 01:32:25 PM »
Well its one thing to say "Hey guys, I did this, used some code from *here* and made it different".

Its another thing to pretty much ctrl-c, ctrl-v and then say "hey guys this is all my work, 1005 my own, nobody else involved."

Its even more funny because looking at the pics, some of the skins/textures are my own, and I'm not given credit anywhere on the site or the files...

Guys been warned before, but he's Russian, and over there they dont really give a fuck :(  :LAME:

Quake Expo 2008 / Re: Quake Expo 2008
« on: August 18, 2008, 11:23:41 AM »
No, he wasn't. He's a russian guy who stole our code before until we caught him out. Now hes done it again but this time stole the media too. :busted:

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