Trouble Shooting / Kicked from Server/Can't even Start or join - Protocol 35?
« on: April 27, 2009, 02:41:45 PM »
Hello! I'm returning to Quake 2 after a long absence. I have had to re-acquire all of my original files and such. I like EGL for my client, but I am unable to join any of the Tasty servers. I have added AntiCheat, but whenever I hit connect from the console, it says I have been Kicked from the game, sometimes ill see a splash of color for a second, but then it just jumps back to the options screen. Here is my condump:
========= Common Initialization ========
EGL v0.3.1-R1 by Echon
Compiled: Sep 14 2007 @ 19:01:37
------- Filesystem Initialization ------
FS_LoadPAK: loaded "./baseq2/pak0.pak"
FS_LoadPAK: loaded "./baseq2/pak1.pak"
FS_LoadPAK: loaded "./baseq2/pak2.pak"
FS_LoadPKZ: loaded "./baseq2/egl.pkz"
init time: 34ms
executing default.cfg
executing config.cfg
Cvar_SetVariableValue: 'vid_ref' is write protected.
executing eglcfg.cfg
executing autoexec.cfg
Winsock initialized
Hostname: deefault
IP Address:
-------- Refresh Initialization --------
QGL_Init: LoadLibrary ( "opengl32.dll" )
Setting video mode
Mode: 800 x 600 (fullscreen)
...attempting fullscreen mode
...using desktop frequency: 60
...using desktop depth: 32
...calling to ChangeDisplaySettings
...RegisterClass succeeded
...CreateWindow succeeded
OpenGL init
...GetDC succeeded
...PFD(c32 a0 z24 s8):
...not attempting to use stereo pfd
...ChoosePixelFormat succeeded
...SetPixelFormat succeeded
...hardware acceleration detected
...qwglCreateContext succeeded
...qwglMakeCurrent succeeded
GL_PFD #9: c(32-bits) a(0-bits) z(24-bit) s(8-bit)
Renderer Class: nVidia GeForce
...stencil buffer available
...enabling GL_ARB_multitexture
...* using video card maximum of 4 texture units
...ignoring GL_ARB_texture_compression
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...ignoring GL_S3_s3tc
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...* Max cubemap texture size: 8192
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_env_add
...enabling GL_ARB/EXT_texture_env_combine
...GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 not found
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...enabling GL_ARB_vertex_program
...enabling GL_ARB_fragment_program
...* Max texture coordinates: 8
...* Max texture image units: 32
...ignoring GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...enabling GL_EXT_bgra
...enabling GL_EXT/SGI_compiled_vertex_array
...enabling GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
...* Max element vertices: 1048576
...* Max element indices: 1048576
...enabling GL_EXT_texture3D
...enabling GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
...enabling GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
...enabling GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
...enabling GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...enabling WGL_EXT_swap_control
Using video card maximum texture size of 8192x8192
--------- Image Initialization ---------
Texture bits: default
Loading pallete table
Creating software gamma and intensity ramps
Downloading desktop gamma ramp
...GLimp_GetGammaRamp succeeded
...using software gamma
Generating internal textures
init time: 9ms
-------- Program Initialization --------
Looking for *.vfp programs...
Looking for *.vp programs...
Looking for *.fp programs...
PROGRAMS - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
0 programs loaded in 2ms
-------- Shader Initialization ---------
...loading 'scripts/decals_gloom.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/decals_generic.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/decals_blood.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/surface_caustics.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_blaster.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_blood.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_explosion.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_fire.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_generic.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_mapfx.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_smoke.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_water.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/player_shells.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/fonts.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/screen_infrared.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/menu_cursor.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_railtrail.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/gui_mainmenu.shd' (base)
SHADERS - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
171 shaders loaded in 10ms
----- Refresh Initialized 712ms -----
--------- Sound Initialization ---------
Initializing DirectSound
...LoadLibrary ( "dsound.dll" )
...creating DirectSound object
Creating DirectSound buffers
...setting EXCLUSIVE coop level
...creating the primary buffer
...set primary sound format
...using secondary sound buffer
...creating secondary buffer
...locked hardware
2 channel(s)
16 bits/sample
22050 bytes/sec
init time: 133ms
CDAudio_Init: No CD in player.
CD Audio Initialized
--------- Input Initialization ---------
Mouse initialization
Joystick initialization
...not found -- no valid joysticks (a5)
init time: 16ms
---------- GUI Initialization ----------
...loading 'guis/mainmenu.gui'
GUI - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
1 GUIs loaded in 4ms
COMMON - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
====== Common Initialized 1144ms =====
Connecting to challenge client_connect
Loading and initializing the anticheat module, please wait.
------------ Sound Shutdown ------------
...releasing 0 bytes
Destroying DirectSound buffers
...setting NORMAL coop level
...stopping and releasing sound buffer
...releasing primary buffer
Releasing DirectSound object
--------- Sound Initialization ---------
Initializing DirectSound
...LoadLibrary ( "dsound.dll" )
...creating DirectSound object
Creating DirectSound buffers
...setting EXCLUSIVE coop level
...creating the primary buffer
...set primary sound format
...using secondary sound buffer
...creating secondary buffer
...locked hardware
2 channel(s)
16 bits/sample
22050 bytes/sec
init time: 55ms
sounds released: 0
----------- Refresh Shutdown -----------
Font system shutdown:
...releasing 0 bytes...
Shader system shutdown:
...releasing 147808 bytes...
Program system shutdown:
...releasing 0 bytes...
Image system shutdown:
...releasing 1052576 bytes...
Model system shutdown:
...releasing 0 bytes...
OpenGL shutdown:
...qwglMakeCurrent(0, 0) succeeded
...context deletion succeeded
...hDC release succeeded
...destroying the window
...resetting display settings
-------- Refresh Initialization --------
QGL_Init: LoadLibrary ( "opengl32.dll" )
Setting video mode
Mode: 800 x 600 (fullscreen)
...attempting fullscreen mode
...using desktop frequency: 60
...using desktop depth: 32
...calling to ChangeDisplaySettings
...CreateWindow succeeded
OpenGL init
...GetDC succeeded
...PFD(c32 a0 z24 s8):
...not attempting to use stereo pfd
...ChoosePixelFormat succeeded
...SetPixelFormat succeeded
...hardware acceleration detected
...qwglCreateContext succeeded
...qwglMakeCurrent succeeded
GL_PFD #9: c(32-bits) a(0-bits) z(24-bit) s(8-bit)
Renderer Class: nVidia GeForce
...stencil buffer available
...enabling GL_ARB_multitexture
...* using video card maximum of 4 texture units
...ignoring GL_ARB_texture_compression
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...ignoring GL_S3_s3tc
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...* Max cubemap texture size: 8192
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_env_add
...enabling GL_ARB/EXT_texture_env_combine
...GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 not found
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...enabling GL_ARB_vertex_program
...enabling GL_ARB_fragment_program
...* Max texture coordinates: 8
...* Max texture image units: 32
...ignoring GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...enabling GL_EXT_bgra
...enabling GL_EXT/SGI_compiled_vertex_array
...enabling GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
...* Max element vertices: 1048576
...* Max element indices: 1048576
...enabling GL_EXT_texture3D
...enabling GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
...enabling GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
...enabling GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
...enabling GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...enabling WGL_EXT_swap_control
Using video card maximum texture size of 8192x8192
--------- Image Initialization ---------
Texture bits: default
Loading pallete table
Creating software gamma and intensity ramps
Downloading desktop gamma ramp
...GLimp_GetGammaRamp succeeded
...using software gamma
Generating internal textures
init time: 14ms
-------- Program Initialization --------
Looking for *.vfp programs...
Looking for *.vp programs...
Looking for *.fp programs...
PROGRAMS - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
0 programs loaded in 2ms
-------- Shader Initialization ---------
...loading 'scripts/decals_gloom.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/decals_generic.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/decals_blood.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/surface_caustics.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_blaster.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_blood.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_explosion.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_fire.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_generic.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_mapfx.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_smoke.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_water.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/player_shells.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/fonts.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/screen_infrared.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/menu_cursor.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_railtrail.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/gui_mainmenu.shd' (base)
SHADERS - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
171 shaders loaded in 9ms
----- Refresh Initialized 580ms -----
------------ Sound Shutdown ------------
...releasing 0 bytes
Destroying DirectSound buffers
...setting NORMAL coop level
Releasing DirectSound object
--------- Sound Initialization ---------
Initializing DirectSound
...LoadLibrary ( "dsound.dll" )
...creating DirectSound object
Creating DirectSound buffers
...setting EXCLUSIVE coop level
...creating the primary buffer
...set primary sound format
...using secondary sound buffer
...creating secondary buffer
...locked hardware
2 channel(s)
16 bits/sample
22050 bytes/sec
init time: 118ms
--------- Input Initialization ---------
Mouse initialization
Joystick initialization
...not found -- no valid joysticks (a5)
init time: 2ms
You were kicked from the game
]condump error2
Dumped console text to ./baseq2/condumps/error2.txt.
Thank You very much for any help!!
========= Common Initialization ========
EGL v0.3.1-R1 by Echon
Compiled: Sep 14 2007 @ 19:01:37
------- Filesystem Initialization ------
FS_LoadPAK: loaded "./baseq2/pak0.pak"
FS_LoadPAK: loaded "./baseq2/pak1.pak"
FS_LoadPAK: loaded "./baseq2/pak2.pak"
FS_LoadPKZ: loaded "./baseq2/egl.pkz"
init time: 34ms
executing default.cfg
executing config.cfg
Cvar_SetVariableValue: 'vid_ref' is write protected.
executing eglcfg.cfg
executing autoexec.cfg
Winsock initialized
Hostname: deefault
IP Address:
-------- Refresh Initialization --------
QGL_Init: LoadLibrary ( "opengl32.dll" )
Setting video mode
Mode: 800 x 600 (fullscreen)
...attempting fullscreen mode
...using desktop frequency: 60
...using desktop depth: 32
...calling to ChangeDisplaySettings
...RegisterClass succeeded
...CreateWindow succeeded
OpenGL init
...GetDC succeeded
...PFD(c32 a0 z24 s8):
...not attempting to use stereo pfd
...ChoosePixelFormat succeeded
...SetPixelFormat succeeded
...hardware acceleration detected
...qwglCreateContext succeeded
...qwglMakeCurrent succeeded
GL_PFD #9: c(32-bits) a(0-bits) z(24-bit) s(8-bit)
Renderer Class: nVidia GeForce
...stencil buffer available
...enabling GL_ARB_multitexture
...* using video card maximum of 4 texture units
...ignoring GL_ARB_texture_compression
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...ignoring GL_S3_s3tc
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...* Max cubemap texture size: 8192
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_env_add
...enabling GL_ARB/EXT_texture_env_combine
...GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 not found
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...enabling GL_ARB_vertex_program
...enabling GL_ARB_fragment_program
...* Max texture coordinates: 8
...* Max texture image units: 32
...ignoring GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...enabling GL_EXT_bgra
...enabling GL_EXT/SGI_compiled_vertex_array
...enabling GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
...* Max element vertices: 1048576
...* Max element indices: 1048576
...enabling GL_EXT_texture3D
...enabling GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
...enabling GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
...enabling GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
...enabling GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...enabling WGL_EXT_swap_control
Using video card maximum texture size of 8192x8192
--------- Image Initialization ---------
Texture bits: default
Loading pallete table
Creating software gamma and intensity ramps
Downloading desktop gamma ramp
...GLimp_GetGammaRamp succeeded
...using software gamma
Generating internal textures
init time: 9ms
-------- Program Initialization --------
Looking for *.vfp programs...
Looking for *.vp programs...
Looking for *.fp programs...
PROGRAMS - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
0 programs loaded in 2ms
-------- Shader Initialization ---------
...loading 'scripts/decals_gloom.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/decals_generic.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/decals_blood.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/surface_caustics.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_blaster.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_blood.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_explosion.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_fire.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_generic.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_mapfx.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_smoke.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_water.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/player_shells.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/fonts.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/screen_infrared.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/menu_cursor.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_railtrail.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/gui_mainmenu.shd' (base)
SHADERS - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
171 shaders loaded in 10ms
----- Refresh Initialized 712ms -----
--------- Sound Initialization ---------
Initializing DirectSound
...LoadLibrary ( "dsound.dll" )
...creating DirectSound object
Creating DirectSound buffers
...setting EXCLUSIVE coop level
...creating the primary buffer
...set primary sound format
...using secondary sound buffer
...creating secondary buffer
...locked hardware
2 channel(s)
16 bits/sample
22050 bytes/sec
init time: 133ms
CDAudio_Init: No CD in player.
CD Audio Initialized
--------- Input Initialization ---------
Mouse initialization
Joystick initialization
...not found -- no valid joysticks (a5)
init time: 16ms
---------- GUI Initialization ----------
...loading 'guis/mainmenu.gui'
GUI - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
1 GUIs loaded in 4ms
COMMON - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
====== Common Initialized 1144ms =====
Connecting to challenge client_connect
Loading and initializing the anticheat module, please wait.
------------ Sound Shutdown ------------
...releasing 0 bytes
Destroying DirectSound buffers
...setting NORMAL coop level
...stopping and releasing sound buffer
...releasing primary buffer
Releasing DirectSound object
--------- Sound Initialization ---------
Initializing DirectSound
...LoadLibrary ( "dsound.dll" )
...creating DirectSound object
Creating DirectSound buffers
...setting EXCLUSIVE coop level
...creating the primary buffer
...set primary sound format
...using secondary sound buffer
...creating secondary buffer
...locked hardware
2 channel(s)
16 bits/sample
22050 bytes/sec
init time: 55ms
sounds released: 0
----------- Refresh Shutdown -----------
Font system shutdown:
...releasing 0 bytes...
Shader system shutdown:
...releasing 147808 bytes...
Program system shutdown:
...releasing 0 bytes...
Image system shutdown:
...releasing 1052576 bytes...
Model system shutdown:
...releasing 0 bytes...
OpenGL shutdown:
...qwglMakeCurrent(0, 0) succeeded
...context deletion succeeded
...hDC release succeeded
...destroying the window
...resetting display settings
-------- Refresh Initialization --------
QGL_Init: LoadLibrary ( "opengl32.dll" )
Setting video mode
Mode: 800 x 600 (fullscreen)
...attempting fullscreen mode
...using desktop frequency: 60
...using desktop depth: 32
...calling to ChangeDisplaySettings
...CreateWindow succeeded
OpenGL init
...GetDC succeeded
...PFD(c32 a0 z24 s8):
...not attempting to use stereo pfd
...ChoosePixelFormat succeeded
...SetPixelFormat succeeded
...hardware acceleration detected
...qwglCreateContext succeeded
...qwglMakeCurrent succeeded
GL_PFD #9: c(32-bits) a(0-bits) z(24-bit) s(8-bit)
Renderer Class: nVidia GeForce
...stencil buffer available
...enabling GL_ARB_multitexture
...* using video card maximum of 4 texture units
...ignoring GL_ARB_texture_compression
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...ignoring GL_S3_s3tc
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...* Max cubemap texture size: 8192
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_env_add
...enabling GL_ARB/EXT_texture_env_combine
...GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 not found
...enabling GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...enabling GL_ARB_vertex_program
...enabling GL_ARB_fragment_program
...* Max texture coordinates: 8
...* Max texture image units: 32
...ignoring GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...enabling GL_EXT_bgra
...enabling GL_EXT/SGI_compiled_vertex_array
...enabling GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
...* Max element vertices: 1048576
...* Max element indices: 1048576
...enabling GL_EXT_texture3D
...enabling GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
...ignoring GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
...enabling GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
...enabling GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
...enabling GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...enabling WGL_EXT_swap_control
Using video card maximum texture size of 8192x8192
--------- Image Initialization ---------
Texture bits: default
Loading pallete table
Creating software gamma and intensity ramps
Downloading desktop gamma ramp
...GLimp_GetGammaRamp succeeded
...using software gamma
Generating internal textures
init time: 14ms
-------- Program Initialization --------
Looking for *.vfp programs...
Looking for *.vp programs...
Looking for *.fp programs...
PROGRAMS - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
0 programs loaded in 2ms
-------- Shader Initialization ---------
...loading 'scripts/decals_gloom.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/decals_generic.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/decals_blood.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/surface_caustics.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_blaster.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_blood.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_explosion.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_fire.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_generic.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_mapfx.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_smoke.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_water.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/player_shells.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/fonts.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/screen_infrared.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/menu_cursor.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/particles_railtrail.shd' (base)
...loading 'scripts/gui_mainmenu.shd' (base)
SHADERS - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
171 shaders loaded in 9ms
----- Refresh Initialized 580ms -----
------------ Sound Shutdown ------------
...releasing 0 bytes
Destroying DirectSound buffers
...setting NORMAL coop level
Releasing DirectSound object
--------- Sound Initialization ---------
Initializing DirectSound
...LoadLibrary ( "dsound.dll" )
...creating DirectSound object
Creating DirectSound buffers
...setting EXCLUSIVE coop level
...creating the primary buffer
...set primary sound format
...using secondary sound buffer
...creating secondary buffer
...locked hardware
2 channel(s)
16 bits/sample
22050 bytes/sec
init time: 118ms
--------- Input Initialization ---------
Mouse initialization
Joystick initialization
...not found -- no valid joysticks (a5)
init time: 2ms
You were kicked from the game
]condump error2
Dumped console text to ./baseq2/condumps/error2.txt.
Thank You very much for any help!!