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Messages - Chugg

Pages: [1]
Skins, Models and Maps / Re: q2 models
« on: March 03, 2008, 09:39:13 PM »
Not Found

The requested URL /~cheapy/models/quake2/ was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Discussion / Re: Some sort of "teleport" script?
« on: March 03, 2008, 07:39:10 PM »
cant download your demo.  it says I need to login, then after I login and try to download it, it says I need to login again.

Quake / Krez causing trouble as usual
« on: February 29, 2008, 07:18:13 PM »
Yesterday we're playing TDM on the map colour.bsp and Krez is all teary eyed because he doesn't recognise my alias as somebody he knows. He starts a vote to kick me not once, but 4 times over the course of a couple minutes which of fail each time but he keeps whining how this game is utterly ruined of such but obviously the majority doesn't agree.  I've seen him do vote kick spam numerous times only to sometimes get it to pass after several tries and boasts how the majority agrees.  Also I thought he was banned for this kind of nonesense yet he's back in TDM servers today causing more trouble.

Just saw him today on tourney server come in after a game of 4v4 and spam join team captain after the game and remove/kick most of the people there and start his own game of 2v2 with his cronies.  Is there going to be anything done about this guy?

Trouble Shooting / Re: TDM demo bug
« on: February 29, 2008, 05:32:07 PM »
problem seems to be not starting and stopping the demo when the map starts and ends, but starting the demo  when you first connect to the server, but not stopping until you leave the server and only the last game or the first game will play as the demo and/or it won't play at all.  if I reconnect after each game, I think that would fix it but... shit.   Seems like such an easy bug to fix.

Trouble Shooting / TDM demo bug
« on: February 28, 2008, 08:40:09 PM »
I got some nice games, demos etc recorded but TDM seems to break them up.  Auto record either doesn't record anything and leaves me with a 1 second demo or it only records the last match of the night.  I finally got a gg on demo but thanks to this buggy ass mod it's unplayable.  What ever happened to good old gx-mod?

L4m3r Demos / Re: Invisible cheater on ffa server.
« on: February 26, 2008, 04:56:31 PM »
set allow_download_skins 0

Its unfortunate that people have decided to abuse this, because there are tons of models available to Q2, but I only use male/female because of this.  There are tons of other custom models that the maker was too lazy to make vweaps correctly for them so you can't see what weapon they're using against you.   Yet another reason I dont download models.

haha, this is some chump who is upset that he got vote kicked on the server for using an alias, and is too cowardly to use his real name on the forums too rofl.  dont alias, and you wont get vote kicked.  Its a 10 year old game, absolutely no reason to alias

Quickest way to be victim of a vote kick by krez:  Use alias he doesn't recognize.  Prove you mastered all the double, triple, circle jumps in the map with ease in the warmup.  He gets scared.  He starts a vote to kick.  Simple.

Krez vote kicks people who have used the same 'alias' for 5+ years just because for some reason they are not TDM regulars but DM or vanilla.  Cowardly to use my real name?  I don't see anybody using their full real (IRL) name.  Guess that makes us all cowards.  My reasons for using an alias sometimes stem from mostly not wanting to exhaust myself in the whole trash talking, I own you, you got aced once and I'll never play you again because the last time I played you I beat you and therefore I own you forever etc.  Sometimes that's entertaining, other times I'd rather cut the crap and play.

This whole aliasing drama stems from when people would join as an alias, beat one of their arch adversaries one time then switch their name and talk trash.  Use an alias, pretend to play poorly for a while, then ramp it up to catch your opponent off guard.  Use somebody elses alias who is an easy victory with their opponent, smoke them, talk trash.  Wallhack/bot as an arch adversary's alias, get caught on purpose, talk trash.  Eventually all the elitests had their ego bruised at one time or another so they now fear anybody who is using multiple aliases or even one they don't know.

Quote from: [EoM] <((ViBeS))>® on February 22, 2008, 05:25:46 PM
Quote from: [EoM] <((ViBeS))>® on February 22, 2008, 05:25:46 PM
Tastyspleen Admins  have a VERY liberal attitude.

lmao.  I never knew politics would find their way into Quake 2.  Obama for admin!

Vibes must be smokin' crack or one of Krez's fanboiz.  I'm waiting for all these non-existant condumps of which are too numerous it would be a waste of time to post :D :D :D :D

I've seen krez do this many times.  A couple people will be playing on one of the tourney servers and he and a few of his cronies will come in and start a vote to kick anybody he doesn't know or doesn't like and spam us with 'type yes' etc.  He will round up a few buddies and join a server with a match already running, then when it's over, immediately spam join teams and proceed to vote kick them out if they don't on their own.  He wonders why people play with aliases.  It's the exact reason I sometimes play and am posting as an alias, it's because I don't want to put up with his smear campaign on the forums and starting some stupid vote every time he would see my nick in the game solely because of past confrontation.  I created this forum account to start a thread regarding Krez's abuse on the tourney servers but it looks like he created his own.

I think the admin did just fine of a job.  Maybe admins should alias more often so those who act poorly to others but suck up to admins show their true colors.

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