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Messages - math

Pages: [1]
Also I need a source so it can be used for BAND only not Q2

I wouldn't put too much effort in modifying GPL'd code for a commercial product,
unless you intend to release the source code under the GPL, and just sell the

Best regards,

/dev/random / Re: Whatcha listening to?
« on: July 27, 2009, 12:00:05 PM »
J.S. Bach - Prelude in D
Yes, very nice!
Of course: J.S. Bach - Air from Orchestral Suite No. 3

Chopin - Fantasie Impromptu
That's one of my favourites too. Here is another one:
Chopin - Etude No. 3 E Major op. 10/3

/dev/random / Re: Whatcha listening to?
« on: July 27, 2009, 09:16:58 AM »
Chopin - Nocturne No. 8 D Flat Major op. 27/2

Chopin - Nocturne No. 1 B Flat Minor op. 9/1
I have a fantastic recording from Abbey Simon, which I like very much.
This one ( was played by
Arthur Rubinstein.


art, music, etc. / Re: Taking song requests again... *special offer*
« on: December 23, 2008, 12:35:10 PM »
What game shall we play today? - Music by Chick Corea, lyrics by Neville Porter

Look around you my people
if you look then you will see
how to love – life is a paradise
all together
what game shall we play today

Man just wants to be happy
cast off things that shouldn’t be
set him free – life is a paradise
all together
what game shall we play today

There’s a way you can find it
It’s within you, can’t you see
Find the truth – it’s not impossible
all together
What game shall we play today

Here we are all together
Free to have and do and be
What we see – for the first time
all together
what game shall we play today

/dev/random / Re: The Love Quiz
« on: December 17, 2008, 07:45:18 AM »


art, music, etc. / Re: Obscure Music Videos
« on: December 05, 2008, 10:35:05 PM »
Here is a nice, obscure music video:

Unkle - Rabbit in your Headlights

Jokes / Re: Funny videos
« on: November 20, 2008, 05:11:00 PM »
Bilingualism in Canada - Interview gone wild.

Tech Junkie Lounge / Re: Math geek clock
« on: September 30, 2008, 10:58:48 AM »
Pi is transcendental and no number except pi itself, can be subtracted from pi to yield a whole number.

The transcendence has nothing to do with that.
Let n in Z := {...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}. pi - (pi - n) = n

It has everything to do with it.

Associative law reveals:

pi - (pi - n) = (pi - pi) - n =  0 - n and is not equal to n except when n = 0 so your equation is flawed.

But you have effectively subtracted pi from itself. My assertion is correct.
However, the the flaw of my original statement is one of not being more formal with regard to precision and significant figures.

9, the integer is exact. pi, the symbol is exact. C = pi * D is exact.
3.14159265358 as an approximation of pi is precise but inexact. C = 3.14159265358 * D is precise but inexact.

Subtracting 0.14 from pi to approximate 3 is inexact and imprecise in comparison with 9, the integer.

Doing something like 3^2 (1 + pi - pi) would have been exact but mostly useless obfuscation but of course, the whole clock is useless obfuscation. I was merely pointing out the nature of the lack of mathematical rigor in the equation for 9 o'clock.

No, substraction isn't associative. pi - (pi - n) = pi - pi + n = 0 + n = n

Best regards,

Tech Junkie Lounge / Re: Math geek clock
« on: September 30, 2008, 09:24:01 AM »
Pi is transcendental and no number except pi itself, can be subtracted from pi to yield a whole number.

The transcendence has nothing to do with that.
Let n in Z := {...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}. pi - (pi - n) = n

A math geek would rather write 3[pi]
r in IR, [r] := max{a in Z: a <= r} (Gaussian bracket)

art, music, etc. / Re: Best road-going tunes
« on: August 27, 2008, 02:34:21 PM »
Killer Cars ( - Radiohead
Airbag - Radiohead

art, music, etc. / Re: The Best Drummer
« on: August 21, 2008, 01:10:08 PM »
This is the set of my favourite (it is actually off-topic, but you are free
to ignore this post) drummers:

Charly Antolini (Several bigbands, Charly Antolini's Jazz Power,
                 Charly Antolini ("Knock out"), cooperation with many great,
                 international Jazz musicians)
        (The duration of this piece is 14min, but you won't regret it!)

Billy Cobham (Miles Davis, George Benson, Mahavishnu Orchestra)

Dennis Chambers (Bill Evans, John Scofield, John McLaughlin)

Dave Weckl (Chick Corea Electric -and Acoustic Band, Mike Stern)

Louie Bellson (Duke Ellington Orchestra, Count Basie, Louie Bellson Bigband)

Jack DeJohnette (John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans, Miles Davis,
                 John Abercrombie and many more)
       (Gary Peacock is one of my favourite bass players)

Best regards,

0x1337c0de / Re: Questions on General Software Design.
« on: March 07, 2008, 11:25:20 AM »

little endian vs big endian, is the order bits are stored in memory.

That's just one half of the truth. Little-Endian and Big-Endian
also refer to (and that is usually the case) the order BYTES are
stored in a 16-, 32- or 64-bit word/register/variable.

you could use perl, which would be one line in your program, or use a
utilitiy written in C (dos2unix).  the latter being 100+ lines of code,
the perl program being one line.

In C (2 lines):
Code: [Select]
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int c, char **a) { for (; (c = fgetc(stdin)) - EOF; c - 13 ? putchar(c) : 0); return (0); }

In i386 asm (AT&T-syntax) with BSD-syscalls (1 line ;-)):
Code: [Select]
.globl _start;_start:pushl $1;pushl $c;pushl $0;mov $3,%eax;call kernel;cmpl $0,%eax;jle end;cmp $13,c;je _start;pushl $1;pushl $c;pushl $1;movl $4,%eax;call kernel;jmp _start;end:pushl $0;movl $1,%eax;call kernel;kernel:int $0x80;ret;.data;.lcomm c,1


Best regards,

13 / Re: Arrrgh! Quake web space, mateys!!
« on: February 05, 2008, 01:10:59 PM »
Thanks a lot!!

14 / Re: Arrrgh! Quake web space, mateys!!
« on: February 04, 2008, 11:54:31 AM »
Hi there,
I would like to request web space for the CG clan.
'' would be great.

Best regards,

Pages: [1]