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Messages - STDGeneral

Pages: [1]
Quake / Re: Jailbreak?
« on: December 09, 2007, 10:11:00 PM »
Shazbot! It is finals week and I completely forgot. Sorry! There's always TS's server though.  :bigshades:

Quake / Re: Jailbreak?
« on: December 04, 2007, 03:46:52 PM »
We could all do it Sunday afternoon if that's your flavour. 

As for a new map, I was actually working on a new level the other day, but erased it because I didn't like it. So I'm going to start from scratch sometime soon. Only two more weeks of class, then I'm free to map :afro:.

Quake / Jailbreak?
« on: December 04, 2007, 08:57:31 AM »
Last night I went on the  Jailbreak server with Wifi_man, and I gotta tell ya it's a shame that the server is always empty, because jailbreak used to be such a fun mod. Wifi and I could not have a good game of jailbreak because 1 on 1 in that mod just doesn't cut it. So this got me to thinking, would tastyspleen's elite be interested in playing jailbreak at a designated time? In other words, set up a time when everybody logs onto the server and have a few games? I could imagine the fun that could be had trying to break your friends out of jail before they get executed, while a railgun's swirl comes a flying at you. :grinelectric: :grinelectric:

If ya'll are interested, vote above^^^ or simply reply: "I am interested...In both Jailbreak AND you, General."  :rockon:

If we get a decent amount of interest, (6 or more people), then give me the time that works best for everyone so we can set up the time.

4 / Re: New Server Suggestion: "WTF CTF"
« on: November 08, 2007, 09:45:21 AM »
I can even make some WTF levels for the WTFCTF server based on suggestions from forum members.  ;D

5 / New Server Suggestion: "WTF CTF"
« on: November 08, 2007, 09:42:49 AM »
It seems that the tastyspleen CTF server is almost empty, and nobody plays on it - I think this is because there are already two very busy and active CTF servers already in the Quake 2 community - Acme's and "Quake 2 CTF Public Server".

I have a suggestion which may or may not be heard, but I think this would be a fun idea:

Replace the CTF server with a  "WTF CTF" server that plays only WTFCTF maps.

"What is a WTF CTF map, STDGeneral you hoe!" you say?
A WTF CTF map is a map that is rather small in size and has 2-3 flags per team instead of the standard 1. There is also typically maxed out ammo and only ONE type of weapon depending on the map. They are very fun to play on. You can cap two/three flags at once and it's insanely fun to rail/chain/rocket launch without worrying about gathering ammo.

I think a WTF CTF server would become an instant success, because whenever I would play WTF maps on other servers people would also claim it's insanely fun.

 :afro: :afro: :afro:

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