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Messages - Major_Stiffy

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: connection refused awaiting connection
« on: April 20, 2008, 08:47:22 PM »
Username was Player!!!   DOH!!!

Quake / connection refused awaiting connection
« on: April 20, 2008, 01:47:24 PM »
I'm not a hard core Jump mod player but I do enjoy coming into your guys server on occasion; however, recently I keep getting connection refused: Awaiting connection and it just sits there and counts down over and over again.  I have anticheat installed, egl, quake2max, I read on your forum that I supposedly need some special files to play on your server so I downloaded ALL OF THEM and installed them and get the same thing...connection refused.  I know the servers not down cause it shows people in there playing on a matter of fact my son is sitting directly across from me and playing on it as I speak and he didn't down load anything from your server...truth be told he copied my folder over to his hard drive and just opened it up and is playing on it.  It's not an issue with multiple I.P.'s cause I've tried it many of times when he wasn't here...somethings not stirring the koolaid man!  The only thing I can think is that for some reason I was banned and I have no idea why that would happen...  Anyone out there got any ideas?

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