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Messages - FlarEZ

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: Servers and Alias's from your Q2 past
« on: May 13, 2009, 02:27:56 PM »
I remember playin on a server named "Aftershock"... It was a FFA server where fraglimit was 35 or something, i was able to finish q2dm3 in less than 1 min  :P. I remember being hated a lot for doing that (1 of those hatin on me was The_King lol then we became clanmates :lol:). There was auto-respawn and all u had to do was get the inmunu thing (forgot the name) + quad + hyperblaster... and stand in front of the respawn spot near the megahealth...  :rocketleft:
Fun memories from 99-00 or something..
Then i moved to tdm... I was always a mpb (around 110-140 ping) till i met Thunderdome server. My ping was the lower i ever ping back in the day (around 80), nowadays i cant stand anything higher than 85.  :nana:
I remember MaD Tdm servers too... pretty nice ping there for me...
And names... God i had a lot, here are some i remember:
=SKX=GoRDo, o9.Warthog, hOKuS', [[FreeStyle]], {V!RuZ},uN|JuNKiE, -ChainZ-, Hellraz0r and FlarEZ (have used this one for about 6-7 years now)

 :bananaw00t: :righteous:

/dev/random / Re: Whatcha Look Like?
« on: June 25, 2008, 06:39:28 PM »

/dev/random / Re: Whatcha Look Like?
« on: June 24, 2008, 07:48:32 AM »
corona's arent that expensive here since they are made here..
i always liked pacifico over coronas but i been drinkin coronas and modelo light much more for the last year i think... i like em all tho haha

reaper, fuck u hahaha ,,i,,
and i actually do dance better than michael jackson  :nana:

/dev/random / Re: Whatcha Look Like?
« on: June 23, 2008, 04:36:31 PM »

 :heart: :heart: :heart:

/dev/random / Re: Whatcha Look Like?
« on: June 23, 2008, 04:34:58 PM »
sup everyone.. this is my first post ever i think haha, here are some pics of me!
u can laugh if u want.. its all good xD

2 weeks ago :bigshades:

5 days ago   :badgrin:

pz out!

Pages: [1]