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Messages - NolimitKEA

Pages: [1]
/dev/random / Mirc ETG April Fools Joke
« on: April 02, 2008, 10:57:27 AM »
Well yesterday i was bored and had no where to go and was sitting in my poker teams channel on ETG. I got the bright idea to request a channel as an april fools joke on #etg. lol so i had my friend, NCBLUEZ come along in case i got banned to explain it was a joke and to witness the prank...THEY were really getting upset towards the end, well Tangent was, think i was freaken him out a bit...but it was hilarious and i wanted to share it with you. :)

I entered #etg under the alias DCS :)

18:09…DCS: Any ops around
18:09…DCS: i'd like to reg a channel
18:09…DCS: please

18:10…TangentCollision: DCS, you may wish to state the channel name and purpose to help out the admins/helpers

18:11…DCS: the channel is #dogsex for the purpose of a community of beastialitists to chat and discuss experiences
18:11…DCS: dont laugh

18:12…TangentCollision: you could've just said "it's a private channel"

18:12…DCS: lol
18:12…DCS: well i didnt kno

18:12…TangentCollision: but I'm sure it'll be handled soon

18:12…ncbluez: lmao

18:12…DCS: ok

18:12…ncbluez: now we all know what you are about DCS

18:13…DCS: hey! its like a religion!

18:13…DCS: everyone got their own tastes

18:14…ncbluez: not gonna describe those tastes are ya ?

18:15…DCS: no...its private
18:15…DCS: are you mocking me?
18:15…DCS: for being a beastialitist?

18:16…TangentCollision: please
18:16…TangentCollision: don't
18:16…TangentCollision: go about this shit in here

18:16…DCS: lol
18:16…DCS: ok ok
18:16…DCS: tangent?

18:16…TangentCollision: take it to pms or get off the server

18:16…DCS is now known as Nolimit{KeA}

18:16…ncbluez: yeah, talk dirty to me in private DCS

18:16…TangentCollision: omg

18:16…Nolimit{KeA}: tangent, u were a good sport

18:16…TangentCollision: Nolimit, damn you

18:16…Nolimit{KeA}: lol april fools

18:16…ncbluez: haha

18:16…TangentCollision: you ....ball xD

18:16…Nolimit{KeA}: omg that was priceless tho

18:17…ncbluez: I think you all should register a damn dogsex channel to him now

18:17…Nolimit{KeA}: i even set a topic in #dogsex just in case someone looked

18:17…TangentCollision: lol

18:17…@PennStater: ;O

18:17…TangentCollision: I think I deserve to be a helper for that

18:17…@PennStater: you had me goin there, Nolimit{KeA} ;P

18:17…Nolimit{KeA}: lol

18:17…@PennStater: I was sitting here like "okay how should I respond to this"
18:17…@PennStater: lol

18:17…Nolimit{KeA}: lmfao

18:17…ncbluez: haha

18:17…Nolimit{KeA}: was a good one, did i really sound believable?

18:17…ncbluez: and he brought me in for backup in case u banned him

18:17…TangentCollision: I handled it okay ;D

18:17…Nolimit{KeA}: lol thats hilarious

18:17…@PennStater: I believed you

18:18…ncbluez: lol

18:18…Nolimit{KeA}: lmfao

18:18…@PennStater: hey, I've seen some crazy channel requests in my day

18:18…TangentCollision: shit happens

18:18…@PennStater: I would believe it if you were serious

18:18…LaG|I2ed3ye: :o

Quake / Re: Mute reverse possible?
« on: January 13, 2008, 05:16:26 PM »
Quote from: X'tyfe on January 13, 2008, 03:18:19 PM
Quote from: X'tyfe on January 13, 2008, 03:18:19 PM
why you would want such a person in your clan is beyond me
but if you can keep a muzzle on him, i see no problem :)

it's called starving for talent

oh give me a break, trying to keep quake2 alive is one thing, starving for talent is another, kea wins some and loses some, were not there to win, were there to play, make friends, support other clans, and enjoy the game! i talked to the guy, he's a good guy, bad rep. we're gonna change that, given the chance to prove himself i dont see a problem wit having him in KEA.

Quake / Re: Mute reverse possible?
« on: January 13, 2008, 03:00:02 PM »
he wont be spamming so much nonsence and negativity if he is KeA i can guarentee that, if there are any issues he's booted right back off ts and outta kea, thats wht i'm suggesting

Quake / Re: Mute reverse possible?
« on: January 13, 2008, 08:35:33 AM »
 lol yea i agree, said it had to do with his binds, but i'm not sure if he's tellen me the truth, i'm here trying to get that same answer, :)

Quake / Mute reverse possible?
« on: January 13, 2008, 08:26:09 AM »
So, i met this guy while back, been playen with him, seems nice and calm, and has a hell of a rail i get to talken, ask him bout bein in a clan, he says not in one, i'm like ur too good to not be in one, he laughs and starts tellen me bout prior clans years ago he was in, he's an older gentalman, probably 40 or more, i actually picture the guy in his 50's lol, but anyhow, Clan KEA frequents the Tasty Servers, this is our home, our friends...but this guy, went by the name RailGuard on tastyspleen servers, i met him using the name Bunker...said he has been muted for a long time over at the TS servers, turns out an admin didnt like his binds, said nothing bad but annoying i guess, and muted him, he never got it back, i'm here asking what it would take to remove the mute, we'd love to have this guy join KEA but he has said he'd love to, but we'd need this reversed as KEA plays scrimmages, dm, railz, and team insta on the TS servers, i as a captain of KeA would be happy to step up and make sure this guy acts like a clansman, and not like a jackass, if there are any problems i'd ask that ts contact me and he'd be removed from kea~ what will it take to get this done, please dont ask for my soul as i've allready sold it  :( lol

Nolimit KEA

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