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Messages - AlexMax

Pages: [1]
I noticed this server a while ago when playing some QW for old times sake.  Nice work, and thanks.

Any idea when the Duel/Teamplay server is coming?  Too many KTPro servers running around here in the US. :)

2 / Re: The Warsow Server thread (
« on: March 11, 2008, 05:29:19 PM »
Are you guys have any trouble with 0.42?  According to HLSW, is still running 0.41.

3 / Re: The Warsow Server thread (
« on: February 28, 2008, 02:47:00 PM »
Choo choo, 0.42 coming through.  This fixes the notorious "challenge queue takes forever" bug, so if you disabled it in your config, it would probably be a good idea to re-enable it.  Also, this new version introduces the concept of 'operators'.  You set a central 'op password' and anyone with that password can elevate themselves to op status, which gives them the ability to call any vote and have it instantly pass.  This might be useful if you are in contact with any of the 'regulars' of the server and trust them with op privileges, since the ability to vote a player to be temporary kickbanned was added in 0.41, which an op can obviously use indiscriminately.

This is probably (knock on wood) the last minor for the 0.4x series unless we find something obscenely game breaking.

Get it while it's hot!
Get it while it's hot!

Thanks again for your generosity. :D

Also posted on the TS downloads page under mods/warsow

If you end up hosting Warsow 0.42, would you mind if the adds you as a hotlinked mirror on their downloads page?

4 / Re: The Warsow Server thread (
« on: February 10, 2008, 08:37:13 AM »
Warsow 0.41 is out, get it from the link right around here while it's hot!

Thanks in advance!


5 / Re: The Warsow Server thread (
« on: January 17, 2008, 02:08:40 PM »
Hi there tastyspleeners.  Thanks for your continued support for North American Warsow by keeping the server up.  I just wanted to let you know that Warsow 0.4 is coming out on Saturday, January 19th, 2008 at 8:00PM UTC+1 (which translates to around 2:00PM EST)

When updating the server, it would probably be a good idea to do a fresh install with only the pk3's supplied with the game.  In particular, I would recommend against installing any custom maps until people figure out which customs still look okay in 0.4.  Please let me know if you run into any bugs or have any trouble with the server package.

Thanks again, and WARCHOO!!!

6 / Re: The Warsow Server thread (
« on: September 22, 2007, 07:22:18 AM »
I'm getting a 'pure check failed' when attempting to connect to your server.  I beleive this is due to the fact that you might still be running 0.31.  The most recent release of Warsow is 0.32, and this is most likely going to be the final release in the 0.3x series, and should set you straight for a good while.

Downloads are avalible here

Please disable battleeye if you have it enabled in your configuration.  Battleeye is now non-existant due to $able getting a new job implementing cheat protection in commercial software.

Thank you for keeping the server up.   :righteous:

7 / Re: Please update your Warsow server.
« on: April 18, 2007, 12:55:27 PM »

8 / Re: Please update your Warsow server.
« on: April 16, 2007, 03:40:21 PM »
that didn't really help :/.  I suppose I'll file a bug report with the devs in hopes that it can get fixed.

Anyway, so this isn't totally useless, here's some more stuff:

First feedback.  I had a bunch of people on two nights ago or so, should be easy to tell when we were on due to the server activity.  Anyway, when there were like 9 or 10 people on, the server started lagging everyone to heck and back, and when we migrated over to another server with, the lag was not present.  Problem on your end that you knew about, or should I look for stuff you can fiddle around with?

Second, the custom maps.  Two particular TDM maps have everged as being popular maps to TDM on.




Could you please add those two maps?

Thanks a million mate.  =)

9 / Re: Please update your Warsow server.
« on: April 14, 2007, 11:40:20 PM »

Thank you so so so so so much for this server, it's been an awesome addition to the budding NA scene.

However, there is something very odd about one thing in particular, that thing being serverside demo recording.  Warsow records every single match that is played on your server, and players can download them by typing in demolist in the cnsole to see the matches themselves, then demoget n to get one.

However, I'm noticing a very odd thing.  The demos only go up to march 31st, and nothing after that seems to have a record.  Please investigate what's going on, because I'm not 100% sure about what's happening.  If it's an issue of disk space, perhaps run a cron job that deletes demos older than 14 days?

10 / Re: Please update your Warsow server.
« on: March 10, 2007, 09:20:37 PM »
Just so you know, the name of your server is "warsow server".  If you want it something slightly more awesome, change sv_hostname in your config file.  Also, using various combinations of the "^" symbol and numbers can make colored text, (^1 makes all text after it red, ^2 is green, ^3 is yellow, ^4 is blue, ^5 is cyan, ^6 is blue, ^7 is white, ^8 is orange, ^9 is grey). 

Also, you seem to still be running wtest3.  That's a 0.1 map that shouldn't be run anymore.  In the future, when you upgrade, make sure that the new version's pakfiles get precidence over the old versions, because there might be adjustments made to levels. (like the changes to wdm1 between 0.072 and 0.1).

But as you can see, your server is being used.  Thanks again.

11 / Re: Please update your Warsow server.
« on: March 08, 2007, 08:03:28 AM »
Just so you know, people appear to be connecting to your server sucessfully.

12 / The Warsow Server thread (
« on: March 02, 2007, 11:16:59 AM »
Hi, I was browsing Warsow servers in HLSW, and I decided to sort them by version, and it turns out that a lot of people are still running very outdated versions of warsow, your server included.

Please update your warsow server version from 0.1 to 0.21.

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